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Ex-U.S. Attorney Bharara tells of “unusual” calls he received from Trump

3 hours ago

WASHINGTON,  (Reuters) – Former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara revealed today that he received a handful of “unusual” phone calls from Donald Trump after the November election that made him feel uncomfortable, and said he was fired after declining to take the third call.

Speaking on ABC News’ “This Week” in his first televised interview since Trump fired him in March as the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, Bharara said he believed Trump’s calls to him violated the usual boundaries between the executive branch and independent criminal investigators.

“It’s a very weird and peculiar thing for a one-on-one conversation without the attorney general, without warning between the president and me or any United States attorney who has been asked to investigate various things and is in a position hypothetically to investigate business interests and associates of the president,” Bharara said.

He added that during President Barack Obama’s tenure, Obama never called him directly.

Bharara’s comments came just a few days after former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey testified at a congressional panel that Trump had asked him to drop an investigation into former Trump aide Michael Flynn and his alleged ties to Russia.

Former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara

Comey also said he believed he was subsequently fired in an effort to undermine the investigation into possible collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.

Trump has denied allegations of collusion between his campaign and Russia and said he never directed Comey to drop the Flynn probe.

A White House spokeswoman could not immediately be reached for comment.

Bharara said today that Trump called him twice after the November election “ostensibly just to shoot the breeze.”

“It was a little bit uncomfortable, but he was not the president. He was only the president-elect,” Bharara said.

The third call, however, came two days after Trump’s inauguration. That time, he said, he refused to call back.

“The call came in. I got a message. We deliberated over it, thought it was inappropriate to return the call. And 22 hours later I was asked to resign along with 45 other people,” he said.

Bharara stopped short of saying whether he thought Trump had obstructed justice in his conversations and subsequent firing of Comey.

However, he said he thought there was “absolutely evidence to begin a case” into the matter.

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Tola posted:

Lies, lies my friend, they are all lies.

Not only Trump said so, it was also Jim Jones and a thousand people died. What could Trump do with the launch codes ?

That's a dangerous thought.


I think it was Chief who posted an article on this Indian some months, before Trump's election.

I read with interests. 

I gather from the article, this chap was on a blazing trail. Too ambitious, not fearing the people who he was going to take down were established New Yorkers with strong connections to people in high places. Even though they were crookss, wealthy white people have their clique.

I think he was gloating, lack of vanity. I knew he was going to go down. In the USA, he is finished. Let him keep siding the wrong side on Trump, he will have to go back to India.

I noticed Zakaria changed his tune. I guess he realized his dam place in America. CNN will not cover his azz when the time comes for his canning.

 Trump ain get started yet. Before it was McCarthyism, now it is Trumpism. People doan realize Trump's strategy.

He is going to get the people to right the justice system and rid the country of Fake News.

Impeahment! I thougth his son-in-law would get him into trouble for that to happen.

Last edited by seignet

While Donald Trump has the absolute right to fire Preet Bharara or others; whether they have or have not done anything to warrant such action; Preet Bharara has revealed troubling issues/actions on Donald Trump.


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