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Former Member

Former President Barack Obama on Tuesday criticized President Donald Trump's decision to exit the Iran deal, a pillar of Obama's legacy on foreign policy.

"Indeed, at a time when we are all rooting for diplomacy with North Korea to succeed, walking away from the JCPOA risks losing a deal that accomplishes -- with Iran -- the very outcome that we are pursuing with the North Koreans," Obama said in a statement. "That is why today's announcement is so misguided."

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President Trump is being very nice to Obama up to now. Obama should just let this President do his job and let the people decide at the Ballot in 2020.

Obama had a failed foreign policy and it is time that America chart a new course. The Rocket man got scared and shut up and Iran will also have to follow that path.

Economic sanctions will hurt Iran and they will eventually yield to economic pressure.

Money Talks and BS Walks.

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

Indeed, Iran gets a free ride on the nuclear deal while working against U.S. interest in the ME. Trump made a very bold move despite some U.S. allies were not too thrilled. Some Arab nations including Saudi Arabia joined with Isreal to praise Trump.

I’m not judging whether it’s good or bad.  However, regardless a former president should refrain from intervening in a current president’s actions, especially foreign policy.  

The actions of Trump was actually benign.  He will not scrap the deal, he wants a few modifications and will declare victory and check his election promises box.

Riff posted:
Prince posted:

Indeed, Iran gets a free ride on the nuclear deal while working against U.S. interest in the ME. Trump made a very bold move despite some U.S. allies were not too thrilled. Some Arab nations including Saudi Arabia joined with Isreal to praise Trump.

Saudis don't like Iran

Israel will always WIN. Asses fighting each other!! It is a sick in the ME!!!


At the same time Trump needs to shut his stupid gob and not blame Obama for every problem in the world. It works both ways. Trump is just a racist demagogue trying to erase the legacy and all the accomplishments of the black man from history. Obama is within his rights to defend himself from that orange buffoon. There is no need to revoke the Iran deal because the alternatives will be a lot worse. Trump probably didn’t learn from the stupidity of Bush and the mess that he created with Iraq. We are still suffering from Bush’s reckless actions.

Last edited by Mars

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