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Reduction in crimes over last week – Minister Ramjattan updates Cabinet


Georgetown, GINA, February 3, 2016


Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan has reported to Cabinet that there was a reduction in reported crimes over the last week.  This was reported to the media today, by Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman at a post-Cabinet media briefing.

The reported period covered January 23 to 29; the Minister said and was a “snapshot” for the period.


There were 27 reported serious crimes and

21 road accidents with no fatalities.

A total of 402 kilogrammes (kg) and 491 grams of cannabis was seized and 10 persons charged.

A total of 737 kg of cocaine was also seized with four persons charged with possession of the illegal substance.

Four thousand (4,000) cannabis plants were destroyed along with 45 kg of dried cannabis in the backlands of West Coast Demerara.

Sixty-three (63) kg of cocaine was also intercepted and seized by the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit.


It was reported to Cabinet that increased response times by the Guyana Police Force and their arrival at crime scenes, resulted in the police being able to effect several arrests very soon after the criminal activities were committed. These interventions have resulted in a very positive impact on “community/police relationships”, Minister Trotman explained.



The security briefings are given to the National Security Committee headed by President David Granger every Tuesday, prior to Cabinet meetings. The National Security Committee also comprises the Prime Minister, the Minister of Public Security and the Minister of State. Weekly meetings are conducted with the heads of the various joint services and security agencies.

The Guyana Police Force and other Joint Services are currently conducting ‘Operation Dragnet’. The exercise commenced on December 1 and will conclude on June 1, 2016. The exercise was initiated following a security briefing to Cabinet by Minister Ramjattan, following instructions from President Granger in light of various security threats.

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GRA seizes $20M in chicken, other goods in smuggling crackdown

February 4, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

The Law Enforcement and Investigation Division (LEID) of the Guyana Revenue Authority

Some of the seized items and chicken.

Some of the seized items and chicken.

(GRA) has been relentless in its pursuit of smugglers.
According to GRA yesterday, acting on information received and with the use of coordinated patrols, LEID has for the month of January 2016, had reason to seize a large quantity of un-customed goods with a revenue value of almost $20M.
The division also detained a number of vehicles which were used to transport the seized items.
According to GRA, the countrywide enforcement campaign has netted a quantity of frequently smuggled items with the most notable items being foreign chicken and mosquito coils which have not been approved for use in Guyana.
“For a number of these offences, the offenders have been identified for the first time. However, in some cases it has been noted that the perpetrators are repeat offenders, in which case the penalties are levied as payment triple the value of the duties.”
GRA noted yesterday that it is important to note that the cross-border trade has been reduced due to the establishment of in-transit bonds in Suriname.
“This has resulted in the need for importers to containerize cargo, which gives more control as it relates to the importation of goods. The Law Enforcement and Investigation Division will continue to work with the Task Force on Fuel Smuggling and Contraband in ensuring that the issue of smuggling is effectively addressed.”
The authority warned that it will continue to put systems in place to ensure its enforcement activities are enhanced.
“The effectiveness of this, however, is dependent on cooperation from the public as it relates to sharing information on incidents of corruption and illegal activities that are geared at depriving the state of revenue or results in unfair competition with the local manufacturing sector and legitimate importers. As such, persons with information can utilize various methods of providing information to the GRA.”


Sattar & Jagdeo Gone.......

GRA now wuking


This is correct, you feel more secure now than the previous government, blacks has more respectful towards  Indians. The reasons...

1. More blacks are in public service than Indians and the previous government was not given support. 

2. Certain Minister and their cronies were only interested in filling their pockets and were thieving for their great great grand kids , so they were not focusing on development of the country. 

3. Georgetown is clean and beautiful now... why it couldn't be done before????

4. People don't throw their Styro foam boxes out their vehicles after eating. Their is campaign in the school, educating kids about responsibility. 

5. School sports has started back, where in the old days, schools will be playing against school then it will be region  against region . 

In the PPP dominated areas, their groups are not functioning. It will take decades for the PPP to rebuild but I think it's the end of them.  

There was massive corruption by INDIANS and BLACKS.  

Indians put the money in good use, hence all the big mansion and fancy cars. 

Blacks spend it out, there is nothing to show. 

When the Blacks take 100 G in bribes , Indians want 200 G. 

Blacks cannot manage a business, they are good in the public services. 

The previous government help their own friends and family and under value the prices on goods, as low as $1. For energy drinks . Smuggling is increasing rapidly. 

Our business suffer a lost of app $80 Millions G in milk powder. We had to drop our prices to match the illegal importation and the under value from some importers. 

Everyone fear Granger because he is a no nonsense person. However, he is a racist. Harmon and Throtman control and run things. 

Ramjattan and Moses is nothing, they don't give a dam. They are set for life. 

Indians are been replace by blacks in certain position, but keep in mind some of these Indians were Jagdeo cronies. 

The unanswered question is why not replace them by another Indian. 


Ian...where you get that piece of info,looks like things are improving.

What are they using powdered milk,is it for Ice Cream? What happened to fresh milk,in the country side we always get fresh milk daily,my parents always have few cows.


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