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caribny posted:

And when the PPP was in power and only one group was considered competent enough to get lucrative jobs you had NOTHING to say.

I laugh at your screams because they stink of hypocrisy.  Indians in Guyana aren't starving so quit your wails.

Just wondering...why is Harmon's pix on the wall next to Granger and Nagamootoo? Is he considered as having equal in power and status?

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:

And when the PPP was in power and only one group was considered competent enough to get lucrative jobs you had NOTHING to say.

I laugh at your screams because they stink of hypocrisy.  Indians in Guyana aren't starving so quit your wails.

Just wondering...why is Harmon's pix on the wall next to Granger and Nagamootoo? Is he considered as having equal in power and status?

Hurman is more powerful than the racist Granger.


This is not the time to feel pity for Indians. What you see is the reality of life in Guyana under governments that relied on racial voting base to win elections. PPP and PNC are equal in this regard. It doesn't matter who wins, one side will be unhappy. We have some confounded fools on GNI that refused to comprehend the scriptures of life between PPP coolie and PNC black.

The table turn. This remind me of a song...Ban Karaila, murhar sawaleya. When Blackman cook ee poke and plantain, coolie ah garbahai. When coolie cook ee dhall baath, Bkackman ah carbarie. Ban karaila. .......

cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

Is that a Picture from an African Nation ?

Remember, Guyana only has 28 Percent Blacks. Granger's slip is showing.

Yo rass never saw pics of BJ and his band of merry porters nuh?

I would like to see one Buck and one Putagee to make Guyana look like a united nation that graze on grass together. Lol

yuji22 posted:

Is that a Picture from an African Nation ?

Remember, Guyana only has 28 Percent Blacks. Granger's slip is showing.

Guyana has over 40% of the population with varying degrees of African ancestry.  Most mixed people are part black and most vote in the same way as blacks do.

If Granger behaves like Jagdeo in favoring one ethnic group, in his case blacks, in Jagdeo's Indians, then why your screams? 

You wailed and boasted about Indian domination during the PPP era and screamed that blacks would be totally excluded forever from leadership roles.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Is that a Picture from an African Nation ?

Remember, Guyana only has 28 Percent Blacks. Granger's slip is showing.

Guyana has over 40% of the population with varying degrees of African ancestry.  Most mixed people are part black and most vote in the same way as blacks do.

If Granger behaves like Jagdeo in favoring one ethnic group, in his case blacks, in Jagdeo's Indians, then why your screams? 

You wailed and boasted about Indian domination during the PPP era and screamed that blacks would be totally excluded forever from leadership roles.

And over 60% Indian or varying degrees of Indian.  More duglas that you think side with PPP or their Indian side, especially those with coolie daddy.

Nehru posted:

Vish and Yuji, I hope and pray that this does not surprise you Guys. This is basic PNC RACISM and BULLYISM. Those creatures  are from a different planet. Dogs are better to have than them!!!

Burnhamism all over. History repeating itself. Burnham tried to make the blacks self-sufficient. However, the blacks thought that Forbes will live forever and they have nothing to worry about. That experiment failed.

yuji22 posted:

Is that a Picture from an African Nation ?

Remember, Guyana only has 28 Percent Blacks. Granger's slip is showing.

Guyana is a tit for tat zero sum country.  Even oil will not rescue Guyana.  From how it appears, Exxon already screwed the country over!

When the PPP was in charge, faces were unashamedly Indian, now PNC days here again.  

Im sure they know how it appears optically, but neither care!

Baseman posted:

And over 60% Indian or varying degrees of Indian.  More duglas that you think side with PPP or their Indian side, especially those with coolie daddy.

The Indo voting age population is probably around 45%.  The African+mixed voting age population is slightly more.  Mixed voting patterns are very similar to those of blacks.

Your point?

skeldon_man posted:

Burnhamism all over. History repeating itself. Burnham tried to make the blacks self-sufficient.

You seem to be a loyal YSM thug and so believe Burnham's propaganda. Burnham wanted blacks to be dependent on the PNC and he laughed at this dependency.  If Burnham wanted blacks to be independent he would have encouraged the development of an independent business class. instead he offered patronage jobs.

Afro Caribbean people are highly individualistic and do NOT have an interest in working cooperatively and he is fully aware of this.  The Coop nonsense was an excuse to concentrate the economy around state control.

In fact the black village economies completely collapsed during the Burnham era!  Burnham REFUSED to settle the issue of land tenure or put in place measures for these villages to expand their commercial lands by offering properly drained acreages. I recall Hopetown and other black villages in West Berbice UNDER WATER!

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