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"Not only the WPVP but also prominent pro-Maoist elements in the Ratoon Group attacked us for taking part in the 1968 and 1973 elections. We were deemed non-revolutionary; the masses were told that we were propping up the PNC government. Not armed with the correct theory of revolution and demonstrating petty-bourgeois impatience, they spoke of making revolution when there was obviously no revolutionary situation".


"Since the victory of the Great October Revolution in 1917, socialism has become increasingly a world system exercising a new and decisive influence for progressive change. It has demonstrated, in moral and material terms, its superiority over capitalism and its ability to hold the imagination of people and to inspire their day to day activities; it has forged bonds of brotherhood, mutual trust, and respect and sown the seeds of progress as no other value system has done in the history of the world. In the land of Lenin, perfectly in accordance with the vision of the founders of the Soviet Union, prices are stable while incomes are rising; education and medical services are free, rent amounts to about 5 percent of the worker’s wage, there is no unemployment, there is security in old age and hope for the youth. Today more than one-fifth of all goods manufactured in the world come from the Soviet Union. Industrial output has shown rapid advance, bearing in mind the destruction wrought during the war against fascism and the consequential distortion of the Soviet economy. In 1929, output by the USSR and the USA was of the ratio 5:100; in 1950, the ratio was 28:100 and in 1975 it was 80:100. The Soviet Union now ranks first in the world in production of steel. We proudly hail the land of Lenin. Marxism-Leninism is invincible".



Which American leader will ever allow a leader who believes in this to come to power in the cold war?

Last edited by Prashad

Quote of the day from this "strategic" thinker

"Both India and China achieved independence at about the same time. Both started out with about the same level of technical skill. The population explosion in both countries is about the same. In terms of geography and size of population, both are huge. Yet India is today on the verge of starvation and bankruptcy; hundreds of thousands of people will die from hunger."



This quote probably made Indira Gandhi fart.


What this "Strategic" thinker forgot to tell the people is that India is a democracy and that China's "Great leap forward" and "Cultural revolution" killed millions upon millions of China Chinamen and women.

Last edited by Prashad

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