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Originally Posted by caribny:

Put it this way my predictions, backed by facts led to a conclusion that was way more accurate than your predictions of a 60% victory, and Region 10 going to the PPP.



* How many times must I tell you that I started posting on GNI in January 2012 ? So stop manufacturing that 60% prediction from me.


* Anyway, I did expect a PPP majority back in 2011.


* The great news for the PPP is Ramotar is the incumbent----and incumbency will add at least 2% to the 48.6% the PPP received in 2011.




* The probability favors the PPP winning the next election by a majority.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Put it this way my predictions, backed by facts led to a conclusion that was way more accurate than your predictions of a 60% victory, and Region 10 going to the PPP.



* How many times must I tell you that I started posting on GNI in January 2012 ? So stop manufacturing that 60% prediction from me.


* Anyway, I did expect a PPP majority back in 2011.


* The great news for the PPP is Ramotar is the incumbent----and incumbency will add at least 2% to the 48.6% the PPP received in 2011.




* The probability favors the PPP winning the next election by a majority.



the ppp is the best thief maybe this is  how they  can win the next election,otherwise it more easy for rohee to get a brain than the ppp to win 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* You are expected to show up in social and do what you do best---cuss and insult and show your fellow posters how "socially maladjusted" you are. Please don't dsiappoint.



get your mother ***** into social

Warria, cool it brother. No need to go that route. Let's be civil.

just dont want to disappoint the man

Originally Posted by baseman:

PNC talk a good game.  When they get power, they will make few cosmetic change but ensure they would hold onto power by the hook or crook.  The PNC fool the feeble-minded.

Who is it that the PPP were fooling; strong minded imbeciles like you and the Rev? Their ostensive aims were to transition us into a full fledged democracy. To this point they maintained and strengthen an autocracy where the set out to meticulously pillage the state assets and fill their pockets.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev last time I forecasted the PPP at 49% and you know what they got.


This time my forecast is 42-45%. 

* Your past performance---correctly calling the PPP 49%---does not guarantee your next prediction(42-45%) will be correct.



Past predictive accuracy by any is not an indicator of accuracy of present projections. They are however evidence of competency at predicting hence credibility that their offering is expected to be better than those who flopped badly with their projections, for example, those like yourself.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev last time I forecasted the PPP at 49% and you know what they got.


This time my forecast is 42-45%. 

* Your past performance---correctly calling the PPP 49%---does not guarantee your next prediction(42-45%) will be correct.



Past predictive accuracy by any is not an indicator of accuracy of present projections. They are however evidence of competency at predicting hence credibility that their offering is expected to be better than those who flopped badly with their projections, for example, those like yourself.

the ppp low life on this forum is living in their own denial,the ppp was losing vote in very election after taking the indian people for granted and these fool still shouting the ppp will get 51% 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.


In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Many changes to the constitution created during Forbes Burnham's administration need the approval of, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Is the PNC indicating that it will win more than two thirds of the MPs at the next election, or possible secure about seventy five percent of the MPs that Forbes Burnham "obtained" during his administration?

QUOTE: "The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness."


APNU doesn't have to win two-thirds. If APNU gets in power the PPP will be in the opposition. In that scenario, it will be in the Opposition PPP's interest to want constitutional change.

So that, if APNU keeps Greenidge's word and initiates constitutional amendments, the PPP will most likely vote in support, as will the AFC.

PNC took no initiatives after the 1992 elections for the changes they are now hinting in 2014?


Perhaps, changes can only be made when the PNC is in absolute power.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP will come in at 55%

* The PPP will be satisfied with anything in the 50s.---50.1% - 59.9%



  The PPP won 49%.  Since then PPP supporters in Essequibo are rioting against them.  PPP supporters in Berbice register their frustration by fleeing that region.


And you cannot prove that black and mixed voters don't remain almost unanimously against the PPP.


Not to forget, the PPP Indo voting bloc is dwindling head by head as indicated by the latest census.

The latest census gave general numbers on the population and it has absolutely nothing to do with voters' preferences.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

After 92 Jagan was specifically asked by Yesu Persaud and civil society to change the Burnham constitution what was his answer, tell me what was his answer and stop being disingenuous.


Jagan BTW did change the constitution to demand pre election coalitions so enough with your bullshit. Come better next time.

The specific changes to the constitution requires, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Indeed, certain minor changes to the constitution simply requires a majority.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

After 92 Jagan was specifically asked by Yesu Persaud and civil society to change the Burnham constitution what was his answer, tell me what was his answer and stop being disingenuous.


Jagan BTW did change the constitution to demand pre election coalitions so enough with your bullshit. Come better next time.

The specific changes to the constitution requires, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Indeed, certain minor changes to the constitution simply requires a majority.

And your point is?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.


In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Many changes to the constitution created during Forbes Burnham's administration need the approval of, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Is the PNC indicating that it will win more than two thirds of the MPs at the next election, or possible secure about seventy five percent of the MPs that Forbes Burnham "obtained" during his administration?

QUOTE: "The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness."


APNU doesn't have to win two-thirds. If APNU gets in power the PPP will be in the opposition. In that scenario, it will be in the Opposition PPP's interest to want constitutional change.

So that, if APNU keeps Greenidge's word and initiates constitutional amendments, the PPP will most likely vote in support, as will the AFC.

PNC took no initiatives after the 1992 elections for the changes they are now hinting in 2014?


D_G, after the 1992 elections, the PNC as an opposition party with less parliamentary seats than the PPP could not take such an initiative. The victorious PPP was happy with the Burnham constitution. If you have the time to quibble about that too, go ahead.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.


In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Many changes to the constitution created during Forbes Burnham's administration need the approval of, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Is the PNC indicating that it will win more than two thirds of the MPs at the next election, or possible secure about seventy five percent of the MPs that Forbes Burnham "obtained" during his administration?

QUOTE: "The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness."


APNU doesn't have to win two-thirds. If APNU gets in power the PPP will be in the opposition. In that scenario, it will be in the Opposition PPP's interest to want constitutional change.

So that, if APNU keeps Greenidge's word and initiates constitutional amendments, the PPP will most likely vote in support, as will the AFC.

PNC took no initiatives after the 1992 elections for the changes they are now hinting in 2014?

D_G, after the 1992 elections, the PNC as an opposition party with less parliamentary seats than the PPP could not take such an initiative. The victorious PPP was happy with the Burnham constitution. If you have the time to quibble about that too, go ahead.

Again ... it requires, at least, two thirds of the MPs to make those changes.


The PPP/C never had the two thirds majority in parliament.


However, those issues that need changes/amendments were placed in the constitution when Forbes Burnham "won/secured" more than two thirds of the MPs in parliament as its members.


PNC had all the time, before and after the 1992 elections, to make those needed changes ... and to date they have not done anything.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I have researched and researched DG and I am unable to find where changes can be made to the Guyana constitution without 2/3rd's vote from MP's in parliament so I am appealing to you to share this information here so all can read and be enlightened not just me.

Again, do your research, in particular, with the Constitution.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
. . . PNC had all the time, before and after the 1992 elections, to make those needed changes ... and to date they have not done anything.

stunning and penetrating ignorance from the diapered senile


Robb Street PPP gangsters must be so proud of their hard-wired, fellow-traveling fool patrols

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
. . . PNC had all the time, before and after the 1992 elections, to make those needed changes ... and to date they have not done anything.

stunning and penetrating ignorance from the diapered senile


Robb Street PPP gangsters must be so proud of their hard-wired, fellow-traveling fool patrols

ow bai, the dude is Older than his birthday!...his mind is gone

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
. . . PNC had all the time, before and after the 1992 elections, to make those needed changes ... and to date they have not done anything.

stunning and penetrating ignorance from the diapered senile


Robb Street PPP gangsters must be so proud of their hard-wired, fellow-traveling fool patrols

ow bai, the dude is Older than his birthday!...his mind is gone


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