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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Redux is good at calling for riots and rely on the army to unseat a democratically elected president. Redux is also re-introducing the Burnham era. This is a sign of their destructive minds.

Cobra yuh sure about TK?

Aya saying TK is a Good man turn Bad.

and Kwame is a Bad Person Turn good.


But I think once yuh pass thru de PNC you NFG.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Redux is good at calling for riots and rely on the army to unseat a democratically elected president. Redux is also re-introducing the Burnham era. This is a sign of their destructive minds.

another fantasist getting lost spelunking up the alternative universe of his own diseased large bowel


SOMETHING is making these uneducated PPP bigots lose their minds of late . . .


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