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The Nirvana Humanitarian Foundation has done tremendous work in Guyana in humanitarian and educational advancement over the years. They have done so quietly, but have put on cultural and theatrical performances in New York and in Guyana.


This weekend at PS 268 - Jamaica Ave and 175th St, in commemoration of the 175th anniversary of Indian Arrival Day, they will bring their hilarious theatrical comedy "The Dancing Bells of Rekha" to delight audiences in New York.


I would urge you to support their cause and have some fun Guyanese-style this Saturday at 7:30 PM and Sunday at 5:30 PM.




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  • Nirvana

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Just came form the Sunday show of the Wedding Bells of Rekha. I usually hold our diaspora quality in a relative light - that is, regarding plays, they are to be judged as community theater. But I have to tell you that the Play today was a mature play - good script and improving acting by people who are not professionals.


It was a touching Play on the trials and tribulations of our fore-parents who came across the Kala Pani having been duped. It told the story of broken dreams and hopes and aspirations, yet the resilience of the determined spirit of the indentured ******s shipped in our own "Middle Passage" from Kolkata (formerly Calcutta).


There were questions raised in my mind about the experiences of Muslims who were transported in such fashion too. The Play did focus on the Ramayan and the references were all about the Hindu religion. This is not to detract from this wonderful Play.


Ramesh Deochand is to be commended for putting this history in masterful story-telling. Those here who missed the chance to see it surely missed out on a terrific product by our fellow Guyanese-New Yorkers. There were 5 performances of this Play in Guyana and reports were that they were very successful.


The proceeds form this Play will go to charity and one mentioned today is the desire to contribute to the tragedy in the Philippines due to the typhoon.


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