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In pursuit of higher level of education- another Region Five school commissioned as A-list institution



Students of Bygeval Secondary School, located at Chelsea Park, Mahaicony, Region Five, are today happier as they now have the opportunity to experience a higher level of education. Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand today unveiled the plaque to commemorate the commissioning of the school as an A-List school.


Government invested a total of $49M to upgrade the school and provide the necessary equipment. Among the upgrades were physical rehabilitation and electrical works on the entire school and extension to the Agriculture department. In terms of equipment, four new computers and five CPUs were installed in the Information Technology Lab, the Home Economics, Science and Industrial Technology labs were fully outfitted with the necessary equipment, the Allied Arts department benefited from sports gear and the Library was enhanced with reading materials.


Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand during the unveiling of the plaque to commemorate the commissioning of the Bygeval Secondary school as an A- list school in the presence of Permanent Secretary Delma Nedd

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand during the

unveiling of the plaque to commemorate the commissioning

of the Bygeval Secondary school as an A- list school in the

presence of Permanent Secretary Delma Nedd


The school currently has 38 teachers out of the required 39; 12 trained graduates, 2 untrained graduates, 14 trained teachers and 10 untrained teachers.


It currently offers 24 CSEC subjects, namely Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Integrated Science, Human and Social Biology, Agriculture Science (double award), Principle of Accounts and Business, Office Administration, Economics, Information Technology, Home Economics Management, Food and Nutrition, Geography, Social Studies, Caribbean History English A and B, Spanish, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineer, Technology, Building technology, Technical Drawing and Visual Arts.


Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand during an address to the students at the commissioning of the Bygeval Secondary school as an A- list school

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand during an

address to the students at the commissioning of the

Bygeval Secondary school as an A- list school


The students of Grades Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten and Eleven also received the relevant text books in various subject areas.

Minister Manickchand told the large gathering that the Bygeval Secondary school is one of great history and excellence, and that Region Five is a very special region to Guyana which produces the most cattle, and is now deemed as one of the most developed regions as it relates to education delivery.


A section of those gathered for the commissioning of the Bygeval Secondary as an A List school

A section of those gathered for the commissioning

of the Bygeval Secondary as an A List school


The school topped Region Five at this year’s CSEC with Oma Devi Nanku, obtaining 12 subjects, including six distinctions, one grade one and five grade twos. Minister Manickchand explained that becoming an A-List school depends on the quality of teaching and learning and Bygeval has proven itself in both areas.


“We give you the opportunity to learn and to be tolerant, but coming here and having an education is not enough… We want for you to be able to think independent and weather you chose to become a lawyer, doctor, teacher, and nurse or engineer you must give back and serve your country and community,” Minister Manickchand urged the students.


The Bygeval Secondary school, located at Chelsea Park, West Mahaicony, Region 5

The Bygeval Secondary school, located at Chelsea

Park, West Mahaicony, Region 5


She said that the ministry will continue to support the school to ensure that it continues to excel, but called upon the stakeholders including parents, teachers, parents, and  board of governors to assist in the process.


Meanwhile, Regional Education Officer, Owen Pollard stated that the occasion showed the interest that government places in the education system in Guyana.


Students listing some of the equipment in the Science lab to Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand

Students listing some of the equipment in the Science

lab to Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand


Pollard said that for many years the cream of the crop was sent to Georgetown because of lack of accommodation in schools in the region, hence, the event was significant. Owen reiterated that Region Five is capable of producing the highest level of education in the country, and with two A- List schools now, students will have access to further quality education.


He urged the students to care the facility so that they and the children to come can benefit.


Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand interacting with two of the science students

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand interacting

with two of the science students


Head Mistress, Cheryl Dos Santos who provided an overview of the school stated that the event symbolised the effectiveness of the school to produce quality education. In a school which produced students of caliber such as former President Bharrat Jadgeo, Dos Santos said the bar has been set and the school has seen great improvements over the past years with commendable passes at CSEC especially in the area of Mathematics, English Language and business subjects.


Students in the Bygeval Secondary School Library

Students in the Bygeval Secondary School Library


She highlighted that the school’s aim for excellence goes beyond academics as the students also participate in many regional sports competition, and debate and essay competitions and have excelled.


She commended Government for the support the school has been receiving which has enabled them to be more equipped.


Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand in the Food and Nutrition department

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand in the Food and Nutrition



Students and teachers were also presented with Toshiba laptops from Mr. Nanku, a former student of the school.


Recently, the Rosignol Secondary school also in Region Five was also commissioned as an A-list school, and a new wing was commissioned at the Fort Wellington Secondary School, to accommodate 150 grade seven students.

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Originally Posted by Nehru:


Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand during the unveiling of the plaque to commemorate the commissioning of the Bygeval Secondary school as an A- list school in the presence of Permanent Secretary Delma Nedd

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand during the

unveiling of the plaque to commemorate the commissioning

of the Bygeval Secondary school as an A- list school in the

presence of Permanent Secretary Delma Nedd

Originally Posted by Nehru:


Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand in the Food and Nutrition department

President? nah..maybe she can become a sumo wrestler...she eats too much...She rass too scraven....


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