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Former Member



I respect your call for other posters not to respond to yuji or Rev. It is your right to do so.


It is important to remember that this is a political discussion forum and is not for the faint hearted. 


A political forum will consists of supporters of ALL political parties who subscribe to opposing political views and it is quite the norm that those with opposing views will be angry with those who do not conform to their political views.


Freedom of speech is the foundation of any democracy and thanks to the PPP that right exists today in Guyana. During the PNC days your party of support (PNC), Indo Guyanese were  jailed, terrorized and was not allowed to  print opposing views. 


It is quite evident that many of the AFC supporters of the AFC is of the opinion that this forum belongs to them and that only their opinion must be supported. It is with disgust that I see those who oppose AFC/PNC views are being attacked and called among other names, Antiman and supporters of Bugger*.


This is quite unacceptable. 


Yuji will express his political views and those who oppose those views can desist from responding if they feel offended. I will challenge the opposing side if and when I feel that their views are not accurately being portrayed and represented. As we recently saw unwarranted attacks on a cop of Indo Guyanese origin.


I am of the opinion that the AFC/PNC supporters attack those who speak in favour of Indo Guyanese rights. They are being labelled as racists. I have NEVER used a racist term on this board. I have every right to speak in favour of those who support Indo Guyanese rights in the same manner of those who speak in favour of Afro Guyanese have their rights. It is no different.


I am not a part of any political party or organization. I support and defend what I deem fit, no one has the right to tell me that I should conform to their political views.


It is quite evident that the opposing side (AFC/PNC) want to change every word and letter to suite their political cause. This is not how a democracy works. 


Until then, yuji will continue to support the party of his choice and you and other members are free to support a party of their choice. It is that simple.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Delayed US$32M fibre optic cableâ€ĶBe it the President’s son or anyone else’s, we will still ask questions– Joseph Harmon

January 17, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Parliament’s largest Opposition faction, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), yesterday defended questions on the Government’s US$32M fibre optic project from Brazil.

APNU MP, Joseph Harmon

APNU MP, Joseph Harmon

Speaking during a press conference before the start of first sitting of the National Assembly yesterday, APNU Member of Parliament (MP), Joseph Harmon, insisted that questions posed by his faction are critical and have nothing to do with the fact that sitting at the head of the E-Governance is Alexei Ramotar, son of President Donald Ramotar. The project is under intense scrutiny following disclosures by the Office of the President that the fibre optic cable, designed to provide government offices with its own secured internet connections, was two months behind schedule, and there is need to make critical changes. Harmon, through APNU, had immediately signaled intentions to raise questions over the project. Harmon said that it is of no concern that Ramotar is the son of the President, or related to Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, or anyone for that matter, even if it is “my son, I will ask the questions.” The MP said that Finance Minister, Dr. Singh, had sought to castigate him in the press, after the questions were raised. He disagreed that APNU was chasing away investors as is being insinuated by Dr. Singh. Rather, the questions were spurred by Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon, who admitted of the delays. “You are now taking about redesigning a project. You have given a contractor your house to build, and you told him you wanted this house to be completed in six months; you have a budget. Two years, six months later, the contractor comes to you and says ‘look, we need to redesign this house’. There is something wrong. You would not tell him to haul his aâ€Ķ, you would probably give him a boot in that part of his anatomy. It is inconceivable that after such a long time, you can now come back to say I’m sorry; I need some more time.” Harmon said that among other things, APNU asked that the Prime Minister provide details on how much over-budget the project is. APNU also wants details of Ramotar’s previous experience with fibre optics, including with installation, designing and capacity to manage such a project. Also requested were details of Ramotar’s monthly pay. He does not rule out asking about details for other staffers too. “These are questions that any Guyanese would ask for a project that is worth in the vicinity of US$32M. This is our money.  We have persons who are being paid on a monthly basis to run this project.

 E-Governance Project Head, Alexei Ramotar

E-Governance Project Head, Alexei Ramotar

The project is two years behind. Actually, what you would be doing is eating up the cost, or the monies for this project,  by just paying salaries and wages, and therefore this is the basis for my asking what were the cost overruns.” He also questioned whether any public process was followed to hire Ramotar. “My comfort to them is that this is the tip of the iceberg. More questions will be asked.” The MP was also concerned about the actual project itself and what would happen at the end of it. Will it only benefit the government or are there other parties involved? “When Dr. Singh is talking about chasing away investors, we are also talking about protecting the investments that are already here in Guyana. If you can’t stand the scrutiny, if you are doing legitimate business, you don’t have anything to fear from us. We would not sit idly by and see Guyanese monies being frittered away on persons who are not doing their work.”

Originally Posted by yuji22:


 Freedom of speech is the foundation of any democracy and thanks to the PPP that right exists today in Guyana. During the PNC days your party of support (PNC), Indo Guyanese were  jailed, terrorized and was not allowed to  print opposing views. 




* There is no question there is a fundamental difference between the PPP supporters and the PNC/AFC supporters on this forum.


* Whereas the PPP supporters like yuji, Nehru, the Rev, etc, etc are men of impeccable character, decency, politeness, and virtue.


* The PNC/AFC supporters are vile, vulgar, nasty, obnoxious, and downright offensive.


* The PPP has ruled Guyana for the past 22 years and will continue to rule Guyana for decades to come and so it is understandable that the supporters of the PNC/AFC will persist with their hate, their abuse, their vilification, and their insults.


* The Rev forgives all the PPP haters on this forum and encourages the esteemed yuji to do the same.






Crime and security in political gridlock

Posted By Staff Writer On August 27, 2013 @ 5:01 am In Editorial | No Comments



It has been just over a year since the political opposition passed a vote of no confidence in Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee following the shooting to death of three persons during demonstrations at Linden. The courts ruled against the political move to gag Mr Rohee and the opposition political parties have set their faces against any attempt by the Home Affairs Minister to have legislation passed in the National Assembly. The relationship between Mr Rohee and the political opposition has been both combative and counterproductive. Most recently, it has entered a phase of threatening to completely destabilize any hope of political consensus on a response to the crime situation.



Having signalled to government back in July last year that they were prepared to lock political horns over Mr Rohee, more specifically over him holding the post of Home Affairs Minister, the parliamentary opposition parties in the National Assembly sent a further signal recently that their respective positions remain unchanged.

Even making allowances for the hint of exaggeration in Opposition Leader David Granger’s description of the country’s crime situation as having gone “beyond crisis point” (the description appears to suggest that the situation can hardly become worse, which is debatable), the scale of the problem remains deeply troubling.  Evidence of what frequently appear to be  equal measures of indifference, incompetence and a patent lack of capacity to effectively manage its image has led to the Force being targeted for widespread public ridicule. Much of the blame – perhaps even justifiably, sometimes) has been placed at Mr Rohee’s door. Not even Mr Rohee can honestly deny that as the crime and security situation grows worse the GPF has suffered a corresponding decline in its public image. Indeed, it is, in large measure, the weaknesses of police, primarily, that have been used to measure the degree to which the security situation has worsened.

The recent disclosures to this newspaper by Mr Granger and Mr Khemraj Ramjattan, (Sunday Stabroek, August 25) therefore, would appear to be moving us further in the direction of political gridlock on the issues of crime and security.



There is no ambiguity in what Mr Granger has had to say about the political opposition collaborating with the government on issues of crime and security. It will do so only if Mr Rohee is out of the picture since it regards working with him as  “a waste of time”; no mincing of words there,  except, of course, that political watchers may feel that the Opposition Leader has left himself perilously little ‘wiggle room’ in the event that this is needed.

Mr Ramjattan too appears to be of the view that the political opposition is unlikely to get very far in its efforts to have the government take on board its recommendations on improving the security environment.

For his part, there has also been no lack of ambiguity in Mr Rohee’s take on the matter of who is in charge of the crime and security brief. In a recent letter to the media the Home Affairs Minister said that “Granger and his merry band” believe that “only under the PNC will the security sector improveâ€Ķ Regrettably, there is no one in the PPP/C who supports either the APNU or the AFC. So Rohee or no Rohee both the AFC and APNU will have to await a change in government to get their way in the security sector” ‒ no mincing of words there either.



If last year’s National Assembly no-confidence vote on Mr Rohee pretty much threw down an opposition political gauntlet, the government has responded with a corresponding measure of bullishness. President Donald Ramotar has already said that Mr Rohee is going nowhere. More than that, Mr Rohee, just over a week ago, appears to have secured himself a considerable political windfall by getting himself elected General Secretary of the ruling PPP. By making him its new General Secretary, the PPP has sent perhaps the strongest signal that it can about Mr Rohee’s standing in the party and his future in the political administration.



Combative (and controversial) politician that he is, Mr Rohee has more or less pressed ahead with what he sees as the modernization of the Guyana Police Force, political criticism notwithstanding. The most recent of these initiatives has been the creation of a Strategic Management Department (SMD) inside the Home Affairs Ministry. Its role and its work to improve the operations of the Force were made public in a recent statement issued by the Force, buttressed by an extensive report in another section of the media on the work of the SMD.



In sum, the political opposition has restated its unpreparedness to work with Mr Rohee. For his part, Mr Rohee appears quite prepared to press ahead with such ‘modernizations’ and ‘reforms’ that do not require parliamentary say so. Those are worrying signs if only for the reason that approaches to tackling crime that exclude the widest possible political and citizen stakeholder involvement and input stand very little chance of winning the kind of endorsement that they need to succeed

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Before the 1992 General Elections.....


(1) Was the PPP & Dr Jagan working directly with the Carter Center ?

Yes? or No?


(2) Were some these meetings kept at Freedom House?....

Yes? or No?


(3) Could President Hoyte, The Guyana Govt or the PNC stop President Carter or USA from interfering in Guyana Politices?????

Yes? or No?


(4) Has the Laws, PNC Constitution or Rules Changed since 1992?

Yes? or No?


(5) The only thing that changed is the

      (a) PPP Leadership was Hijacked and a Funny Fella became President and

      (b) Jagdeo & Ramotar took a House of Isreal Thug to Berbice and shamefully installed him into the Leadership of the Party...

      (c) Berbicians are upset with having Black Hindus running Freedom House and Office of the President Today.....and they registered their disapproval at the last elections.

      (d) Jagdeo & Ramotar has caused the party to suffer and become a Minority in Parliament.

So, which one of the four changes is the base to stop The US govt from educating the People about Good Governance, Democracy or Corruption.


Can any of the Backside Poke Fellas come forward and show us where the Powerful Burnham or Hoyte could have stopped this before...... and show us how and why Jagdeo or Ramotar can stop the U S from educating the People?????

Yes? or No?



* Shiv Chanderpaul has accomplished waaaaaay more in his field than those blokes to his right have accomplished in theirs.


* Shiv is a facting boss.


* To date Shiv has played in 153 tests---most by a West Indian---and he has scored 11,219 runs at average of 51.93 with 29 100s and 62 50s.


* Only 5 batsmen in history have scored more runs than Shiv in tests----and by the time Shiv retires----only 1 batsman will be ahead of him in terms of runs scored in tests---Sachin Tendulkar.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Was it necessary to wear a yellow shirt???

* Actually Shiv and his son were representing the Guyana cricket team.


* And the yellow shirt---that's the color of the Amazon warriors.


* So Shiv and his boy were in uniform.



Ok Rev, Thanks for the explanation. Dat make sense.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev:







Was it necessary to wear a yellow shirt???

first time i see sam hinds awake maybe some body tell him food will share later

Some people does sleep with dem eyes open.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

THe Opposition does not care about Security nor Progress, they are totally concern with making the Country Ungovernable at ANY COST!!!

You are a friggin butthead to say this after saying so much against the dam corrupt Govt in other posts. What happen you does change yo dam medication while postin or does someone tief yo handle.?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Was it necessary to wear a yellow shirt???

* Actually Shiv and his son were representing the Guyana cricket team.


* And the yellow shirt---that's the color of the Amazon warriors.


* So Shiv and his boy were in uniform.



Ok Rev, Thanks for the explanation. Dat make sense.

mmmm!!! I say no more 

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

THe Opposition does not care about Security nor Progress, they are totally concern with making the Country Ungovernable at ANY COST!!!

You are a friggin butthead to say this after saying so much against the dam corrupt Govt in other posts. What happen you does change yo dam medication while postin or does someone tief yo handle.?

Bannas, When you grow a brain come back and we gun talk. Stop smoking dat shit, it does eat yuh brain away.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

THe Opposition does not care about Security nor Progress, they are totally concern with making the Country Ungovernable at ANY COST!!!

You are a friggin butthead to say this after saying so much against the dam corrupt Govt in other posts. What happen you does change yo dam medication while postin or does someone tief yo handle.?

Bannas, When you grow a brain come back and we gun talk. Stop smoking dat shit, it does eat yuh brain away.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


 Freedom of speech is the foundation of any democracy and thanks to the PPP that right exists today in Guyana. During the PNC days your party of support (PNC), Indo Guyanese were  jailed, terrorized and was not allowed to  print opposing views. 




* There is no question there is a fundamental difference between the PPP supporters and the PNC/AFC supporters on this forum.


* Whereas the PPP supporters like yuji, Nehru, the Rev, etc, etc are men of impeccable character, decency, politeness, and virtue.


* The PNC/AFC supporters are vile, vulgar, nasty, obnoxious, and downright offensive.


* The PPP has ruled Guyana for the past 22 years and will continue to rule Guyana for decades to come and so it is understandable that the supporters of the PNC/AFC will persist with their hate, their abuse, their vilification, and their insults.


* The Rev forgives all the PPP haters on this forum and encourages the esteemed yuji to do the same.





You know if I was a bad mouth banna

(Here's Meatloaf paradise by the dashboard light)

I woudda tell you fo CARRY YO RASS DA SIDE ...but ah won't do dat.

Oh I would do anything to post but ah won't do dat... no ah won'

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

THe Opposition does not care about Security nor Progress, they are totally concern with making the Country Ungovernable at ANY COST!!!

You are a friggin butthead to say this after saying so much against the dam corrupt Govt in other posts. What happen you does change yo dam medication while postin or does someone tief yo handle.?

Bannas, When you grow a brain come back and we gun talk. Stop smoking dat shit, it does eat yuh brain away.

You like dat post so much u hadta post um twice eh?

Is what part you liked, is the part when I called u butthead?


Ohhh I luv it ..I luv it.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


PPP until we die ! No Cuffy should ever rule Guyana again.




* That is the gospel truth my brother.




* That statement will incense and infuriate the CUFFY LOVERS.


* They will do what they do best---engage in ad-hominem attacks.


* But the way to deal with filthy and vulgar scumbags like the CUFFY LOVERS is to ignore them.







Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


PPP until we die ! No Cuffy should ever rule Guyana again.




* That is the gospel truth my brother.




* That statement will incense and infuriate the CUFFY LOVERS.


* They will do what they do best---engage in ad-hominem attacks.


* But the way to deal with filthy and vulgar scumbags like the CUFFY LOVERS is to ignore them.








The fearless are never afraid to speak the truth. Jesus was never afraid to speak the truth and paved the way for freedom of speech. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:


The fearless are never afraid to speak the truth. Jesus was never afraid to speak the truth and paved the way for freedom of speech. 




* Good people like you, the Rev and all the PPP supporters on GNI know the truth.


* And the truth is the PPP, despite their flaws, is best suited to lead Guyana to greater development and prosperity.


* What we see on this GNI forum on a daily basis is LIES from the PNC/AFC supporters.


* And the PNC/AFC supporters will keep lying and complaining and whining until a CUFFY is president.


* May the CUFFY LOVERS be forever tortured by the PPP and it's East Indian leader.





Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:





ha ha ha ha ha




Dem AFC and PNC coalition a watch we in envy.


PPP until we die !


No Cuffy should ever rule Guyana again.

Stupid man, in using cuffy as a euphemism for blackness and insisting that it taint and by that excludes any with African blood in their veins from governing  is disease.  It is also one with a ready cure.


Some 30 percent of the people are of African heritage and another 12 to 16 percent is our blended siblings. Then there are another 10 percent or so of Amerinds. I am sure Amerinds have no problem with Cuffy or Black people.


I think you are on a donkey when you should be on a horse! Reality is in your face to say otherwise than your racist belief.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Stupid man...



* No need to resort to insults.


* Surely you can make your points without the personal insults.


* Unless, of course, you have no valid point to make and you know you are in the wrong.




Danyael is right. We see here from you and your side kick posts after posts lacking in common sense, perception, or normal intelligence. You suffer from a complex and you have allowed your racism to conquer your moral fibre.

You can say that I am vulgar. I know that's what you are.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Stupid man...



* No need to resort to insults.


* Surely you can make your points without the personal insults.


* Unless, of course, you have no valid point to make and you know you are in the wrong.







I am taking your excellent advice in not engaging with posters like D2 who are unworthy of a response when they hurl insult at the honourable yuji.


I will respond when they post intelligent responses.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Stupid man...



* No need to resort to insults.


* Surely you can make your points without the personal insults.


* Unless, of course, you have no valid point to make and you know you are in the wrong.







I am taking your excellent advice in not engaging with posters like D2 who are unworthy of a response when they hurl insult at the honourable yuji.


I will respond when they post intelligent responses.


You are a murkh. You have no shame to post your bedroom activities with your dear wife. When I see her, I will tell her and show her the post which I have now archived. You are a dunce and it's no surprise that you were not able to pass common entrance.


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