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PPP propaganda machine at work to deceive Guyanese again

Isn't this letter writer our SOCU man now?

Dear Editor,
The PPP does not do many things well. However, they have a propaganda machine that has been of great service to them, even if it comes at the expense of the development of Guyana. Let me give some examples.
One night in August 2009, I attended a small function held on the Grounds of Belfield House, The residence of the late President L. F. S. Burnham. While at this function I took time to take a long hard look at the building. I had visited this place before but never really took the time to observe like I did that night. After a while I had to conclude the PPP’s propaganda machinery was most efficient.
While in the opposition they claimed that Burnham was the richest man in Guyana. Later they claimed he was the 5th richest black man in the world. They claimed he had a huge account stashed away in the Swiss bank, and people believed them.
As I looked at that house I concluded it was a simple structure, just the size of the average house in Queenstown and Bel Air. Burnham, before becoming Prime Minister must have been a man of some means. He was a lawyer. By any estimate he lived better than the average Guyanese citizen. Yet as President, with all the money he was alleged to have stolen, his castle was rather modest.
There was no Padoville in those days. Burnham’s ministers lived close to the ordinary people. These days the ministers are all able to live in exclusive comfort.
The point I want to make is that few of the ministers of the present PPP government had as much to start with as Mr. Burnham did. Yet within five years they all have homes far better and more expensive than the one he had. How did they get it? Not one of the PPP ministers would exchange where they now live for Burnham’s castle at Belfield. This is the power of the PPP’s propaganda machine.
The CORA report was recently released. It underscores many of the claims that many Guyanese were making over the years. There is enough information to point to the fact that this is a corrupt, dishonest and incompetent government. The only hope of the PPP is to create enough fear in the society by playing on old ethnic concerns. The day that Guyanese can overcome racial sensibilities that will be the last day that the PPP could hope to be in government. The calculation is simple – they will try to call on an Indian majority to put them back in power.
Jagdeo’s race baiting performance at Babu John was anything but presidential. His address was clearly designed to scare the audience into accepting their fate as being stuck with this useless inept administration forever.
Mr. Jagdeo and his administration treats Guyanese like if they are a pack of fools.
The man has been President for 12 years and is so ashamed of his own record that he fears to mention anything about it. He blames the PNC for all and sundry even though they have been out of power for more than 18 years. He also blames Brigadier David Granger for actions and incidents totally unrelated to his duties and or responsibilities. Imagine Mr. Jagdeo as an authority on issues which occurred 25 years ago, yet he knows nothing of Roger Khan whose criminal empire flourished under his very nose. He claims to know that Brigadier Granger stifled some Indian officers’ military careers. Now, Jagdeo has several boards with over 350 members, not even 10% are black.
During Burnham’s time both blacks and Indians were Administrative and Factory managers on the estates. Today, under the enlightened Mr. Jagdeo, not a single black man is in any of those positions.
The token blacks he keeps around him are silent and for a few dollars more will sit on their consciences. Guyanese are tired of this hypocrisy. We urge them to vote for change, vote Granger.
Aubrey Retemyer


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Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP propaganda machine at work to deceive Guyanese again

Isn't this letter writer our SOCU man now?

Dear Editor,
The PPP does not do many things well. However, they have a propaganda machine that has been of great service to them, even if it comes at the expense of the development of Guyana. Let me give some examples.
One night in August 2009, I attended a small function held on the Grounds of Belfield House, The residence of the late President L. F. S. Burnham. While at this function I took time to take a long hard look at the building. I had visited this place before but never really took the time to observe like I did that night. After a while I had to conclude the PPP’s propaganda machinery was most efficient.

Aubrey Retemyer

Shows the feeble, infantile and misguided views of the individual.


Forbes Burnham's yard at Belfield extends for miles down to the backlands. I went there and I know. He had almost a dozen freezers with different types of wild meats. Scores of people were employed and paid by the state to keep his yard in order. Two helicopters to fly the president  and a Bentley car to move around. Forbes would show up at cooperative rice fields smoking Players No. 10 cigarettes and sipping expensive whiskey. On weekends some pretty Indian women from the Luckhoo and Rajnarine familes would go horsebacking riding with the Kabaka.

Burnham lived the life a of king.  This person is lying about how Forbes lived.

Billy Ram Balgobin

I know that Belfield house well.  I was born minutes from there.  I remember the helicopter landing strip built across the street from the house.  This person who wrote this letter was living in Brooklyn and went back to GY to work with Granger.  He is the one who dragged in Jagdeo and others for questioning and he spearheaded the charges to the 6 GRB board members for the accounting error.

Think about this - This man is the now the Head of SOCU. 

Bibi Haniffa

QUOTE: "After a while I had to conclude the PPP’s propaganda machinery was most efficient. While in the opposition they claimed that Burnham was the richest man in Guyana. Later they claimed he was the 5th richest black man in the world. They claimed he had a huge account stashed away in the Swiss bank, and people believed them."

This is incorrect. The PPP as a party never made such claims. But the countrywide rumour mill, that included ordinary PPP supporters, spread that nonsense. Janet Jagan told me that Ebony magazine never printed that Burnham was one of the world's richest black men. She was an Ebony reader.

Burnham's personal lifestyle was indeed lavish. He wasted his salaries on expensive whiskey, cigarettes, footwear etc. But he got free supplies of Havana cigars from Fidel Castro. When he exhausted his personal income, he used State privilege to satisfy his lavish wants. 

Unlike Jagdeo, Burnham never saved his money or invested it. His so-called wealth was a myth. Belfield House & property belonged to a well-known Indian family; Burnham acquired it compulsorily not in his own name but through the State.

Last edited by Former Member

Burnham had class.

CHOSE the high life, fine cigars, cars etc. 

What was unfortunate , Jagan gave him critical support , which allowed Burnham tO ride the people . 

Nehru as a youth used to run beside of Burnham whilst he was riding his horse.

Nehru was the water boy for both Burnham and Burnham horse.


Did it really matter what Jagan did or didn't do? Jagan had rallies opposing Burnham and the PNC's governance all the time up to the 1992 elections. He was kicked out of Parliament countless times for opposing the Burnham and the PNC government. Whether Jagan gave Burhman critical support or not would have had little or no effect in curtailing Burnham's actions.


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