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The youngest Head of State in the region, Guyana's President Jagdeo brings new ideas for regional integration and renewed political stability in his homeland.


Stepping up to the plate and accepting one of the most difficult leadership jobs in Caricom, Guyana's 35 year old President, Bharrat Jagdeo's commitment to delivering on his coalition's promises, has brought much needed political stability and renewed confidence in the South American state's economy.

Despite his initial refusal to meet with the President when he first ascended to office, the battle wary Opposition leader Desmond Hoyte, also seemed more receptive to the President's proposals for reconciliation.

Described by political observers as Caricom's new power broker, President Jagdeo has been working behind the scenes meeting with businesses, investors and even embarking on a nationwide tour of rural districts to deal with the pressing concerns of both community and business leaders.

Expressing his concern about the country's political instability, he said the nation's future will be secure if it was more united in its quest for development and better living standards.
"If we are united as a people, the future will very good for Guyana. Our people can look forward to a bright prosperous future where we can focus on improving our education standards, deliver better health care and produce well paying jobs for our people.

"But this can only happen if we operate as a united people," the Head of State said in one of his weekly media broadcasts. He foresees that the country will be facing some challenges on the international front in the near future, including the rapid move to conclude negotiations on the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).
President Jagdeo said the FTAA and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) system could present serious challenges for the smaller states.
"We have serious threats to our preferential markets and these would present serious difficulties to the sectors that export raw materials and products such as rice, sugar and rum, among others, into North America and Europe.

"With the exception of gold, commodity prices have not recovered on the world market. This situation will continue to adversely affect some sectors and our national development goals," the President cautioned. He was pleased that the political situation in Guyana was showing signs of stabilising and expressed the hope that good sense would prevail so that differences can be resolved.

Referring to the recent summit with the private sector, he said it was one attempt at creating an environment that would help stimulate capital flows.
"Hopefully, when that happens, we will see jobs being created and the economy resuming the growth path it had enjoyed in the past. Simultaneously, we are working on making our existing social development programmes much more efficient and relevant to our national objectives."
President Jagdeo said he would like to see more efficient expenditure in the health sector and a similar re-assessment in education to determine whether the country was receiving value for the money it has been expending.

Recalling his commitment to hold ministers to their promises when he accepted office, he noted that if they were unable to meet their goals, it should be explained to the people, rather than continuing to make promises that cannot be fulfilled."
He said that is why, at the recent tour of Berbice, they did not only focus on what was achieved by Government, but he also presented reasons why more could not have been accomplished. And the people were "very sympathetic as they understood the constraints Government faced."
President Jagdeo said government remained committed to honouring the provisions of the 'Herdmanston Accord' as originally brokered by a CARICOM mission to Georgetown following the December 1997 elections.

He continues to be optimistic about the country's future stability and progress even though a meeting between himself and the PNC leader has not yet taken place.
"I am also optimistic because the Guyanese people in general were absolutely fed up with so much of the negative politics and simply wanted to move on with their lives.
"I have gone around the country since I have been appointed President, including areas that have supported both the PNC and the PPP, and the mood is a totally different. People are fed up with the political posturing. And I think you are going to see this dissatisfaction reflected in the coming election results."
He was encouraged with the private sector's willingness to be more involved in the process of change and he expected this trend to expand in the months ahead.
Declaring that he remained committed to an "open-ended discussion" with the leader of the PNC, Jagdeo, nevertheless, stressed that he was not waiting around for such a meeting to take place and was engaged in discussions with representatives of other parties, the business community, the civil society and regional Governments.
In his quest to increase investment, Jagdeo announced that the governments of Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago have decided to establish a special working committee to promote trade and investment cooperation between the two Caribbean Community states.

The initiative resulted from bilateral talks he held with current CARICOM chairman Prime Minister Basdeo Panday during Caricom Heads of Government Conference in October. He said the two-day special meeting of CARICOM leaders was very productive and it was imperative that all efforts be made by CARICOM countries to speedily remove problems that affect free trade and investment flows within in the region.
He extended what he called "an open invitation" not just to Trinidadian and other regional investors to explore opportunities to do business in Guyana, but also the region's media "to see how fundamentally things have changed in his country."

He also discussed the options for dealing with the sale of Guyana's rice to Trinidad. That country's Trade Minister Mervyn Assam had previously complained about Guyana's capacity to supply the necessary quality and quantity to meet Trinidad's needs. Jagdeo however believes that the bigger issue was the trade arrangements between the two countries.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

He was a visionary at age 35.  This man is going to make a comeback that will stun the world.  This time with Opposition experience.  When you wear the shoes on both feet, you know where it pinches.

His greatest service to Guyana might indeed be from the Opposition.  I would not disagree that he is a bright chap.

VVP posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He was a visionary at age 35.  This man is going to make a comeback that will stun the world.  This time with Opposition experience.  When you wear the shoes on both feet, you know where it pinches.

His greatest service to Guyana might indeed be from the Opposition.  I would not disagree that he is a bright chap.

It seems you disagree, then agree with Bibi on what you just disagree!!  One second you say he is the great drug dealer, next second you wiggle up he is the greatest Opposition.  Get this clown, the two are intricately connected.  BJ is the greatest leader Guyana has had, and he is now the greatest Opposition.  You are a contorted joker!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He was a visionary at age 35.  This man is going to make a comeback that will stun the world.  This time with Opposition experience.  When you wear the shoes on both feet, you know where it pinches.

His greatest service to Guyana might indeed be from the Opposition.  I would not disagree that he is a bright chap.

It seems you disagree, then agree with Bibi on what you just disagree!!  One second you say he is the great drug dealer, next second you wiggle up he is the greatest Opposition.  Get this clown, the two are intricately connected.  BJ is the greatest leader Guyana has had, and he is now the greatest Opposition.  You are a contorted joker!

What dumb "logic.". Certainly not worth a response.


Fighting to rule Africans. A people who have fought for 500 years to be ruled by their own people is just a waste of time and resources. East Indians of Guyana, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana have to focus on getting their own independent sovereign country by peaceful means.

VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He was a visionary at age 35.  This man is going to make a comeback that will stun the world.  This time with Opposition experience.  When you wear the shoes on both feet, you know where it pinches.

His greatest service to Guyana might indeed be from the Opposition.  I would not disagree that he is a bright chap.

It seems you disagree, then agree with Bibi on what you just disagree!!  One second you say he is the great drug dealer, next second you wiggle up he is the greatest Opposition.  Get this clown, the two are intricately connected.  BJ is the greatest leader Guyana has had, and he is now the greatest Opposition.  You are a contorted joker!

What dumb "logic.". Certainly not worth a response.

You cannot, because YOU have no logic.  One one side BJ is the worse, a scoundrel, drug lord and anything you could find to denigrate the man.  Then suddenly, he is the main counterweight to your "friends", the hapless, incompetent and racist PNC, and he turns great.  Banna, give it up, you are very "convenient" in your logic!

ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted

It seems you disagree, then agree with Bibi on what you just disagree!!  One second you say he is the great drug dealer, next second you wiggle up he is the greatest Opposition.  Get this clown, the two are intricately connected.  BJ is the greatest leader Guyana has had, and he is now the greatest Opposition.  You are a contorted joker!

What dumb "logic.". Certainly not worth a response.

You cannot, because YOU have no logic.  One one side BJ is the worse, a scoundrel, drug lord and anything you could find to denigrate the man.  Then suddenly, he is the main counterweight to your "friends", the hapless, incompetent and racist PNC, and he turns great.  Banna, give it up, you are very "convenient" in your logic!

Jagdeo used his brains to do the wrong things in Guyana...encouraged a drug economy, money laundering and the raping of Guyana's natural resources by foreign nationals mostly the Chinese.  He knew these thing could bring rapid growth, but it will be to the detriment of the country in the long run. Of course he paid himself handsomely on a dankey cart economy AND took care of his friends!

As opposition leader he protested the raises the coalition gave themselves.  Here he did the right thing for Guyana even though he was a hypocrite.  He understands the wrong things the coalition is doing in terms of running the country and is pointing them out for the benefit of the country.  However, he cannot do anything because he is NOT the President!! His chance passed!

So, terrible President, excellent Opposition leader.  Where is the contradiction?


 Best Guyanese leader to date. Non of them can fill BJ shoes. Just look at the development of Guyana during his Presidency/PPP. Everyone benefited and their standard of living improved tremendously. From 99% using pit latrine to 70% with indoor plumbing. From white mouth and Beri Beri to adequate nutrition FOR ALL and even left over food. Good medical services. From 4 car per village to 44 or more. Posh houses all over.More disposable income to travel abroad. And many many more GOOD LIVING too numerous to mention. Hail the GREATEST GUYANESE LEADER EVER.


VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted

It seems you disagree, then agree with Bibi on what you just disagree!!  One second you say he is the great drug dealer, next second you wiggle up he is the greatest Opposition.  Get this clown, the two are intricately connected.  BJ is the greatest leader Guyana has had, and he is now the greatest Opposition.  You are a contorted joker!

What dumb "logic.". Certainly not worth a response.

You cannot, because YOU have no logic.  One one side BJ is the worse, a scoundrel, drug lord and anything you could find to denigrate the man.  Then suddenly, he is the main counterweight to your "friends", the hapless, incompetent and racist PNC, and he turns great.  Banna, give it up, you are very "convenient" in your logic!

Jagdeo used his brains ?

At least he uses it, much more that could be said about you!

randolph posted:

 Best Guyanese leader to date. Non of them can fill BJ shoes. Just look at the development of Guyana during his Presidency/PPP. Everyone benefited and their standard of living improved tremendously. From 99% using pit latrine to 70% with indoor plumbing. From white mouth and Beri Beri to adequate nutrition FOR ALL and even left over food. Good medical services. From 4 car per village to 44 or more. Posh houses all over.More disposable income to travel abroad. And many many more GOOD LIVING too numerous to mention. Hail the GREATEST GUYANESE LEADER EVER.


BJ was not infallible, he made his mistakes and there are things he could have done better however, I agree, he took Guyana to new heights and now the PNC has a higher platform from which to build on.  Let them take the nation beyond and address the shortcomings of the PPP.

randolph posted:

 Best Guyanese leader to date. Non of them can fill BJ shoes. Just look at the development of Guyana during his Presidency/PPP. Everyone benefited and their standard of living improved tremendously. From 99% using pit latrine to 70% with indoor plumbing. From white mouth and Beri Beri to adequate nutrition FOR ALL and even left over food. Good medical services. From 4 car per village to 44 or more. Posh houses all over.More disposable income to travel abroad. And many many more GOOD LIVING too numerous to mention. Hail the GREATEST GUYANESE LEADER EVER.


And I must add, not downplaying the tragedy in Aleppo however, those refugees being rescued look much better fed than Guyanese people back in the 80's/90's under the PNC.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
randolph posted:

 Best Guyanese leader to date. Non of them can fill BJ shoes. Just look at the development of Guyana during his Presidency/PPP. Everyone benefited and their standard of living improved tremendously. From 99% using pit latrine to 70% with indoor plumbing. From white mouth and Beri Beri to adequate nutrition FOR ALL and even left over food. Good medical services. From 4 car per village to 44 or more. Posh houses all over.More disposable income to travel abroad. And many many more GOOD LIVING too numerous to mention. Hail the GREATEST GUYANESE LEADER EVER.


And I must add, not downplaying the tragedy in Aleppo however, those refugees being rescued look much better fed than Guyanese people back in the 80's/90's under the PNC.

Nonsense i can attest the severity is exaggerated.

Who you fooling ?


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