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The blatant disrespect that the PPP has been showing towards the sugar workers has no bounds. First they ruined the land, then the processing plant, and after that the market. And now they asking for support in defending their ruinous intent from any recovery that the opposition has in mind for the sugar industry.

Without the opposition to stop the PPP the sugar cane business would have been closed down by the PPP and the land sold off to foreigners. Those are the facts of the matter.

albert already eyeing up a piece of real estate that sits in the middle of a canefield.


What a shallow lot? Here  you are making a fuss about a fictive disagreement/ remark and believing in your hearts that you are making a connection to realty.The man never said as you infer. You use truncated quotes to press the racist buttons while it is hard to hide the fact you squandered the EU subsidy, built a derelict sugar plant and is now asking for more money to rehabilitate your mistakes and the sugar workers are no where in the equation. Nothing, not a damn dime you are asking for goes to any of these hapless underemployed creatures strapped to grunt work in a dying industry!


This is no less pomp and circumstance connected to nothing  like you were when you were making a royal fuss about  someone calling a fat lady fat ( ironically she oversees health services in New Amsterdam) and labeling it an insult to woman. The bloody lady was fat, is still fat and there is nothing wrong with advising her to lose weight given it is a health risk . Meanwhile, there unfolding before your eyes at the same time was the video of a brutal beating of and amerind woman and her child by one of your officers. And guess what? You *******s were completely silent!!!!


How can the PPP ever be credible when you have to manufacture problems to complain about when you are beset with real ones needing immediate redress??? You folks are doomed. Liars never get traction. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The anti-working class stance of the joint opposition especially against the sugar workers, are condemned by the Guyanese public, in the even of the joint opposition members visiting those constituents with predominant sugar workers, without a shadow of a doubt, they'll be met with cold shoulders

Sheer shit as usual, get a real job councie, you are wasting time posting your daily dose of lies.


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