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Cop caught in house with two schoolgirls

January 25, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The police are hunting one of their own who is fingered in a sex racket involving schoolgirls from a city secondary school.
The rank managed to escape after he and an accomplice were caught in a Sophia house yesterday with two 15-year-old female students from the city school.
This newspaper was reliably informed that neighbours of an ‘A’ Field, Sophia house contacted the Schools Welfare and Probation Office, informing them that two schoolgirls were seen entering a house.
Officials from the department responded and managed to get the two embarrassed schoolgirls out of the house but not before the people from the Welfare department received a verbal thrashing from the constable and his accomplice.
The matter was reported to the police but by the time the ranks returned to the house which is owned by the cop’s mother, the two men had already fled.
The two schoolgirls were medically examined and found to be recently sexually active, which suggested that they were engaged in the activity while in the house on Friday.
An all station message was subsequently sent out for the detention of the policeman, who is attached to the East Coast Demerara division.
Friday’s incident was not the first of such kind that the same policeman was involved in.
Last year he was accused of luring a young female traffic warden to the same house in Sophia where he had forced sex with her.
This was after he had offered her a drop home and then invited her to have a few beers with him at Plaisance.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Friday’s incident was not the first of such kind that the same policeman was involved in.


The PPP/C would even go so far as to promote policemen who tortures citizens.

These scroundel could be referred to as the PPP/C dogs of war.

The PPP/C as it would seem, rewards them for crookedness and dishonesty.

Originally Posted by kp:

Let's break it down by race, the cop is a black man and he is screwing with his own race. You fool would you blame the PPP for you ignorance????

translating KPspeak: 'PPP Gov't of abee people can rest easy since the cop is black and his victims are black . . . is blackman problem'


hmmm . . . which [other] branch of the hominid evolutionary tree did u just fall off from bai?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kp:

Let's break it down by race, the cop is a black man and he is screwing with his own race. You fool would you blame the PPP for you ignorance????

No .....

We Blame Kwame

fuh Using de Vaseline

to get to the Leadership of the PPP.


KP Love Kwame

Ray I like wha yuh say about these "F'ers

Like Kwame "F" KP


Originally Posted by kp:

Let's break it down by race, the cop is a black man and he is screwing with his own race. You fool would you blame the PPP for you ignorance????

so you is a indian and when kwame riding your back who is a black thing do you blame the ppp government or the opposition 

Originally Posted by kp:

Let's break it down by race, the cop is a black man and he is screwing with his own race. You fool would you blame the PPP for you ignorance????


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

Let's break it down by race, the cop is a black man and he is screwing with his own race. You fool would you blame the PPP for you ignorance????


translating KP/skeldonman punkspeak:


'PPP Gov't of abee people can rest easy since the cop is black and his victims are black . . . is blackman problem'


hmmm . . . which [other] branch of the hominid evolutionary tree did alyuh 2 Robb Street antiman just fall off from?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

Let's break it down by race, the cop is a black man and he is screwing with his own race. You fool would you blame the PPP for you ignorance????


translating KP/skeldonman punkspeak:


'PPP Gov't of abee people can rest easy since the cop is black and his victims are black . . . is blackman problem'


hmmm . . . which [other] branch of the hominid evolutionary tree did alyuh 2 antiman just fall off from?

Redux, if you have problems with your sexuality, it's your problem. If you tried viagra and it didn't help, no one can help you.

Jesus came and healed the sick; he did not raise the dead.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

Let's break it down by race, the cop is a black man and he is screwing with his own race. You fool would you blame the PPP for you ignorance????


translating KP/skeldonman punkspeak:


'PPP Gov't of abee people can rest easy since the cop is black and his victims are black . . . is blackman problem'


hmmm . . . which [other] branch of the hominid evolutionary tree did alyuh 2 Robb Street antiman just fall off from?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

Let's break it down by race, the cop is a black man and he is screwing with his own race. You fool would you blame the PPP for you ignorance????


translating KP/skeldonman punkspeak:


'PPP Gov't of abee people can rest easy since the cop is black and his victims are black . . . is blackman problem'


hmmm . . . which [other] branch of the hominid evolutionary tree did  antiman Redux just fall off from?

Jesus came and healed the sick; he did not raise the dead.

Originally Posted by asj:

Cop caught in house with two schoolgirls

January 25, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The police are hunting one of their own who is fingered in a sex racket involving schoolgirls from a city secondary school.
The rank managed to escape after he and an accomplice were caught in a Sophia house yesterday with two 15-year-old female students from the city school.
This newspaper was reliably informed that neighbours of an ‘A’ Field, Sophia house contacted the Schools Welfare and Probation Office, informing them that two schoolgirls were seen entering a house.
Officials from the department responded and managed to get the two embarrassed schoolgirls out of the house but not before the people from the Welfare department received a verbal thrashing from the constable and his accomplice.
The matter was reported to the police but by the time the ranks returned to the house which is owned by the cop’s mother, the two men had already fled.
The two schoolgirls were medically examined and found to be recently sexually active, which suggested that they were engaged in the activity while in the house on Friday.
An all station message was subsequently sent out for the detention of the policeman, who is attached to the East Coast Demerara division.
Friday’s incident was not the first of such kind that the same policeman was involved in.
Last year he was accused of luring a young female traffic warden to the same house in Sophia where he had forced sex with her.
This was after he had offered her a drop home and then invited her to have a few beers with him at Plaisance.

A disgusting example of "Serve and Protect". This is the reason why citizens do not have respect for authority any longer. Because it is the very authority that violates them.This is so disgusting. And to make matters worse the President showers these dirtbags with lavish bonus's and tax breaks several times a year.Who are the folks that recruit these vultures that prey on under aged children. They should be charged and jailed for life for taking away the innocense of these chiuldren.

That is why I have said time and time again that the entire recruitment system of the disciplinary forces need to be reformed. The PPP continues to miss this opportunity. 

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by asj:

Cop caught in house with two schoolgirls

January 25, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The police are hunting one of their own who is fingered in a sex racket involving schoolgirls from a city secondary school.
The rank managed to escape after he and an accomplice were caught in a Sophia house yesterday with two 15-year-old female students from the city school.
This newspaper was reliably informed that neighbours of an ‘A’ Field, Sophia house contacted the Schools Welfare and Probation Office, informing them that two schoolgirls were seen entering a house.
Officials from the department responded and managed to get the two embarrassed schoolgirls out of the house but not before the people from the Welfare department received a verbal thrashing from the constable and his accomplice.
The matter was reported to the police but by the time the ranks returned to the house which is owned by the cop’s mother, the two men had already fled.
The two schoolgirls were medically examined and found to be recently sexually active, which suggested that they were engaged in the activity while in the house on Friday.
An all station message was subsequently sent out for the detention of the policeman, who is attached to the East Coast Demerara division.
Friday’s incident was not the first of such kind that the same policeman was involved in.
Last year he was accused of luring a young female traffic warden to the same house in Sophia where he had forced sex with her.
This was after he had offered her a drop home and then invited her to have a few beers with him at Plaisance.

A disgusting example of "Serve and Protect". This is the reason why citizens do not have respect for authority any longer. Because it is the very authority that violates them.This is so disgusting. And to make matters worse the President showers these dirtbags with lavish bonus's and tax breaks several times a year.Who are the folks that recruit these vultures that prey on under aged children. They should be charged and jailed for life for taking away the innocense of these chiuldren.

That is why I have said time and time again that the entire recruitment system of the disciplinary forces need to be reformed. The PPP continues to miss this opportunity. 

hear hear . . .!


but . . . but, i'm puzzled by the deafening lack of outrage about the torture Cop of recent infamy, with the otherwise "unblemished record" being promoted


don't u think that what [now] inspector Narine Lall did is worse?

Last edited by Former Member

Isn't Ramotar chief in command? I would suggest that the PPP is unleashing a terror of rape in order to scare off black folks. This policeman was personally handed a pay raise for which results are expected.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

Let's break it down by race, the cop is a black man and he is screwing with his own race. You fool would you blame the PPP for you ignorance????


translating KP/skeldonman punkspeak:


'PPP Gov't of abee people can rest easy since the cop is black and his victims are black . . . is blackman problem'


hmmm . . . which [other] branch of the hominid evolutionary tree did  antiman Redux just fall off from?

Jesus came and healed the sick; he did not raise the dead.

Skelly, Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead  and more...

If the PPP follow Krishna, Mohammed and Jesus, we might have a better Guyana for all... especially the needy.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

Let's break it down by race, the cop is a black man and he is screwing with his own race. You fool would you blame the PPP for you ignorance????


translating KP/skeldonman punkspeak:


'PPP Gov't of abee people can rest easy since the cop is black and his victims are black . . . is blackman problem'


hmmm . . . which [other] branch of the hominid evolutionary tree did alyuh 2 antiman just fall off from?

Redux, if you have problems with your sexuality, it's your problem. If you tried viagra and it didn't help, no one can help you.

Jesus came and healed the sick; he did not raise the dead.

Apparently it's been said that he did. You jus screwed up a good joke though. Those words were said by a faith healer after yugi asked for healing so his pecker could rise again.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

Let's break it down by race, the cop is a black man and he is screwing with his own race. You fool would you blame the PPP for you ignorance????


translating KP/skeldonman punkspeak:


'PPP Gov't of abee people can rest easy since the cop is black and his victims are black . . . is blackman problem'


hmmm . . . which [other] branch of the hominid evolutionary tree did  alyuh 2 Robb Street antiman [antiman Redux] just fall off from?

Jesus came and healed the sick; he did not raise the dead.

paging skeldon_man . . . don't alter my post without attribution, arite?


that's a desperation klown move popularized by "rev" when he sucking air


dig deep in yuh pocket and rent some wit and intelligence if tings brown in the desert between your ears

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

Let's break it down by race, the cop is a black man and he is screwing with his own race. You fool would you blame the PPP for you ignorance????


translating KP/skeldonman punkspeak:


'PPP Gov't of abee people can rest easy since the cop is black and his victims are black . . . is blackman problem'


hmmm . . . which [other] branch of the hominid evolutionary tree did  alyuh 2 Robb Street antiman [antiman Redux] just fall off from?

Jesus came and healed the sick; he did not raise the dead.

paging skeldon_man . . . don't alter my post without attribution, arite?


that's a desperation klown move popularized by "rev" when he sucking air


dig deep in yuh pocket and rent some wit and intelligence if tings brown in the desert between your ears

skeltonman is not around he and his family robbing somebody 


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