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We promise to go easy on Big Seed if he can prove a connection between Sonny EzJet ......and AFC.


So Godie-walla here is your opportunity to get Mitwa to give yuh wan break.


Scratch yuh Hydro-Seed ......and think ......and dont try fuh convince abee with yuh regular load of Hog-wash.


(1)Who give Sonny a licence to operate in Guyana???? Jagdeo or AFC????


(2)Who was posing with Sonny at Guyexpo???? Jagdeo or AFC?????


(3) Rasul is Jagdeo's Best Friend (Bobby) right hand, who is she working for??? Jagdeo or AFC????


(4) De Narco boys were boasting about their working relationship with the Dem Big Boys at Guyexpo.......Who are these people who dem working with .......Jagdeo or AFC?????

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Rass bai, there must be some truth in what I say as I got an entire topic dedicated to me. ahahahahh ah famous now. hahahahahahh


You ask for proof of these allegations, this I will provide as soon as you fools provide proof that the PPP owns ezjet and use it as a drug carrier.


In fact the money trail leads to the afc/pnc who are major investors in ezjet as they concocted this business scheme to run drugs and finance their ailing campaign. There was immediate rewards from this investment in ezjet as we saw them able to finance the protest in Agricola and Linden, bringing the nation to a point of crisis that was slowly defused by the PPP putting pressure on police to do their jobs.  Many of the police themselves are afc/pnc supporters so they conspired to delay the restoration of law and order in both Agricola and Linden. 


Jagdeo does not approve license for airline, this is done base on the airline meeting strict criteria in addition to providing enough capital for the security deposit in case the airline goes under. The same laws apply on the US end where the airline got the license to do business here. Jagdeo has no influence on the US govt to give license to ezjet. 


You fools keep peddling this theory about bobby and jaggy, bobby responded yesterday but you fools ran away from the thread.

See below to refresh your mind hhahahaahahahah

Lallโ€™s radio licence refusal tied to U.S. visa revocation

โ€“ personal vendetta against QAII exposed

The personal vendetta that Kaieteur News (KN) publisher Glenn Lall has against executive chairman of Queens Atlantic Investment Inc (QAII) Dr Ranjisinghi Ramroop has yet again been exposed and continues to be manifested daily in articles of the mud-slinging tabloid.
The grudge first took root with the launch of Guyana Times in 2008 and spiralled into hatemongering, as KN continued to predicate attacks on almost every company associated with, or owned by, Dr Ramroop. KN was in business when Dr Ramroop acquired the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (NEW GPC) in 1999. Between 1999 and 2008, there was not a single negative article about Dr Ramroop or NEW GPC. That has now changed, with more than 2000 scurrilous attacks through articles, editorials, columns and letters โ€“ all of them manufactured or distorted โ€“ regularly in the KN.
In the history of media in Guyana, there have been several instances when new entrants challenged the status quo and earned their ire, but the scale, scope and intensity of the attacks by Lall and his mouthpiece KN against the executive chairman is unprecedented.

Lall attacks Radio Guyana
Only recently, KN has been peddling more misinformation surrounding the launch of Radio Guyana, Inc 89.5/89.7 FM, as it sought to give credence to Lallโ€™s view that something was amiss when Dr Ramroop obtained the green light, along with nine other applicants, to proceed with operations for a radio station after securing a broadcast licence.

U.S. accused scoundrel Glenn Lall

KN has been spinning a web of contortion, along with his colleagues in the opposition-friendly publication Stabroek News (SN), making politically-motivated statements which seek to impute the integrity of the process, and which resulted in Dr Ramroopโ€™s company receiving a broadcast licence.
Speaking during an invited comment as to whether he was alarmed or surprised at the attacks, Dr Ramroop responded, โ€œWe expected Lall to do his usual dirty work and to continue his anti-Dr Ramroop and anti-Bharrat Jagdeo stance. We have nothing to fear or hide, as the company was granted a licence on the basis of a court ruling, which compelled the government to honour certain obligations.โ€
Dr Ramroop further argued that Lall and his other tag-team members should ask themselves why their applications were not approved. โ€œIt is none of my business. He need not bring our company into the scheme of things to justify his inability to either qualify or be granted a broadcast licence,โ€ he said.
The only person whom KN and its phantom writers have attacked is Dr Ramroop, despite there being nine other successful applicants.
โ€œWhy doesnโ€™t he question the process through which all these persons were granted their licences? What is Lallโ€™s obsession with me? What is his obsession with former president Jagdeo who served Guyana with distinction? We know that he has no journalistic aptitude but he should show respect for a former president. Where is his respect for business in Guyana? Where is the evidence that some grave injustice was committed when we were granted a radio licenceโ€ฆ my view is that this is pure jealousy and hatred from a bitter man,โ€ Dr Ramroop said.
In 2010, Lall criticised Guyana Times and other local media for publishing authentic information released by Wikileaks in the U.S., which described him as a man with a โ€œsketchy pastโ€.
โ€œHe translated a shoe trading business (and rumoured involvement with alien smuggling) into a muckraking independent newspaper. He has a finger firmly on the pulse of Guyanaโ€™s underworld, which serves his media enterprise well,โ€ said Wikileaks in accusing him of backtracking. This newspaper understands that Lallโ€™s visa to the U.S. was revoked for the same reason. It is highly possible, according to one source, that his application for a radio licence was denied based on his visa revocation by the U.S., as government seeks more information from authorities there.
Lall has also been linked to the sad state of affairs at Guyana Stores Limited, which still owes the Guyana government and people hundreds of millions of dollars after its privatisation. โ€œLall seems to have found a purpose in life to destroy Guyanaโ€™s image and to satisfy his ego from sensationalism, as he is the chief architect of the scandal industry in Guyana. He attempts to single-handedly destroy Guyanaโ€™s reputation for investment, both locally and overseas. Guyanese overseas are often scared to visit Guyana,โ€ said Dr Ramroop.

Lall attacks Guyana Times
In 2008, Guyana Times entered the media landscape, announcing that it wanted to be a serious โ€œnewspaper of recordโ€, demonstrating responsible journalism while remaining focused on highlighting the development of Guyana and the growth of businesses in particular.
But from the moment Guyana Times was launched, KN initiated a vicious campaign in an attempt to destroy the publication. It especially attacked the newspaperโ€™s nationalistic developmental stance, as being โ€œgovernmentโ€ friendly.
The attacks eventually became more of a personal vendetta, and the owner of KN got directly involved in mud-slinging, not only at Guyana Times but Dr Ramroop as well. For some reason, the owner of KN also started a vendetta against then president Jagdeo, claiming that the latter actually owned the newspaper. But this is totally false and something which both Dr Ramroop and Jagdeo have categorically denied.

Lall attacks QAII
Gradually, the scope of the attacks widened to include the several companies that Dr Ramroop operated under QAII. NEW GPC was attacked, although it was in compliance with the established pre-qualification bidding procedures. KN, however, blatantly refused to acknowledge NEW GPCโ€™s legal basis for securing government contracts. NEW GPC has filed several lawsuits against KN locally and in New York.
Lall continued his string of misinformation as often and for as long as he could, until the truth surrounding the integrity and work of NEW GPC came to the fore, when the health minister and other government officials released information exposing KNโ€™s deceit. KN never apologised, but went quickly on to Ezjet Airlines

Lall seeks to link EZjet with Dr Ramroop and Jagdeo
Lallโ€™s hatred and jealousy continued when he co-authored and piloted news articles and full page advertisements that claimed Dr Ramroop owned a new charter airline, EZjet. KN reasoned that an ex-Guyana Times employee serving as country manager of the airlines was enough evidence to conclude that Dr Ramroop was the owner.
Again the truth sealed Lallโ€™s fate, when it was revealed that neither Dr Ramroop nor Jagdeo had anything to do with Ezjet, or its business operations here in Guyana. He then went on to claim that the Cheddi Jagan International Airport expansion was being embarked on for Dr Ramroop and Jagdeo to land their private aircraft.
Dr Ramroop does not think the personal vendetta against him from KN and SN will stop.


Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Rass bai, there must be some truth in what I say as I got an entire topic dedicated to me. ahahahahh ah famous now. hahahahahahh


You ask for proof of these allegations, this I will provide as soon as you fools provide proof that the PPP owns ezjet and use it as a drug carrier.



The records which the FBI now have access to show the fuels for the plane was paid by a company registered in INDIA.  That company is owned by a former PPP President and his best friend, a major supplier of drugs.


These payment were a loan to Ezee-Jet which was repaid at interest of 15% per annum.


However, the final repayment of US$240,000 was not repaid thus rendering this former President and his friend to loses that Money.


However, we are told that Minister Robeson Benn is planning to give them US$100,000 back out of the US$200,000 he holding for Ezee- Jet.  I thought the passengers had first access to these funds?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It seems like you have an obsession with man balls, go find yourself an anti man to play with. Maybe mitwanda and you would make a nice couple. Stop obsession with my lolo fool. 

Walla Bing Bing  would like to know if he should make cups for Merikan football size or Brazillian foot ball size. Merry Xmas. Hahahahahahaha! 

Why don't you two fools go jam lolo and stop obsessing with mine. two anti men, not that I have anything against you homos but leave me out of your dutty story. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It seems like you have an obsession with man balls, go find yourself an anti man to play with. Maybe mitwanda and you would make a nice couple. Stop obsession with my lolo fool. 

Walla Bing Bing  would like to know if he should make cups for Merikan football size or Brazillian foot ball size. Merry Xmas. Hahahahahahaha! 

Why don't you two fools go jam lolo and stop obsessing with mine. two anti men, not that I have anything against you homos but leave me out of your dutty story. 

I understand how your being erratic after your BF dumped you.


 Good News. Guyanese4eva found a cure for your goadee and BO.


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