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China full of it. They thrive on imports. The West consumes and China re-process their garbage and make new products for the West to consume again and again. It is a cycle they cannot abandon. 

Does China have any products or is it American products made by them for American businesses.

For the high prices in NA of cheaply made products, there must be higher Tariff and Taxes.




"Does China have any products or is it American products made by them for American businesses."

China have products with their brand names sold in North America, also there are lots of American Companies who have their products made in China.

The list is long "Apple" products are one of them ,it will not be an easy task to reverse the process.

Last edited by Django

1. China is the second largest market for US products.

2. China plays a key role in the US supply chain.  The reason why US companies outsource is because Americans want cheaper products.  This drove US companies, who lacked the ability to outsource, out of business.


Low skilled jobs aren't returning to the USA. In fact there has been a return of jobs from China to the USA. But who is getting the work? ROBOTS!


Trump will change the mindset of the American consumer.  Made in America is synonymous with jobs in America.  I don't see low-tech jobs being at the crux of any issue.  What will be targeted are the more mid-tech which could do well with different manufacturing technology and infrastructure.

American consumers need to understand, there is a hidden costs for wanting everything dirt cheap and masses of America struggling to barely survive!  Taxation policy also needs to play a role in a world where technology allows fewer to create enormous concentrated wealth.

In the end, there will be many moving parts and will take some time to settle.  However, substantive change will be coming!


Apple relocating their manufacturing back to the USA.  Please!

Americans paying $100 for jeans. REALLY!

Trump will REDUCE income taxes on the wealthy, making income inequality even worse than it is.  It has been proven that income and capital gains tax cuts do NOT stimulate investment. What stimulates investment is increased DEMAND. The top 1%, who benefit mostly, have a very small propensity to consume the marginal dollar that is freed up.

Even the Reaganites gave up on the "trickle down theory".


Apple should manufacture more in the USA.  A fully manufactured jeans in America does not go from 20 to 100, that's a myth.  A fully US manufactured IPAD costs $35 more.

Caribj, Income and capital gains tax cuts increase the ROI and offset higher wages. 

Caribj, what is trickle down?  Don't you hire a gardener, taxi, etc.  This is trickle down.  If you don't want trickle down, go live under Communism!

Stop making yourself a fool!


Stop talking nonsense. America does not have the infrastructure and skilled workers for Apple to manufacture in the US.  Besides the thread title is misleading as no world leader has embraced him.  He is a curiosity right now. People of Great Britain for example views him as a lunatic.

Last edited by Former Member


Reagan created 15 million jobs. He cut taxes, then raised them.

Clinton created 23 million jobs. He raised taxes

Bush had the deepest tax cuts. He only created 1.3 million jobs, and in fact in his last several months he lost well over 2 million.

Obama increased taxes and saw 10 million jobs created.

I think that you should get the pattern here. If tax cuts only benefit the ultra rich then there is no trickle down. The rich take their increased income and buy bonds. 

Let us look at "read my new taxes" HW Bush. He INCREASED taxes and even though he had only one term he DOUBLED the number of jobs that his DUMB son GW Bush created.

So where is the evidence that giving trust fund kids more money helps the economy. It doesn't!  70% of the GDP is generated by consumption.  Middle class people spend most of their increased income. Rich people buy bonds, so few jobs are generated. 


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