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@seignet posted:

Bushmaster, yes I remember his posts. Back in those days, there were some interesting ppl on this site. Eddie, Leslie, Cain who wasn't cain back then, one other guy, his name skips me right now. Interesting fellow, a christian. Ah! his name came back to me, Bonus. Coolio and host of others, great conversations then. Not to mention the posse that made some serious anti-indo comments.

Seasons of time, someday we all have to go. Sad to hear of Bushmaster.

He told me it was superhot in those days with 200+ members posting: a strong PPP team vs. a strong PNC team. He had another nick: Dr. DNP and wrote professorially, scaring away the badmen.   As Bushmaster, he fought the PNC members like a street thug.   Sounds like he was quite a character and kept the forum going. Life in Edmonton, the frozen tundra, took its toll and sadly he passed in Nov. 2017. 

@seignet posted:

Let us hope he does it. Politicians love to speak of utopia when in reality it is not all pie in the sky. I want to believe him, but Presidents of Guyana are not in a position to initiate new vision. Their job does not entail going to parliament and their time is mostly spent out of the country. So who is responsible for Ali's written vision?

The Grand Mufti himself, Bharat Jagdeo.

@Former Member posted:

The Grand Mufti himself, Bharat Jagdeo.

Hate is a terrible thing. Hate starts destroying its host first before destroying other people. I wish all those haters who walk on tight ropes get down and accept reality. There will be no election petition and there will be no new election. Granger, the PNC, and their followers should accept the reality that the Guyanese people have spoken clear and loud. It's time to move on.

@Former Member posted:

As Bushmaster, he fought the PNC members like a street thug.   Sounds like he was quite a character and kept the forum going.

Life in Edmonton, the frozen tundra, took its toll and sadly he passed in Nov. 2017. 

Edmonton, Alberta is indeed a very cold place in the winter time, but it is a wonderful place to live. 

Relocating from Winnipeg, Manitoba, I am now living in Edmonton for over 30 years  now. 


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