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Inclusion of `fraudulent’ votes in declaration will be  violation of constitution – APNU+AFC

Clinging to power despite a recount result which showed that it lost the March 2nd general elections,  the incumbent APNU+AFC today said “Any attempt to include fraudulent votes in a ‘Declaration’ will constitute a violation of the Constitution and the fundamental principles of democracy. We maintain that the Elections Commission can only make a ‘Declaration’ based on valid votes”.

The APNU+AFC statement will be seen as another ominous sign that it does not intend to give up power even if the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) declares that it has lost the election.


The Caribbean Court of Justice has recognized the recount and the GECOM Chair Claudette Singh has said she intends to declare the result of the election using the figures from the recount which show a win for the PPP/C. The recount figure does not contain “fraudulent” votes as is being suggested by APNU+AFC. Surrogates of the incumbent within GECOM have mounted a months-long campaign to steal the general election for APNU+AFC.

Any defiance of the GECOM’s declaration by the incumbent would be seen as an overturning of constitutional rule and the seizure of power.


The statement issued by APNU+AFC follows:

Statement of A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) on the political situation in Guyana

General and Regional Elections were held on 2nd March 2020 in the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. The results of those elections had not been declared by Monday 20th July, twenty weeks afterward.

Delays in the declaration of results were caused, in part, by several appeals which were made during this period – to the Supreme Court of Judicature, the Court of Appeal of Guyana and the Caribbean Court of Justice – to provide interpretations of electoral and other laws and to resolve problems arising from the elections.  The people of Guyana await a credible ‘Declaration’ by the Guyana Elections Commission.

A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC Coalition) is committed to a lawful and credible declaration of results based on valid votes. The Coalition has taken note of the ruling of Chief Justice Roxane George on 20th July 2020 in the case of Mesinga Jones v Guyana Elections Commission Chairman et al.

The APNU+AFC Coalition, as always, remains committed to the judicial process. That process is incomplete as it stands and the matter has been appealed in the Guyana Court of Appeal. Such an appeal is lawful, proper, and guaranteed under the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, our supreme law. The Coalition will await the outcome of the appeal.

The APNU+AFC Coalition is resolved to ensure that fraudulent votes, cannot be factored in to represent the will of the electorate. Any attempt to include fraudulent votes in a ‘Declaration’ will constitute a violation of the Constitution and the fundamental principles of democracy. We maintain that the Elections Commission can only make a ‘Declaration’ based on valid votes.

The recount process which was conducted, painstakingly, for thirty-three days revealed massive irregularities and extensive fraud which cannot be foisted on the Guyanese people to contrive an outcome that betrays the will of the electorate.

The APNU+AFC Coalition, in the national interest, and with a view to maintaining stability and peace, remains open to dialogue with other political parties and stakeholders on the way forward for our country.  The APNU+AFC Coalition is prepared to act responsibly to bring a resolution to the ongoing political situation.

We implore all Guyanese to remain calm and peaceful as we await a credible and legitimate outcome.


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Excerpts - The APNU+AFC statement will be seen as another ominous sign that it does not intend to give up power even if the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) declares that it has lost the election.


Leslie Ramsammy wrote:

Granger and his sycophants have no shame. They sent Karen Cummings and Basil Williams to defend their thieving. Carl Greenidge refused to be part of the thieving. They clumsily lied that the CCJ said the recount was invalid. They disgraced Guyana. Even Venezuela condemned the rigging. For this alone they deserve to be in jail.


From all the constitutional cases that the Coalition has lost recently it is clear that they don't know/understand the constitution of Guyana.

The only betrayal of the will of the people has been the PNC's behavior over the past 4+ months particularly.

The Coalition can 'remain open' as much as they want to. That is their prerogative. The peoples' prerogative is that they step aside and stop obstructing the declaration of the votes cast in the March elections.

The PNC needs to get it's knees off Guyana's neck so it can breathe.


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