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Former Member

They said that they would make the nation better but 6 months after we continue to see neo natal deaths, drug runnings, killings, hard economic times and decay of the real estate market.  


Another neonatal death rocks GPHC

Sumarie Balwant along with her husband and son during her pregnancy

Sumarie Balwant along with her husband and son during her pregnancy

– mother bedridden, family blames nurses’ negligence


An East Coast Demerara family is outraged at the attitude of nurses at the maternity ward of Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH), claiming that their negligence has caused a woman, 34, to lose her baby.

Sumarie Balwant called “Shalinie” of Lot 640 Good Hope, ECD, was pregnant with her second child and had reached full term pregnancy when she went into labour. She was taken to GPH, where family members claim the nurses refused to deliver the baby, saying she was not ready, even though her amniotic sac commonly called ‘water bag’ had burst.

The family is alleging that because of the nurses’ negligence, the baby suffocated and died inside of Balwant.

Speaking with Guyana Times, the woman’s mother, Yungal Kumarie, explained that her daughter had to undergo a caesarean operation to deliver her first child, who is now four years old, and had joined the clinic at GPH during her second pregnancy. The woman said her daughter visited the clinic on Monday, which was her due date, and was told all is well with the baby and she would deliver any time soon.

“When she came home, she started getting pain so I told her if it continues we will go to the hospital in the morning (Tuesday). Early Tuesday morning we took her to GPH and she was admitted,” the mother recalled.

The woman went onto say the nurses took her daughter into the operation room and examined her but said she was not ready to deliver. Balwant remained in the hospital and according to her mother, her water bag burst the following day (Wednesday).

Kumarie told this newspaper her daughter had complained that she felt the baby coming out of her womb but was told by the nurses that she was still not ready.

She went on to say that later in the evening around 19:00h, one of her neighbours who knew someone at the hospital called there to find out if her daughter had delivered but was told Balwant was still in the ward.

Kumarie further stated that on Thursday morning at about 06:00h, the neighbour called the hospital and was told that Balwant’s baby had died ‘in her.’

“After we heard that, we rushed down to the hospital and she was still in the theatre room so I beg to see her and they send me in. She was lying flat on her back, couldn’t move and could barely talk because they had to give her an injection in her back to take the baby out. She said the baby died and ask to call her husband,” the woman recounted.

The mother added that when she returned later she saw her daughter in the ward but she was unable to move.

Kumarie said that Balwant told her that when the nurses were preparing her for delivery on Tuesday afternoon, they did not find any heartbeat and prevented her from informing her family.

“If they (nurses) had carried her to the operation theatre since Wednesday then my grandson would have been saved. Imagine my daughter tell these people that the baby coming down but they didn’t take her in, they wait till the baby dead and then take him out and then they have the mind to tell my daughter that she nah gone mek them get fired, This is the kind of people we have to deal with,” the angry woman vented.

Kumarie further remarked: “After my daughter come out the theatre and told us wha happen, I went upstairs to the nurses to find out what really happen and they held out that my daughter was not ready to go in labour. They not taking blame, your baby died but they aren’t concerned. This is not the first time something like this happen, you always hearing they making somebody baby die because of their negligence,” the grieving woman stated.

Balwant is still a patient but in a bed-ridden state at the GPH.

The Georgetown Public Hospital is also being sued by another distraught family whose baby also suffered injuries after a nurse allegedly dropped the newborn on the ground.

Guyana Times understands also that steps are being taken by another family to file a lawsuit against the Davis Memorial Hospital after a 33-year-old mother and her newborn child died allegedly at the hands of negligent nurses and hospital staff.

Meanwhile, Parbatee Ramdat, 29, of Reliance Village, Essequibo Coast, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) is currently in the process of taking legal action against the Suddie Public Hospital after her newborn baby suffered a fractured shoulder and broken hand during delivery.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The AFC/PNC clueless bunch used to scream and holler when an unfortunate incident like this happened under the PPP.


They are in hiding now as a nation is destroyed and where the lives of Indos no longer matter to a racist AFC/PNC administration.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC/PNC clueless bunch used to scream and holler when an unfortunate incident like this happened under the PPP.


They are in hiding now as a nation is destroyed and where the lives of Indos no longer matter to a racist AFC/PNC administration.

What's racist about this death?


Indo lives do not matter to the racist AFC/PNC administration. Guyanese were fooled into voting for change. They ended up with a careless and useless AFC/PNC administration.


Health care is deteriorating under the PNC.


Many hospitals are now without proper medication to treat patients and this is happening to communities which are dominated by Indos.


Guyana gone fuh Channa under a clueless AFC/PNC administration.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC/PNC clueless bunch used to scream and holler when an unfortunate incident like this happened under the PPP.


They are in hiding now as a nation is destroyed and where the lives of Indos no longer matter to a racist AFC/PNC administration.

What an idiot! The infant mortality rate was some 30 per 1000 live birth only last year. It is on track to do the same this year and the problem expressed was a lack of specialists


This figure has little to do with race since no one selects indian or mothers to die more than Africans. You bigots cannot but express you stupidity anywhere but in terms of your own disease.


Yes, we need more doctors specialized in obstetrics and neo natal care. We also need to improve the horrible conditions of the hospitals that exist and that is not the APNU doing as an assault on indians but a complete lacking of concern by the PPP during their term continuing into this era.


More needs to be invested in this area and its improvement will not be only for black people but guyanese in general.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Indo lives do not matter to the racist AFC/PNC administration. Guyanese were fooled into voting for change. They ended up with a careless and useless AFC/PNC administration.


Health care is deteriorating under the PNC.


Many hospitals are now without proper medication to treat patients and this is happening to communities which are dominated by Indos.


Guyana gone fuh Channa under a clueless AFC/PNC administration.

Guyana has a better chance to progress by this lot given they are under scrutiny than the PPP who just did not care. This lot has to perform and they will. That we are starting from this horrible place speaks to who were clueless, the PPP/


Stupid people like yourself cannot accept the reality that the PPP failed and an Afro Government will most definitely correct their errors. We already received aid to improve this area that the PPP neglected for over 2 decades.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Indo lives do not matter to the racist AFC/PNC administration. Guyanese were fooled into voting for change. They ended up with a careless and useless AFC/PNC administration.


Health care is deteriorating under the PNC.


Many hospitals are now without proper medication to treat patients and this is happening to communities which are dominated by Indos.


Guyana gone fuh Channa under a clueless AFC/PNC administration.

Guyana has a better chance to progress by this lot given they are under scrutiny than the PPP who just did not care. This lot has to perform and they will. That we are starting from this horrible place speaks to who were clueless, the PPP/


Stupid people like yourself cannot accept the reality that the PPP failed and an Afro Government will most definitely correct their errors. We already received aid to improve this area that the PPP neglected for over 2 decades.

So we have an "Afro Government". Tell this to Moses, Ramjattan and other members of the AFC  and the Guyanese of other races who voted for the coalition.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Guyana has a better chance to progress by this lot given they are under scrutiny than the PPP who just did not care. This lot has to perform and they will. That we are starting from this horrible place speaks to who were clueless, the PPP/


Stupid people like yourself cannot accept the reality that the PPP failed and an Afro Government will most definitely correct their errors. We already received aid to improve this area that the PPP neglected for over 2 decades.

Even you must admit that the ghost of PNC past is alive and well in this bunch of crooks now in office. 

You claim more specialists are needed, however the first order of business was to give themselves 50% increase in salary rather than put aside money in the budget to enhance the public sector, police, hospital and others. 

In this scenario we see that it was not the lack of specialist as you claim but rather callous neglect for Indian life that played the major role.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Guyana has a better chance to progress by this lot given they are under scrutiny than the PPP who just did not care. This lot has to perform and they will. That we are starting from this horrible place speaks to who were clueless, the PPP/


Stupid people like yourself cannot accept the reality that the PPP failed and an Afro Government will most definitely correct their errors. We already received aid to improve this area that the PPP neglected for over 2 decades.

Even you must admit that the ghost of PNC past is alive and well in this bunch of crooks now in office. 

You claim more specialists are needed, however the first order of business was to give themselves 50% increase in salary rather than put aside money in the budget to enhance the public sector, police, hospital and others. 

In this scenario we see that it was not the lack of specialist as you claim but rather callous neglect for Indian life that played the major role.

I agree this is bullshit and GPH has always been a terrible place but I never knew GPHC was an East Indian Hospital, this is new.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Guyana has a better chance to progress by this lot given they are under scrutiny than the PPP who just did not care. This lot has to perform and they will. That we are starting from this horrible place speaks to who were clueless, the PPP/


Stupid people like yourself cannot accept the reality that the PPP failed and an Afro Government will most definitely correct their errors. We already received aid to improve this area that the PPP neglected for over 2 decades.

Even you must admit that the ghost of PNC past is alive and well in this bunch of crooks now in office. 

You claim more specialists are needed, however the first order of business was to give themselves 50% increase in salary rather than put aside money in the budget to enhance the public sector, police, hospital and others. 

In this scenario we see that it was not the lack of specialist as you claim but rather callous neglect for Indian life that played the major role.

I agree this is bullshit and GPH has always been a terrible place but I never knew GPHC was an East Indian Hospital, this is new.

The victim was east indian.  My personal experience at this hospital has always been one where the blacks are given better service than indians by the predominantly afc/apnu nursing staff. 

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Indo lives do not matter to the racist AFC/PNC administration. Guyanese were fooled into voting for change. They ended up with a careless and useless AFC/PNC administration.


Health care is deteriorating under the PNC.


Many hospitals are now without proper medication to treat patients and this is happening to communities which are dominated by Indos.


Guyana gone fuh Channa under a clueless AFC/PNC administration.

Guyana has a better chance to progress by this lot given they are under scrutiny than the PPP who just did not care. This lot has to perform and they will. That we are starting from this horrible place speaks to who were clueless, the PPP/


Stupid people like yourself cannot accept the reality that the PPP failed and an Afro Government will most definitely correct their errors. We already received aid to improve this area that the PPP neglected for over 2 decades.

So we have an "Afro Government". Tell this to Moses, Ramjattan and other members of the AFC  and the Guyanese of other races who voted for the coalition.

Why do I have to tell that to them? Is it not the same delusional scheme each party and their officials run on us that each and everyone of them is multi ethnic? Did not the PPP claim that status? The reality is that each party has a history of self identification from within and as seen from with out as ethnic based: the PPP with indians and the APNU with Afro Guyanese.  It is the reason for the useless bickering here from ethnic perspectives. There is no getting around that unless we change the constitution to direct representation, formalize a bicameral system and create districts that overlap for the upper house co equal to the presidency and individual ones in the lower house that can be within one or the other ethnic majority constituency. Of course more has to be done but this is an example of what is possible.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC/PNC clueless bunch used to scream and holler when an unfortunate incident like this happened under the PPP.


They are in hiding now as a nation is destroyed and where the lives of Indos no longer matter to a racist AFC/PNC administration.

This figure has little to do with race since no one selects indian or mothers to die more than Africans. You bigots cannot but express you stupidity anywhere but in terms of your own disease.


It depends, back in the 80's I took someone to the new wing of GPH and it was evident Indians were being pushed aside in favor of Blacks.  The only reason the person got treatment, a friend called an Indian Doctor friend who was inside and he came and got and treated the patient.  The Black "nurse" who was screening and deciding who goes in was pissed at being circumvented.  I'm not confident that since "c0olie day done", this has not re-emerged.  The PNC ethnic cleansing crusade gives little confidence to any Indian.  This is also an arm of the on-going ethnic cleansing crusade.

Last edited by Former Member

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