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Breaking News…Another fire breaks out at Camp St. Prison

March 21, 2016 2:57 pm Category: latest news, Uncategorized A+ / A-

Less than three weeks after the deadly rioting at the Camp Street Prison which claimed the lives of seventeen inmates, another fire of unknown origin broke out moments ago at another section of the jail house.

File photo

File photo

According to a source, Tactical Service Unit (TSU) ranks have been deployed at the location and are trying to control the situation.

INews understands that some of the prisoners are presently demanding their freedom.

INews will provide more details as they become available.

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Fire put out at Camp St. Prison…situation under control


March 21, 2016 4:47 pm

The fire which started this afternoon at the Camp St. Prison has been put out. There are no reports of either inmates or law enforcement ranks being injured and the situation at the jailhouse is said to be under control.

Meanwhile, both the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and the Guyana Prison Service (GPS) are investigating the incident. The origin of the fire is unknown.


The following scenes were captured by INews photographer, Carl Croker, when news of the fire broke this afternoon.

Mon 2 - Copy

Mon 4 - Copy


Mon 3

Nehru posted:

Breaking News…Another fire breaks out at Camp St. Prison

March 21, 2016 2:57 pm Category: latest news, Uncategorized A+ / A-

Less than three weeks after the deadly rioting at the Camp Street Prison which claimed the lives of seventeen inmates, another fire of unknown origin broke out moments ago at another section of the jail house.

File photo

File photo

According to a source, Tactical Service Unit (TSU) ranks have been deployed at the location and are trying to control the situation.

INews understands that some of the prisoners are presently demanding their freedom.

INews will provide more details as they become available.

Ramjattan is an idiot and should be fired.


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