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UGSS denies it backed Kissoon’s termination

The University of Guyana Students Society (UGSS) has denied statements made by the PPP/C which said that none of the 14 council members present at the last Council meeting objected to the termination of Frederick Kissoon’s contract.
Duane Edwards, President of the UGSS, in a press release yesterday stated that he was one of the participants at the meeting as the representative of the UGSS.
He deemed the information in the PPP/C press release as an “incontrovertible truth” which borders on gross misrepresentation of facts .
“Apart from coming close to falsity and mischievousness, the press release which claims that not a single member of the 14 council members present at that meeting, including the UGSS, supported Mr. Kissoon’s retention is a reduction to absurdity of what exactly transpired at that meeting,” said Edwards.
He explained that it is inconceivable that in less than two weeks before the beginning of the second semester the academic staff and himself would be party to such a decision. The consequences of that decision could be inconveniencing to students and burdensome to the faculty and therefore was not supported unanimously.
“When the version of the unfolding of the Council meeting presented by the press release is juxtaposed with the fact that the matter had to be transferred from the Appointments Committee, a body dominated by academics, in order to secure the intended outcome then the claim that no academic staff supported Kissoon’s retention becomes even more absurd,” the UGSS press release also stated.
Kaieteur News also understands that Edwards was one of the voices who “highlighted the totally irrational and inconsiderate nature of terminating a contract in the middle of the academic year.”
He added that in representing the interest of the students, he pointed out to the Council members the extant situation as it relates to the shortages of lecturers for key courses, and the fact that lecturers are expected to “fetch” extra courses to make up for the shortages.
These shortages are also said to consequently result in reduced quality instruction and engagement and lack of programme preparation. Classes at the University of Guyana are expected to be suspended until further notice as protests continue at the Turkeyen Campus.
On Monday the leading figures in “Operation Rescue UG” which comprises students, workers and academics, spoke to a packed audience in the George Walcott Lecture Theatre, outlining a series of issues which they are fighting for.
The purpose of the meeting was to urge the UG community to come out in support of the closing down of the University until the demands of staff and students are met. These demands include contract renewal for Freddie Kissoon and Vincent Alexander.
On Tuesday, padlocks were seen on the doors of the George Walcott Lecture Theatre, the Small Lecture Theatre, along with the ‘Stables’ classrooms. A few of the classes which were opened had no lecturers. Staffers and Faculty members are contending that there will be no classes until their demands are met, which include contract renewals for Freddie Kissoon and Vincent Alexander, and better working conditions.
On Tuesday, UG’s Council members, Indra Chandarpal, Bibi Shadick, Nirmal Rekha and Gail Teixeira, all senior officials in the PPP/C, issued a release of the ongoing UG protests claiming that there were no objections to a decision made to terminate Kissoon’s contract during a meeting on January 18th.
Citing a number of reasons, the Council said that it was “unimpressed and not one single member of the 14 Council members present at that meeting, including the UGSS and fellow colleagues of the academic staff, not a single member supported his retention. The Council rescinded his contract.”
Kissoon has been a fierce critic of the PPP/C administration.

“incontrovertible truth” which borders on gross misrepresentation of facts ? Please, I man went to school in August month suh I am easily bamboozled by these big words. Could someone translate in simple Guyanese twang what this highfluneted UG scholar is saying here! After all the mumbo jumbo by Duane Edwards is there now an [b]incontrovertible repudiation of the facts as stated by the 'PPP 4' that "...not one single member of the 14 Council members present at that meeting, including the UGSS and fellow colleagues of the academic staff, not a single member supported his retention..." ?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

that is what happens when you have no rules of order and ad hoc sitting of committees ruling on very serious and career ending decisions. Where is the minutes of the meeting?

In any event, the stacked panel of clearly identifiable PPP water boys and girls do not constitute an impartial board. I do not read Freddi but the account of his wife and now him being axed in quick succession points to PPP using their authority in office for political vengeance. While it is not rare or unheard of in modern politics its brazenness and subsequent harmonizing of dubious reasons inclusive of calling the man an idiot is dispicable
Meh a canecutta. Meh a sell fowl to and meh know lil percent and suh. Meh canecutta mentality ah give meh wan simple questun. Did de 14 member committee vote? yes or no? and why? duane edward please give wan ansa and mek it simple for dis canecutta.
Originally posted by D2:
that is what happens when you have no rules of order and ad hoc sitting of committees ruling on very serious and career ending decisions. Where is the minutes of the meeting?

In any event, the stacked panel of clearly identifiable PPP water boys and girls do not constitute an impartial board. I do not read Freddi but the account of his wife and now him being axed in quick succession points to PPP using their authority in office for political vengeance. While it is not rare or unheard of in modern politics its brazenness and subsequent harmonizing of dubious reasons inclusive of calling the man an idiot is dispicable

My Friend,

The thrust of this article is not whether a hatchet job or fish frying was done on Freddie Kissoon. Rather, it is about Duane Edwards, President of the UGSS bravely stepping forward to repudiate what the the press release by 'PPP Four' on council. Instead what we have is more bull-shyt from the head of Student Council that confound logical deduction and the most astute mind. As an aside, 4 out of 14 is not a stacked panel of water boys and girls. There is no doubt that Kissoon was targeted for some easy fish frying by the PPP gang on council. The question is what did the other 10 members of Council who were present did in defense of Kissoon? I believe the answer is squat as enunciated here by the 'wiley & brilliant' UGSS President, Duane Morris.
Originally posted by Mara:
Originally posted by D2:
that is what happens when you have no rules of order and ad hoc sitting of committees ruling on very serious and career ending decisions. Where is the minutes of the meeting?

In any event, the stacked panel of clearly identifiable PPP water boys and girls do not constitute an impartial board. I do not read Freddi but the account of his wife and now him being axed in quick succession points to PPP using their authority in office for political vengeance. While it is not rare or unheard of in modern politics its brazenness and subsequent harmonizing of dubious reasons inclusive of calling the man an idiot is dispicable

My Friend,

The thrust of this article is not whether a hatchet job or fish frying was done on Freddie Kissoon. Rather, it is about Duane Edwards, President of the UGSS bravely stepping forward to repudiate what the the press release by 'PPP Four' on council. Instead what we have is more bull-shyt from the head of Student Council that confound logical deduction and the most astute mind. As an aside, 4 out of 14 is not a stacked panel of water boys and girls. There is no doubt that Kissoon was targeted for some easy fish frying by the PPP gang on council. The question is what did the other 10 members of Council who were present did in defense of Kissoon? I believe the answer is squat as enunciated here by the 'wiley & brilliant' UGSS President, Duane Morris.
As I noted, that is what happens when one hold important meeting with no rules of order. Everyone can prevaricate to no ends and the truth never comes out.

Other than that what is grossly wrong here is for a ruling party to dominate an education board of an institution of higher learning. That is a grotesque miscarriage of justice and attempts to control the free flow of information that ought to typify such institutions. This is burnhamism or the old Leninist model all over again.
Freddie wrong and strong
Written by Vishnu Bisram
Wednesday, 01 February 2012 22:53
MR. RONDELL BENN (KN Jan 29) requested an apology or a retraction from Mr. Freddie Kissoon for lambasting a doctor for refusing to write a prescription for a patient who was not the doctor’s patient. Is Benn joking? Freddie does not apologise for any wrongdoing. Freddie is wrong and strong. Almost every article Freddie writes has inaccuracies and virtually all are a stretching of the facts.
Readers have learned to take Freddie writings with a pound of salt. Only a few days ago he wrote that both houses of US Congress are controlled by Republicans when only the House of Reps is controlled by Republicans. Freddie does not need to apologise for, or retract anything. He is always right. He is after all the mighty Freddie Kissoon. Nah so Fred?
Can Freddie tell me who is his doctor? I need some prescriptions for patients who are not his. Can any doctor please write a prescription to fix Freddie's head?
Firing of Freddie is politically motivated and vindictive. He has pisssed off the PPP to the point where they want to cut the legs off from under him. I am not crazy about Freddie’s writing as he does come across at times as a raving lunatic. But in a democracy you should be able to speak freely. There are other mechanisms available to rein him in if he breaks the law. But to cut the man’s livelihood off is really a low blow and sends the wrong message to society.
Originally posted by FC:
Firing of Freddie is politically motivated and vindictive. He has pisssed off the PPP to the point where they want to cut the legs off from under him. I am not crazy about Freddie’s writing as he does come across at times as a raving lunatic. But in a democracy you should be able to speak freely. There are other mechanisms available to rein him in if he breaks the law. But to cut the man’s livelihood off is really a low blow and sends the wrong message to society.

You seems to be concentrating on the sidebars and fail to see the big picture. What about the right of the students to be educated by dedicated, knowledgeable, sharp professors? Freddie, as evidenced by his writings in Kaiteur, is deceitful, lacking in integrity, lying and lacks proper writing skills. This is not the type of educator that Guyanese university students are deserving.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by FC:
Firing of Freddie is politically motivated and vindictive. He has pisssed off the PPP to the point where they want to cut the legs off from under him. I am not crazy about Freddie’s writing as he does come across at times as a raving lunatic. But in a democracy you should be able to speak freely. There are other mechanisms available to rein him in if he breaks the law. But to cut the man’s livelihood off is really a low blow and sends the wrong message to society.

You seems to be concentrating on the sidebars and fail to see the big picture. What about the right of the students to be educated by dedicated, knowledgeable, sharp professors? Freddie, as evidenced by his writings in Kaiteur, is deceitful, lacking in integrity, lying and lacks proper writing skills. This is not the type of educator that Guyanese university students are deserving.

How many years did Freddie teach at UG before this BS was brought up?
We are all aware this is politically motivated,no need to get on the defense of bullies.
Originally posted by cain:

How many years did Freddie teach at UG before this BS was brought up?
We are all aware this is politically motivated,no need to get on the defense of bullies.

Freddie's teaching ability has degraded steadily over the years. As senility and complacency kicked in, the university had no choice but to let him go. The students deserve more enthusiastic professors, not persons tired of the job and just going through the motion while dedicating their efforts to writing a daily column and pursuing politics.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by FC:
Firing of Freddie is politically motivated and vindictive. He has pisssed off the PPP to the point where they want to cut the legs off from under him. I am not crazy about Freddie’s writing as he does come across at times as a raving lunatic. But in a democracy you should be able to speak freely. There are other mechanisms available to rein him in if he breaks the law. But to cut the man’s livelihood off is really a low blow and sends the wrong message to society.

You seems to be concentrating on the sidebars and fail to see the big picture. What about the right of the students to be educated by dedicated, knowledgeable, sharp professors? Freddie, as evidenced by his writings in Kaiteur, is deceitful, lacking in integrity, lying and lacks proper writing skills. This is not the type of educator that Guyanese university students are deserving.

Oooooo....miiii seee. Dem need Sex man and Prem Misir. Hehe
It is time for President Ramotar to rise above petty politics, stop this foolishness and rein in his political hacks. The PPP minority government must have decorum to govern and gain the respect of the citizens.

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