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Independence Day Messages

May 26, 2021 News, Source - Kaieteur News Online - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ence-day-messages-5/

Kaieteur News – Today we at Kaieteur News join with the rest of the Nation to celebrate our 55th Independence Anniversary. In doing so we recognise that it was because of our resilience that we still stand as a Nation today. May we continue to embrace the words of our Motto – One People, One Nation and one Destiny – as we move forward.


People’s Progressive Party

Our beloved Nation has reached another milestone, its 55th Independence Anniversary. It comes at a time when Guyana is on the cusp of unprecedented transformational development. The unleashing of our Nation’s vast potential is within reach. Our developmental trajectory has, undoubtedly imbued all Guyanese with a tremendous sense of optimism, pride, expectation and confidence that our individual and collective dreams and aspirations for a prosperous Nation will be realised.

As we observe this very significant moment in our Nation’s history, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) takes this opportunity to extend greetings to all Guyanese, both here and those globally in the Diaspora.

The 55 years since the Golden Arrowhead was first hoisted in May 1966, was not without its challenges. Our Nation and its people were tested at various points, but on every occasion, despite the severity of what confronted us, our resilience and indomitable will to rise to those challenges and to forge ahead, prevailed. It is demonstrative of our resoluteness as a people to work assiduously and to sustain our efforts to build a brighter future for all.

During those 55 years, there were periods when much was achieved – a period that saw our physical and social infrastructures being transformed through sustained growth and development –and periods of regression.

There were periods when our freedom were suppressed and periods when they were restored. There were periods when pride was lost and periods when it returned after relentless struggles. However, throughout these times, our people never allowed hope to slip away and remained steadfast in their commitment to nation-building and the advancement of all. Guyanese are aware that the 55th Independence Anniversary comes months after glaring attempts to suppress freedom and democracy.

The fact that our freedom and nascent democracy were vigorously defended is testimony to our collective resolve and the value we, as a people, attached to our democratic principles. This is not dissimilar to the values of those who led the struggles and fought valiantly for Independence would have attached to breaking the shackles of colonialism. Those selfless struggles remain a revered source of inspiration and a demonstration of patriotism in guiding us to work in the best interest of our country and all of its peoples.

As we celebrate this Independence Anniversary, albeit restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our Party urges that we be encouraged by the invaluable efforts of those who struggled to free us from colonialism, as we endeavour together to safeguard our democratic values and to advance ourselves and fellow countrymen and women as a new era of transformational development beckons. Happy Independence to all Guyanese!


People’s National Congress

The People’s National Congress greets all Guyanese on this happy occasion of our Nation’s 55th Independence Anniversary. Independence on May 26, 1966 was a transformative event that laid the foundation for a good life for all.

Our visionary first Prime Minister – Forbes Burnham – embarked on a transformative programme of renewal. His administration led public education enhancement including the construction of the Cyril Potter College of Education, University of Guyana campus and multilateral schools in coastal regions and public infrastructural development through the construction of the Timehri International Airport, Soesdyke-Linden Highway, coastal sea-defence and coastal road networks from Skeldon to Parika.

The People’s National Congress, during the first decade of Independence, contributed to social cohesion by ensuring that Islamic and Hindu holy festivals were observed as national holidays; to securing Indigenous people’s land rights by establishing the Amerindian Lands Commission; to territorial defence with the establishment of the Guyana Defence Force; to regional integration by contributing to the establishment of the Caribbean Community and to housing development; hinterland development; youth development and much more.

Guyana was able to make a good start as an independent nation despite emerging from the worst period of civil violence, economic bankruptcy and political turmoil. It became respected for its efforts at advancing the cause of the small, developing states, particularly in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific.

Independence celebrations this year will be restrained as a result of the huge death toll caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, the damage to households caused by the unprecedented dismissal of public servants who are parents and the ominous resurgence of narcotics-trafficking, criminal violence and environmental degradation.

Independence Day reminds the Nation, also, of its debt to doctors, nurses and other workers in the public health system who have been engaged continuously in protecting our people from the ravages of the pandemic.

The People’s National Congress wishes everyone a Happy 55th Independence anniversary!


Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union

As Guyana observes 55 years as an independent state, the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) is pleased to join with all Guyanese to celebrate this exciting landmark anniversary in our history.

We need to recall, at this time, that there was near absolute consensus amongst our then leaders that we needed to shed the constitutional and other chains with which we were then wrapped. Independence brought us and we joyfully welcomed our new status as citizens of Guyana, no longer colonial subjects tied to a “mother” country. It also brought heavy responsibilities for a free and prosperous future. The onus was now ours to chart our own course and it was recognised that national independence needed to be strengthened by economic independence and social justice. Those objectives had to be attained and sustained.
GAWU feels certain that our Independence, which we fought for, is an attainment to be cherished and will be cherished by coming generations too. Since Independence we have moved forward. There are successes in several fields nationally and at the international level, our country has earned recognition and respect especially when it took principled and laudable stance on issues that are of concern to humanity. That respect was surely strengthened with the resurfacing of our democratic culture over 20 years ago and which we saw a year ago faced with serious attempts of destabilisation. Though disheartened by the nefarious efforts of a few, we are heartened by the expressions of our people to protect and consolidate our democratic foundation. Today, our Union stands in support of reforms that will enhance our democracy in our people’s interest and well-being.

As an independent nation we have faced trails and setbacks of one kind or another, punctuated by periods of marking time, economic and social decline at the same time we recognise there have been very many significant achievements in our endeavours to overcome the negative legacy of colonialism and fulfill our development obligations. Today independent Guyana is poised for further advancement. We recognise the serious efforts to further development and enhance of people’s standard-of-living. We laud such efforts and look forward in the coming years of independence to Guyana unlocking its true potential and our people enjoying a life they truly deserve. Apart from the question of economic and social advancement, we hold there is need to strike an ecological balance. On this score, we have seen the development argument advanced. Such contentions cognisant of the setbacks we faced have some merit. We none-the-less charge that we need to ensure that there is every effort to ensure that our environment is preserved for current and future generations.

The prospects for our country to grow and develop remain encouraging and we need to tackle the various tasks before us in a collective and united spirit. In this respect, acts and obstacle that tend to undermine our still fragile democracy should be discontinued, measures that bring hardships on working-people should be frowned upon and our people, especially our working people, need to become involved in the decision-making process at various levels of our society.

As we celebrate this historic anniversary, GAWU urges that we all recognise that we have a responsibility to build our nation, to make great efforts to realise enduring national unity and strengthen the strands that bind our nation. We must be justly proud of our well-deserved freedom and it must also be a joy for all our people.

At the same time, let us on this 55th Anniversary remember the struggles associated with the fight against colonialism and these organisations and outstanding leaders who were at the front of those history making efforts.

GAWU extends a Happy Independence Anniversary to all Guyanese!


Guyana Trades Union Congress

The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) joins with Guyanese, at home and abroad, to mark our Independence. Fifty-five years ago a nation was born. It is a Nation founded on the principle that whereas we have had different historical experiences and are from different places we are all here and must be able to peacefully co-exit, equally participate in the business of the State and enjoy exact protection under the laws. The aspirational ambition to forge “One People, One Nation, One Destiny” out of diverse experiences but common humanity remains elusive. In addition, to the extent where this exists the very foundation that spurred the fight for nationhood is being threatened.

Where Guyana continues to be embroiled in ethnic tensions and divisions, the attainment of living up to the country’s ideal is under attack. Where social, economic and political justice remains elusive for some, the spirit that gave birth to the fight for Independence will re-emerge. Where the Nation’s resources are exploited by some, not all, and free reign given to plunder these as workers (and citizens) lurch from one poverty cycle to another, the struggles of our forebears are being undermined.

Where the ‘Principal Political Objective’ of the State, as per the Constitution, is to establish an “inclusionary democracy” but Government continues to ignore this obligation, the people are neither living up to Guyana’s motto or striving for peaceful co-existence. Fifty-five years finds Guyana a troubled nation, with divided peoples. Our resources are being plundered by foreign powers and men from strange lands with the support of some locals. Local labour is being abused and the laws violated at the instigation and support of their fellow countrymen. A land on the never ending cusp of greatness is hindered by the avariciousness of a few.

2021 finds Guyana in the throes of the pandemic. Yet the Government continues to forge ahead without national coordination of the various stakeholders, not only to mitigate the spread and reduce fatalities, but also to develop a National Relief Programme. The year continues to see basic rights and freedoms being trampled on. It is a year where the branches of Government-–Legislature, Executive and Judiciary – are not being allowed to function, as they ought. It is a year of much sadness, hopelessness and want.

And whereas the picture is gloomy, Guyana does not have to be gloomy for gloominess is manmade, not God-given. If it is manmade, it can and must be fixed. The GTUC therefore takes the opportunity to call on every worker, every citizen, to let us join hands in redoubling our efforts to build a Nation, borne out of a history that “…our heroes of yore, both bondsmen and free, laid their bones on your shore. This soil so they hallowed, and from them are we,…” Guyana belongs to all of us. We must collectively through, “inclusionary democracy,” take control of what is ours and mold the nation we would like to see. On this 55th Anniversary there remains much work to be done.

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President Ali urges unity as Guyana weathers post-Independence challenges

Guyana celebrates 55 years of Independence today, with President Dr Irfaan Ali urging Guyanese to come together and be united as the country faces a myriad of post-independence challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic.

In his Independence Day address, President Ali noted that Independence was a celebration of a great victory won by the forefathers who all united to end colonialism and to fashion Guyana’s destiny. He noted the importance of Guyana uniting now.

“Now, it falls to us to keep faith with them and all the great Guyanese of our past. To do so, we must recall the spirit of common purpose that motivated them. And in recalling that spirit, with pride and respect, we must commit to continue the journey they began, realising our hopes and aspirations for the future of our much-loved Guyana,” he said.


According to President Ali, unity is also required if Guyana is to surmount the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic that has ravaged the world.

“Like every other country in the world, we are fighting an unseen but ever-present enemy in the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 16,000 of our people have been infected with the dreadful coronavirus and, sadly, over 360 of them have died. We mourn those deaths and sympathise with the families who have lost loved ones,” he said.

“I plead with all to help stop these deaths; stop the tears of anguish; stop the grief. Your Government has instituted measures to try to protect every person in Guyana, particularly our elderly and vulnerable. However, the active participation of all is required to deploy the protective measures of masks, physical distancing, hand washing and using sanitisers.”

According to the President, 20 per cent of Guyanese have already been vaccinated… a significant accomplishment in a world where less than one per cent of people in the developing countries have access to vaccines, and where recent World Health Organisation (WHO) studies suggest that more than six million people have died globally.

He also reminded that Guyana has already purchased tens of thousands of vaccines, and the Government is sparing no expense in buying more. According to him, the objective is to inoculate everyone from the COVID virus.

“The length of this battle depends on how soon each of us is fully vaccinated, liberating ourselves to return to a high level of normal life, and protecting others from infection. In the past, we have immunised generations of our people from measles, mumps, typhoid, polio, yellow fever, meningitis, diphtheria, hepatitis, and other communicable diseases, proving that vaccinations save lives.”

President Irfaan Ali addressing the gathering at the Flag Raising Ceremony

“I urge that we all recognise the value to our own lives, to the lives of our family and friends, to our livelihoods and to the betterment of our country by vaccinating to defeat the coronavirus, as we have defeated so many others in the past,” the President said.

New city

According to the President, the Government is hard at work as it is not only combating COVID-19, but also lifting Guyana’s healthcare to international standards. According to him, there is significant Private Sector interest in hospitals. Not only that, but the Government is also focused on other areas of advancement.

This includes free university education, improving educational infrastructure, energy, and infrastructure such as roads and bridges. He noted that Guyana cannot be a nation that produces oil and gas which earns considerable sums of money without passing on the benefits to the people.

“Our financial resources must be utilised to improve the quality of life for all our communities. We fought for Independence to give our people the quality of life of which they had been deprived. If Independence is to have any real meaning, it is to uplift our people from the ravages and limitations of the past, and to give them a better life with better opportunities under better circumstances,” the President said.

“We also need to build new communities further inland from our coastal belt to spread out our population, reduce prices for land and housing, and ease traffic congestion.  In other words, we must use the land space with which we have been blessed as Guyanese to create new and improved living conditions. New areas of growth and population centres. That is why, apart from the infrastructure build-out upon which we are embarked, we will also establish a new city.”

According to Ali, the Government will incentivise the Private Sector and persons wishing to own their own homes to choose locations in the new city where the Government will also provide major facilities such as a hospital, schools and other community amenities.

“My fellow Guyanese, I have said it before, and I repeat it now.  This is an exciting time, with exciting prospects. Every person in our society now has real economic opportunities to grow and develop, and to contribute to the enlargement of our national wealth.

“We are on the cusp of being an economically-strong Guyana, with opportunities for growth and development of all Guyanese. We want not only an economically-strong Guyana, we also want a powerful Guyanese nation in which there is no distinction of race, no determination by colour, no differentiation by creed.”


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