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India, South Korea increase oil purchases from Iran: IEA

Shazand oil refinery in the central Iranian city of Arak
Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:26AM GMT
India and South Korea have increased oil imports from Iran despite the United States’ plea for the two countries to reduce their dependence on the Iranian crude, says the International Energy Agency (IEA).
According to an IEA report, released on Wednesday, both Seoul and New Delhi sharply raised their oil purchases from Iran in January.

The rise in the purchase of the Iranian crude comes despite Washington's appeals for a reduction of oil imports from Iran by around 15 percent in volume.

The White House is now concerned that it may have to impose sanctions on New Delhi for its refusal to cut back on crude purchases from Tehran.

Earlier on Tuesday, Turkey's Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yildiz announced that Turkey is continuing to purchase crude oil from the Islamic Republic.

Oil prices have remained high following Iran's decision to cut oil sales to some European countries in response to the EU's sanctions on the country.

On January 23, EU foreign ministers approved sanctions against Iran, including a ban on Iranian oil imports, a freeze on the assets of the Central Bank of Iran within the bloc’s states and a ban on selling diamonds, gold, and other precious metals to Tehran.

The US, Israel and some of their allies accuse Tehran of pursuing military objectives in its nuclear energy program.

Iran has repeatedly refuted the Western allegations regarding its nuclear energy program, arguing that as a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it is entitled to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

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India's decision to import Iran oil a slap on US face: Burns

India's decision to import Iran oil a slap on US face: Burns
Nicholas Burns wrote, "This is bitterly disappointing news for those of us who have championed a close relationship with India."

WASHINGTON: India's decision to continue importing Iranian oil is a slap on the face of the United States, which is galvanising the international community to isolate Tehran, according to a former US diplomat who was Bush Administration's pointman on Indo-US civilian nuclear deal.

"This is bitterly disappointing news for those of us who have championed a close relationship with India. And, it represents a real setback in the attempt by the last three American Presidents to establish a close and strategic partnership with successive Indian governments," former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns wrote in an op-ed in current-affairs magazine 'The Diplomat' today.

"India's decision to walk out of step with the international community on Iran isn't just a slap in the face for the US - it raises questions about its ability to lead," said Burns.

India, which relies on Iran for 12 per cent of its oil imports, has refused to scale it down.

Only recently, Burns had written an op-ed in The Boston Globe arguing that the US should commit to an ambitious, long-term strategic partnership with India. "I remain convinced of its value to both countries and to the new global balance of power being created in this century," he wrote.

"With its unhelpfulness on Iran and stonewalling on implementation of the landmark US-India Civil Nuclear Agreement, however, the Indian government is now actively impeding the construction of the strategic relationship it says it wants with the United States," Burns said.

Presidents Barack Obama and George W Bush have met India more than halfway in offering concrete and highly visible commitments on issues India cares about, he said, adding unfortunately India has made no corresponding gesture in return for the big vision that Obama and Bush have offered.


problem is the bank settlement as mi see dem gatt big trade imbalance wid di two, in faava of Iran.  Diss mean Iran gafa import nuff nuff mo from India which is good foa India.  Indian agro would be the big beneficiary.  India shud increase grain.rice export to Iran an back-fill wid abie rice.  Iran is wan big hard bile, america cyant figga how fao squeeze.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

problem is the bank settlement as mi see dem gatt big trade imbalance wid di two, in faava of Iran.  Diss mean Iran gafa import nuff nuff mo from India which is good foa India.  Indian agro would be the big beneficiary.  India shud increase grain.rice export to Iran an back-fill wid abie rice.  Iran is wan big hard bile, america cyant figga how fao squeeze.


Sledgie, Iran will collect rupees, and maybe, yes maybe Iranians will now be an opening market for Bollywood Movies.


Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

problem is the bank settlement as mi see dem gatt big trade imbalance wid di two, in faava of Iran.  Diss mean Iran gafa import nuff nuff mo from India which is good foa India.  Indian agro would be the big beneficiary.  India shud increase grain.rice export to Iran an back-fill wid abie rice.  Iran is wan big hard bile, america cyant figga how fao squeeze.


Sledgie, Iran will collect rupees, and maybe, yes maybe Iranians will now be an opening market for Bollywood Movies.


India is so full of sh1t ! they fugget terrorist attacks on Mumbai so quickly when Iran was supporting these extremists groups including paki groups . The country seems to lack principles which perhaps in the reason why they hve not been able to become a power broker in the asian south asian region . USA should start charging a premium fee for transfers of money from USA to India then let the indo americans kick the govt of india a55. Only a country like India could come up with bulsh1t like Non Alignment and Passive Resistance. India is the only place in the world with more gods deities and places of worship yet , their human rights is in the slopcan. Friken hypocrits !


Bai asj, mi undastaan India buy USD 20 bil from Iran and Iran buy bout USD 6 bil from India. Bollywoody shyte aint gon close datt.   Mi tell da PPP taak to India, dem sell nuff nuff rice, sugga and stuff to Iran and come hay an' buy from abie.   Abie cyan mek nuff paisa pon diss ting bai.  America gah waan big rass headache wid dem shi'ite fullah.


India to make 45 per cent Iran oil payments in rupees-envoy

India will make 45 per cent of the payment for its oil from Iran in rupees. - File Photo.

NEW DELHI: India will make 45 per cent of the payment for its oil from Iran in rupees, which Tehran will use to pay for imports from its second-biggest crude customer, the Islamic Republic’s envoy to New Delhi said on Tuesday.

Iran’s oil sales to India have been fraught with payment problems in the past 13 months after a clearing mechanism was scrapped and Indian refiners have sought alternative supplies.

β€œA suitable mechanism has been found out. All the payment not being paid by India last year has been paid … This was the proposal by India and we accepted it,” said Seyed Mehdi Nabizadeh, adding both sides were β€œsatisfied” with 45 per cent payment in rupee.

He said the two countries will find a mechanism for payment of the remaining 55 per cent. The rupee is not fully convertible which means trade and payments face restrictions from the Indian central bank.

India has been paying for its daily imports of 350,000-400,000 barrels from Iran through Turkey’s Halkbank since July last year. It buys 12 per cent of its oil needs from the Islamic nation, worth about $11 billion annually.

Nabizadeh said Iran will not offer a discount on crude sales to Indian refiners. β€œOil prices are an international issue…The price of oil is based on a formula,” he said, adding demand from Indian customers was normal.

Last month, Reuters reported that India would pay for some of its oil imports in rupees via an Indian bank, resorting to the restricted currency after more than a year of payment problems following fresh, tougher US sanctions.

Iran is looking at boosting its imports from India to utilise a part of the rupee amount. Its annual imports are much smaller than the oil trade at around $2.7 billion according to latest figures from the commerce ministry.

India will send a delegation to Iran this month to explore boosting exports to smooth use of the restricted rupee currency.

Nabizadeh said Indian companies could look at investing in projects in Iran such as developing gas-to-liquid plants, mining, building roads and railways infrastructure and developing oil and gas fields.

He also said for India, there was potential to boost exports of iron, steel, machinery, equipment, agricultural products like rice, and minerals.

Iran has given till end-March to an Indian consortium headed by Oil and Natural Gas Corp’s overseas investment arm to sign a deal for the development of Farzad B gas field, he said.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

problem is the bank settlement as mi see dem gatt big trade imbalance wid di two, in faava of Iran.  Diss mean Iran gafa import nuff nuff mo from India which is good foa India.  Indian agro would be the big beneficiary.  India shud increase grain.rice export to Iran an back-fill wid abie rice.  Iran is wan big hard bile, america cyant figga how fao squeeze.


Sledgie, Iran will collect rupees, and maybe, yes maybe Iranians will now be an opening market for Bollywood Movies.


Asj Bhai, Iranians and Palestinians are crazy about Hindi movies and Bollywood stars.

Originally Posted by kidmost:
India is so full of sh1t ! they fugget terrorist attacks on Mumbai so quickly when Iran was supporting these extremists groups including paki groups . 



According to the London Times, during a discussion between Prime Minister Singh and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, at the G-8 summit in Russia, after the Mumbai bombings, the Indian leader reminded Blair of a detailed dossier that had been handed over, three years ago, which identified 14 men suspected of involvement in the Mumbai bombings, as living in Britain. Blair is said to have assured Singh that the suspects would be investigated.

Another British paper, the Birmingham Mail, reported that a jailed taxi driver, of Pakistani origin, and now from the British Midlands, is also being questioned in connection with the Mumbai blasts. The man is currently serving a nine-year sentence for raising funds and buying weapons for the Lashkar-e-Toiba.

It is widely acknowledged that the origin of most of the international Islamic jihads, lies in London. To those who are aware of the huge number of Islamic militants harbored by British authorities, London is known as "Londonistan." Camille Tawil, a terrorism expert at the Arabic daily Al-Hayat, told the New Statesman: "The Islamists use Britain as a propaganda base, but wouldn't do anything to a country that harbors them and gives them freedom of speech." What Ms. Tawil did not mention is that these Islamists, perhaps to maintain their bases and prosper, carry out murderous activities against other nations when they are ordered to do so.

Originally Posted by kidmost:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

problem is the bank settlement as mi see dem gatt big trade imbalance wid di two, in faava of Iran.  Diss mean Iran gafa import nuff nuff mo from India which is good foa India.  Indian agro would be the big beneficiary.  India shud increase grain.rice export to Iran an back-fill wid abie rice.  Iran is wan big hard bile, america cyant figga how fao squeeze.


Sledgie, Iran will collect rupees, and maybe, yes maybe Iranians will now be an opening market for Bollywood Movies.


India is so full of sh1t ! they fugget terrorist attacks on Mumbai so quickly when Iran was supporting these extremists groups including paki groups . The country seems to lack principles which perhaps in the reason why they hve not been able to become a power broker in the asian south asian region . USA should start charging a premium fee for transfers of money from USA to India then let the indo americans kick the govt of india a55. Only a country like India could come up with bulsh1t like Non Alignment and Passive Resistance. India is the only place in the world with more gods deities and places of worship yet , their human rights is in the slopcan. Friken hypocrits !

You are right. Only by subduing to their white American masters Indians can build a decent country.


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