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Delhi election: Arvind Kejriwal win 'a victory for common man'

Supporters of Aam Aadmi [Common Man) Party (AAP) hold portraits of Arvind Kejriwal, during celebrations outside their party office in Delhi February 10, 2015 The Aam Aadmi Party's win is being described as a victory for the common man

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Anti-corruption leader Arvind Kejriwal's landslide win in the Delhi state elections is the talk of the Indian capital.

Thousands of supporters of his Aam Aadmi (Common Man) Party (AAP) have been celebrating outside the party office, distributing sweets, singing, dancing and setting off firecrackers.

Many Indians have taken to social media sites like Twitter to discuss the spectacular win and hashtags #AAPSweep, #DelhiDecides and #KiskiDilli (Whose Delhi) are among the top 10 trends in India.

Early in the day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi admitted defeat on Twitter:

Modi tweet

Kiran Bedi, chief ministerial candidate for his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), congratulated her rival:

Kiran Bedi

Many other politicians, activists, journalists and citizens also took to Twitter to congratulate Mr Kejriwal. Among them was former Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah:

Omar Abdullah

India's former chief election commissioner SY Quraishi reminded the AAP leader of the work that lies ahead:


On the streets of Delhi autorickshaw driver Pawan Biswas said he'd voted for the BJP, but was happy the AAP had won.

Pawan Biswas Pawan Biswas did not vote for the AAP, but was happy it won

"I voted for the BJP because I thought that Delhi's infrastructure wouldn't improve without the central government's support. But I'm happy my vote did not lead to a BJP win. The Aam Aadmi Party's win is a victory for the common man like me. I can barely express my happiness," he told BBC Hindi.

"Over the next five years, Mr Kejriwal should serve the people of Delhi, make the city corruption-free and bring down inflation."

Dolly, who works as a sweeper with the capital's municipal corporation, said the AAP's win was a victory for people like her who "use the broom" - the AAP election symbol is a broom which the party says it will use to sweep away corruption in the city.

Sweeper Dolly Dolly: The AAP's win is a victory for people like me who 'carry the broom'

"I feel elated that the AAP has swept a majority of the seats in Delhi. I am sure that they are going to work for our issues like electricity, water and shelter," she said.

"They have made promises and we are sure they are going to deliver. We were looking for a change - some party other than the BJP and the Congress. Now we have one."

Doctor Anoop Dewan, who had travelled more than 19km (12 miles) to the AAP office in central Delhi to take part in the celebrations, said the results "are beyond expectations".

"This will ensure a complete ban on corruption in the city. But we need to be cautious on how the new government runs Delhi," he added.

Delhi government employee Jeevan Singh said the election result was "a big setback for PM Modi and the BJP but isn't that what democracy is all about"?

Yashika Sharma Yashika Sharma hopes Mr Kejriwal will make Delhi safer for women

Yashika Sharma, a 19-year-old university student, said she had "high hopes" of Mr Kejriwal.

"I hope he delivers on his promise of making Delhi safer for women. I expect more CCTVs in the city, women-only buses, more toilets for women - as well as better policing," she said.

"Also, getting a seat [place] in schools and colleges is a nightmare these days. There are few colleges and a lot more students. College admissions will hopefully become easier now as Mr Kejriwal has promised more colleges. I have irrevocable faith in his vision."

Jai Mishra, 21, said he was happy thae AAP had won because it was a "youth-centric party".

"The party has a lot of energy, and most of its candidates are well-educated. The AAP's win has given us hope that things will change for the better now.

"This city needs a clean, honest government."

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Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

In what context do you use the word coolie?



It's a word dude. Means "Indian" like you and me. Except we are Guyana type Coolies. And these are "India type Coolies."

I know the seem to use it in a sneering,derogatory manner.




Well, its both. It's a word of some plasticity. I consider myself a very proud Coolie. But I wouldn't hesitate to use the word to describe Indian stupidity at the appropriate time.


I suppose it's all about context.


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