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India is set to test its new long-range nuclear missile for the first time, giving the country the capability to hit Beijing and China - and beyond.


The pair, who fought a war in 1962, and continue to argue over borders, and the aim of the $500 million Agni V missile is to turn India into Asia's main superpower.

India's government said today that the missile has a range of 3,100 miles or 5,000 kilometres and could be up off their country's coast as early as tonight.


A new map released shows the nuclear weapon could also reach far into Europe and eastern Africa. 

Pioneering: Here is the first artist's impression of Agni V, set to be seen for the first time and fired in the next two days
Pioneering: Here is the first artist's impression of Agni V, set to be seen for the first time and fired in the next two days

Pioneering: Here are the first artist's impression of Agni V, set to be seen for the first time and fired in the next two days


China is far ahead of India in the missile race, with intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching anywhere in the country.

'While China doesn't really consider India any kind of a threat or any kind of a rival, India definitely doesn't think in the same way,' said Rahul Bedi, a defence analyst in New Delhi.


India already has the capability of hitting anywhere inside arch-rival Pakistan, but has engaged in a splurge of defence spending in recent years to counter the perceived Chinese threat.


The Indian navy took command of a Russian nuclear submarine earlier this year, and India is expected to take delivery of a retrofitted Soviet-built aircraft carrier soon.

The new Agni, named for the Hindi word for fire, is part of this military build-up and was designed to hit deep inside China, Bedi said.

Currently, the longest-range Indian missile, the Agni-III, has a range of only 2,100 miles or 3,500 kilometres and falls short of many major Chinese cities.

India has also been suspicious of Beijing's efforts to increase its influence in the Indian Ocean in recent years and sees the weapons race as a way to fight back.


'It will be a quantum leap in India's strategic capability,' said Ravi Gupta, spokesman for India's Defence research team, which built the missile.

Government officials said the missile should not be seen as a threat.

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This missile is not India's main missile.  India has  intercontinental ballistic missiles called the Surya.  Some experts believe that the Surya is a nuclear ICBM cruise missile.


They have never tested the Surya missiles in public.  They most likely are keeping the Surya missiles to use it as nuclear missiles against  China, Pakistan and other unfriendly middle Eastern countries if India is about to go down in defeat during a war. 


New York Times

April19, 2012

India Says It Successfully Tests Nuclear-Capable Missile

<h6 class="byline">By HARI KUMAR and </h6>

NEW DELHI — India said Thursday it had successfully launched a missile with nuclear capability and a 3,100-mile range, giving it the ability to strike Beijing and Shanghai.

With the successful launching of the missile, called Agni 5, India joins a small group of countries with long-range nuclear missile capability, including China, Britain, France, Russia and the United States.

“Agni 5 will give India complete coverage of targets in China,” Poornima Subramaniam, an Asia-Pacific armed forces analyst at IHS Jane’s, said in an e-mail.  “Agni 5 technologically narrows the missile gap between India and China, while the strategic balance between the two rivals is still tipped in China’s favor.”

The launching of the Agni 5, which occurred at 8:07 a.m. from an island off India’s east coast, is part of the country’s decades-old missile program. India has a policy of no first use.

India started its missile development program in 1983 and inducted the first missile in 1989. Since then the country has progressed and in November last year, it tested the Agni 4, which can hit targets up to 1,830 miles. It will soon be given to the army for operational uses; the Agni 1, Agni 2 and Agni 3 were also given to the army.

The launching comes during growing international apprehension over military concerns across Asia and a growing strategic rivalry between the United States and China in Asia. In March, China announced a double-digit increase in military spending.

Earlier this week, North Korea said it was abandoning an agreement it made in February with the United States, in which it promised to suspend uranium enrichment, nuclear tests and long-range missile tests. Last week North Korea defied international warnings and unsuccessfully launched a rocket that the United States and its allies called a provocative pretext for developing an intercontinental ballistic missile that might one day carry a nuclear warhead.

India’s Agni 5, a multimillion-dollar project, can hit targets in all of Asia, Africa and Europe. It weighs about 50 tons, measures 17 meters long, reaches 480 miles into the sky and, at speeds of 4,200 miles per hour, travels faster than a bullet.  It can also be launched from a roadside mobile platform.

"We have achieved exactly what we wanted to achieve in this mission," Avinash Chandra, mission director for the test, told the Times Now news channel on Thursday.

China has a missile that can hit targets to at least 6,000 miles, and Pakistan’s missile capacity is to at least  720 miles.

“India has two nuclear armed adversaries and needs to create minimal deterrence,” said Wing Cmdr. Ajey Lele, an expert of strategic technologies at the government aided Institute of Defense Studies and Analysis in New Delhi. The Agni 5 will be ready for operational use by 2014.

Kevin Drew contributed reporting from Hong Kong.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

HIP HIP HOORAY. The Indians were always the BEST in Science but gave it up for a long period because of Principles and Religion. They are back with a Bang. You aint see nothing yet!!!





You are Guyanese  so please ask God to bless every Guyanese and not folks all across the globe.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

HIP HIP HOORAY. The Indians were always the BEST in Science but gave it up for a long period because of Principles and Religion. They are back with a Bang. You aint see nothing yet!!!





You are Guyanese  so please ask God to bless every Guyanese and not folks all across the globe.

An wah yu katahar, how come yuh kiss-up dem mid east terrorist bakside ova deh.


Alyuh up deh muss larn fuh read and rite.  Bai nehru, mi gatt mi headukashun, yu see mi a mek me deals donk hay, gatt mi big house and cyaars, mi pikney dem in private school.  Mi dozz tek mi wife and pickneys pon overseas haliday and den me an mi lil dugla gyaal dozz tekk aff pon abie haliday.  Tings sweet bai.  Wenn tings geh tuff, mi juss pay wan expert or pay da Govt minista and all wash and tun donk.  Alyuh hutt alyuh head up deh.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Alyuh up deh muss larn fuh read and rite.  Bai nehru, mi gatt mi headukashun, yu see mi a mek me deals donk hay, gatt mi big house and cyaars, mi pikney dem in private school.  Mi dozz tek mi wife and pickneys pon overseas haliday and den me an mi lil dugla gyaal dozz tekk aff pon abie haliday.  Tings sweet bai.  Wenn tings geh tuff, mi juss pay wan expert or pay da Govt minista and all wash and tun donk.  Alyuh hutt alyuh head up deh.



Now translate into English please.


On top of, Sledgesta got big cars and Big house and kids in private school (all dis goin on in Guyana) he also does this.


(Quote)Wenn tings geh tuff, mi juss pay wan expert or pay da Govt minista and all wash and tun donk.(Quote)



When things are tough he pays and expert or a...ahem... ahem....a Govt Minister to settle things for him.


Sweet Sweet Guyana!


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Alyuh up deh muss larn fuh read and rite.  Bai nehru, mi gatt mi headukashun, yu see mi a mek me deals donk hay, gatt mi big house and cyaars, mi pikney dem in private school.  Mi dozz tek mi wife and pickneys pon overseas haliday and den me an mi lil dugla gyaal dozz tekk aff pon abie haliday.  Tings sweet bai.  Wenn tings geh tuff, mi juss pay wan expert or pay da Govt minista and all wash and tun donk.  Alyuh hutt alyuh head up deh.



Now translate into English please.

Cyaar yuh rass, use google translate nah!

Originally Posted by cain:

On top of, Sledgesta got big cars and Big house and kids in private school (all dis goin on in Guyana) he also does this.


(Quote)Wenn tings geh tuff, mi juss pay wan expert or pay da Govt minista and all wash and tun donk.(Quote)



When things are tough he pays and expert or a...ahem... ahem....a Govt Minister to settle things for him.


Sweet Sweet Guyana!


Howdy cain, well leese yuh gah lil IQ, dem adda coolies stupit noo sk0nt. Me ah play me hand bai, screw PPP, PNC, AFC, all dem rass corrup and tief.  Me fuh me an' me tief fram nooo waan.



Chinese media mock India's 'dwarf' missile


India’s Agni-V missile being launched from Wheeler Island off India's east coast
The missile has a range of more than 5,000km - far enough to reach most of China

While the Indian media are being swept along by the euphoria of the successful test launch of Delhi's first long-range ballistic missile - which can reach deep within China - Chinese papers have dismissed outright its impact on India's military might vis-a-vis China.

The press termed the test a "missile delusion" and a mere "show of strength".

While the Indian media dubbed it a "China-killer", state-run Chinese newspapers mocked the latest Indian missile, the Agni-V, calling it a "dwarf" compared to China's own missiles.

Both Chinese- and English-language newspapers rejected the view that this missile would tilt the strategic balance in the region towards India, something that the Indian media have been celebrating for the past two days.

Chinese official reaction has been more restrained, with Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lui Weimin calling India a "partner and not a rival".

In its editorial on Thursday - the day of the launch - the state-run English-language newspaper Global Times dismissed India "standing a chance" in a confrontation with China.

"India should not overestimate its strengthâ€Ķ For the foreseeable future, India would stand no chance in an overall arms race with China," the editorial said.

'No breakthrough'

On 20 April, an editorial in the state-run newspaper Huanqiu Shibaosaid India's strategic strike force was in "early childhood".

It further mocked the missile programme by saying that the Agni-V showed "the backwardness of Indian missiles" and was "merely one of the concrete displays of its social and economic development as a whole lagging behind China".

In a similar vein, commentator Wu Xuelan wrote in the Communist Party newspaper Renmin Wang that India has always "cherished the dream of becoming a major power" but its social problems "are still very serious".

Instead of wasting money on developing missiles, India "should do a better job in terms of [improving] the lives of ordinary people", the newspaper said.

In an interview with the English-language China Daily, a senior researcher from the Academy of Military Science, Yao Yunzhu, said that the new missile is not a "significant breakthrough for India".

Mr Yao said it was just "an improvement on the range" that in no way will change the "current military strength contrast between the two countries".

Even commentators and analysts on CCTV's Global Watch programme on 19 April dismissed the strategic impact of the new missile launch.

Song Xiaojun, the editor of the Chinese Military Magazine, played down India's military strength.

"Without an adequate tank corps and a heavy-duty land force with adequate heavy weapons, it can hardly become a so-called 'China killer' by relying solely on nuclear weapons," he said.

Similar views were echoed by Gao Zugui of the Institute of International Strategic Studies, who said: "Despite giving a little support, it was right in saying that if it really wants to become a great nation, each of its families should have a toilet first."

Hong Kong's English-language newspaper, the South China Morning Post, on 20 April quipped that "India insists the missile - dubbed the 'China killer' in some of the country's more colourful media - is only for deterrent purposes".

But: "Amid a powder keg of security concerns and competition for energy resources as China's rise transforms the political landscape, it poses a potential threat to regional stability and harmony."


This missile can deliver a nuclear load to any city in China.  That has got to scare the Chinese regardless of how primitive the missile is. India also has some other weapons in development which I will not mention here that has to be of concerned to the Chinese.


The Chinese have been using Pakistan and Indian Communist groups as proxies in their fight against India. 


Over thousands of years the Han Chinese people were never enemies of the Indian people.  It is Chinese leaders Sun Yat Sen, Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Zedong who are responsible for creating this hate.


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