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I hate to bring this to Plitical but I feel strongly that it is important enough . Today we celebrated Indian Arrival Dat at smokey Park and it was indeed a GREAT Event. I have nothing but praise for the execution of the Program itself. HOWEVER, what I witnessed today was appauling, disgusting and unacceptable. These people in the Committee certainly are not Community Leaders and I certainly will not want them to be my representative.  Congressman Werpin came to Smokey Park to attend and greet the Audience at an Event that has been advertised at a starting time of 1 PM. After waiting 1 hour, Mr Werpin and his assistant approached the Committeee and told them that he was here about an Hour and has another Schedule at 2 PM so he would like to address the audience now. He was REFUSED permission by these People. What a bloody SHAME. You dont disrespect our Politican in this way because of your misguided egoes. I personally want to apologise to Mr cWerpin. The head of the Organisagion had the balls to come on at 2:10 PM and issue a socalled apology about being late by stating that robert Mohammed had him up late until 4 AM( probably drinking PISS). People in this Committee will NEVER be my Community Leader or be a spokesperson for me, they are not qualified and ought to be ASHAMED.

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SAD BUT TRUE.Guyanese and Carribean people have no respect for time.

Ialways remeber my late English teacher Mr Adam Hoosain konwn as Barry.He was invited to the laying of  the  cornerstone for  a bus shed  at 10am on a sunday Morning.. Come that morning , the skies opened up and tyhere was heavy rain, Mr Hoosain showed up on time with his umbrella and rain coat.

Just a like 2 or 3 persons showed up on time. All the officials  INCLUDING Minister Oscar Clarke  GOT THERE LIKE TWO HOURS LATE. Mr Hoosain left and went home, so one of the local politicians( one PNC jackass) inquired where is the head master and demanded  a written explanation.


When the politician got the explanation he nearly fainted. Mr Hoosain explained that it is a recipe for disaster when   paid  officers of the Government cannot be at an official ceremony on time. He further went on to ask,  that he Mr Hoosain   and the few others who were there on time are the ones who really need an apology and an explanation.


Word got back to Minister  Mr Oscar Clarke ( a decent man) and he sent one of the his officers to apologize to Mr Hoosain  for   being late.


The I.C.F. constitution says there must be an official election every two years to elect members with new vision and ideas. The organization had been around for almost 30 years, and the current president has been a member for 20 years and president for at least 10 years. Local politicians use the I.C.F. stage to promote themselves, yet they failed to see there is no democratic value to the organization itself. I have to thank Mr. Ralph Tamesh for small changes, he brought to the organization during his monocracy. I have to agree that Guyanese in general do have dictatorship embedded in their psyche.


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