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Surendra Engineering Company Limited (SECL) has rejected accusations and comments made by Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan as it relates to the award of the Specialty hospital.

According Chief Executive Officer of SECL, Brijen Parikh, “We wish to bring closure to this constant provocation by Mr. Ramjattan either in his capacity as a private citizen or as a politician and parliamentarian or as the representative of Fedders Lloyd.”

SECL says it will not “succumb to any extortion scheme executed under the guise of political representation by any opposition.”

Parikh, in an email comment to iNews says, “the accusation made by Mr. Ramjattan about SECL being blacklisted by Guysuco, we would like to direct your attention to an article published in Guyana Chronicle Newspaper on 07th June 2013 wherein, Mr. Paul Bhim, CEO Guysuco has categorically rejected any claim about SECL being blacklisted or defective spare parts being provided. We fail to understand, why Mr. Ramjattan is repeatedly questioning the same thing that has been denied by the CEO of Guysuco.”

On the AFC’s accusation of SECL being inexperience in the construction of a specialty hospital, Parikh said, “we have submitted necessary relevant proof of our experience with the bid documents which in turn helped us gain the contract in question. Also for further information we have given a latest progress report to the concerned authorities. Any further clarifications may be sought from the national authorities.”

Parikh further debunked Ramjattan’s claim that Fedders Lloyd had sought assistance from Indian High Commission in Guyana, which in turn referred them to him, for support as a parliamentarian.

“SECL is not aware and also there is no evidence of any such happening. However, Indian High Commission will be the right authority to clarify this matter.”

On Ramjattan’s comment that he is currently in contact with a member of the Indian Parliament which is following on concerns raised by himself and Fedders Lloyd (the other bidder for the project), Parikh noted “we request you (Mr. Ramjattan) to please enlighten us with name of the member of the Parliament, so that we can raise the issue with Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Delhi, India regarding the same.”

SECL says it feels that “despite all the information and proof provided and also answering every question raised by the AFC, they remain unmoved and believe that the deal is corrupt and maintain that they object to SECL’s construction without any valid reason to do and feel so.”

SECL observed that “it seems to be clear that they (AFC) do not intend to understand the facts but only want to find ways and reasons to not support this project and to avoid restoring the budget appropriations for it thus favoring Fedders Lloyd or otherwise.”

The AFC did not support budgetary allocation for the specialty hospital being funded by the Indian government.  Ramjattan has reportedly been lobbying on behalf of one of the bidders- Fedders Lloyd.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ease up deh. You could be arrested in Guyana for contempt.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

So yu aaaaaaaaaaaARE a CERTIFIED DUMB ASS!!!


Ramjattan calls for probe in contract awarded to Indian company

October 7, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 



US$4M drainage pumps…



Indian-based company, Surendra Engineering Corporation Limited, which was controversially awarded the construction of the US$18M Specialty Hospital, is late with its delivery of 14 large capacity drainage pumps, and it is unlikely that they will come before this year ends.
AFC’s Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, is demanding that the company be penalised for late delivery by a pulling of its performance bond.
“I just hope that it has an executable performance bond in the first place,” said Ramjattan, in an obvious reference to the recent allegations that Surendra Engineering did not have a proper performance bond when it was awarded the contract to construct the Specialty Hospital at Turkeyen.
The US$4M agreement for the pumps was signed in May 2011 between the Ministry of Agriculture, under the then Minister, Robert Persaud, and Surendra Engineering. The company was awarded the contract over Indian pump manufacturer, Kirloskar, which was aggrieved with tendering procedures and award of that bid here in Guyana.

Officials of the India-based, Surendra Engineering (at left) signing the $800M (US$4M) deal in May 2011 with the Ministry of Agriculture to provide Guyana with 14 large capacity pumps. (FILE PHOTO)

The pumps were to be initially delivered since December 2011, and an extension was granted to September 2012.
According to Ramjattan, an investigation should be launched to determine how exactly Surendra Engineering was awarded the contract, as information indicates that the company does not even build pumps in the first place.
The company is reportedly sourcing the components of the pumps from the US and would be assembling it before shipping it to Guyana.
“My information is that the components are not even in India as yet. The pumps are likely not going to be here before February 2013. Guyanese officials have to go to India to see it tested and none has as yet gone,” Ramjattan said.
An official of the Indian High Commission had told reporters that the pumps were due in by September month-end this year.
“What would be interesting to find out is whether the agreement signed between Guyana and Surendra included penalty clauses and whether government intends to invoke same. From all appearances, this company is specially favoured,” Ramjattan opined.
The pump project was made possible under a special line of credit from the Indian Government and was described as one of the largest boosts to the country’s resources to help face the growing threat of flooding, especially to the coastlands.
Together with the assets of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), the country would be boasting a capacity of almost 100 pumps, inclusive of both fixed and mobile, officials of the Agriculture Ministry said last year. The contract is for the supply of eight fixed pumps with the remaining six being mobile ones.
Surendra Engineering was awarded the construction contract valued some US$12.5M for the Enmore Sugar Packaging Plant, again under an Indian Government line of credit, but had run into problems too with that contract. The plant is still to be completed to the satisfaction of GuySuCo. Ramjattan said he is aware that GuySuCo’s Board was so dissatisfied with the construction that 30% of the contracted price has been held back from payment, although there are certain Government officials (whom he named) who are lobbying that Surendra be paid.
“Why would some officials want that company to be paid when it has not delivered? Moreover, these officials are aware that GuySuCo has blacklisted Surendra from supplying spare parts to Guyana’s sugar factories because of the quality and of the parts, and the untimely deliveries. And the supply of spare parts for sugar factories is its core business in India,” Ramjattan questioned.
The pumps would be critical to meet medium and long term plans to manage the effects of climate change, which over time has been threatening the country. Each pump will have the capacity of discharging up to 200 cubic metres of water per second. Current pumps have the capacity of 150 cubic metres per second capacity.
Surendra Engineering, in addition to supplying the pumps, was responsible for the provision of technical support and training.
The pumps are earmarked to service an estimated 60,000 acres of land and areas like Windsor Forest, Huntley, Black Bush Polder, and Lima on the Essequibo Coast were identified as sites for their location.


Specialty hospital … Surendra Engineering awarded contract

August 23, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

- lowest bidder skipped

Fedders Lloyd Corporation Ltd of India, the lowest bidder for the contract to build the country’s specialty hospital, was passed over in favour of Surendra Engineering, in a bidding process that was dogged with uncertainty about what exactly is being constructed.
Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon yesterday announced that Cabinet has offered its “no objection” to the award of the contract to the value of $18.1 million. He did not announce the name of the bidder, but that amount was put in by Surendra Engineering Corporation, which built the $12.8 million Enmore Packaging Plant, and which also has a US$4 million contract for the supply of 14 drainage pumps for use by the Ministry of Agriculture.
The lowest bid to construct the specialty hospital on Lower East Coast Demerara was put in by Fedders Lloyd, a US$500 million group in India.
The company put in a bid of US$23.2 million with a 23 per cent discount. That put its final bid cost at US$17.6 million. Fedders Lloyd put in its bid in association with Nous Hospital Consultants, an Indian company which specializes in health care projects.
In the bidding process, the Ministry of Health kept altering the original bid documents, making amendments several times. In fact, six days before the opening of bids, the Project Manager Naresh Mangar was still sending addenda to the original bid document.
Further, while the hospital is being touted as a specialty hospital, the requirements also changed to accommodate a primary health care centre.
And while the government has been touting that it wants to create a 150-bed hospital, in response to questions by Surendra, the Ministry of Health stated that bids would be evaluated “based on 100 beds.” The Ministry, in a response to Surendra seen by Kaieteur News, stated that “an expanded cost option of an additional 50 beds could be proposed by the bidders.
The hospital is being funded with a line of credit from India of US$18 million.
The government here intends to staff the hospital with specialists from India to do complicated surgeries, ranging from heart operations and organ transplants to cosmetic surgery.
Preliminary works have begun at Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara where the specialty hospital is intended to be built.
The announcement for construction was made in February 2011 by former President Bharrat Jagdeo when he returned from India after securing a US$18M line of credit.
Government had budgeted $150 million to commence the preparatory work. Cabinet awarded $97M to G. Bovell Construction Services in January 2012 to commence those works which included the construction of a fence, bridges and gateways.
The other bidders for the project were Shapoorji Pallonji & Company Ltd (US$42.4 M); Jaguar Overseas Ltd of India (US$18.6 million) and Vydehi Institute of Medical Science and Research Centre of India (US$19.5 M).

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

So yu aaaaaaaaaaaARE a CERTIFIED DUMB ASS!!!

I have to excuse you for being an inbred retard since you were born that way. That usually happens when your mommy is your half sister and you shouldn't be blamed for this. 


Try google, it might be able to tell the difference between a lawyer and a magistrate but being in an advanced state of drunkenness, you probably wouldn't know the difference.


Contractor out of India gets mining concession…enjoys privileged position with Govt

June 6, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

*gets US$12.5M for sugar packaging plant but never built one before
*gets US$4M drainage pumps contract but never built any before
*gets US$19M contract for Specialty Hospital, never built one
*blacklisted by GuySuCo for supplying poor quality parts

Over 25,000 acres of lands in the gold bush has been granted to an Indian contractor and a Parliamentary party is now raising questions.
The company, Indian-owned Surendra Mines Guyana Inc., was granted two Prospecting Licences (PLs) in early March, one year after applying for the licences.

AFC’s Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

The company is linked to Surendra Engineering Corporation Limited, the same company that built the US$12.5M sugar packaging plant at Enmore, East Coast Demerara. The two companies share the same directors.
The company was later awarded another contract to supply large drainage pumps to the tune of US$4M. Surendra also won a US$19M contract to build a specialty hospital at Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara.
The Prospecting Licences for the lands which are located in North West District, Region One, led the Alliance For Change (AFC) to believe that the company is a “privileged” one.
“There is no doubt in my mind that Surendra Engineering is now part of the PPP’s circle of family, friends and favourites. That company will get whatever it wants, tendered or untendered, because it is so close to the former President (Bharrat Jagdeo) and former Minister of Agriculture (Robert Persaud),” AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan said last evening.
Ramjattan, whose party has seven seats in the National Assembly and together with A Partnership For National Unity (APNU), has a one-seat voting majority, said that indications are that Surendra never built a packaging plant, yet it won a contract worth US$12.5M.
“This was under Robert Persaud’s stewardship as the Agriculture Minister to construct the Enmore packaging plant. Though huge problems persist with the operational functioning of that plant, Surendra was paid all its monies.”
It will be recalled that when the project cost was challenged, Minister Persaud said that he would facilitate any value-for-money audit. The challenge was accepted by Chartered Accountant Christopher Ram. Immediately Persaud backpedalled. The value-for-money audit was never conducted, Ramjattan said.
Ramjattan also noted that while evidence suggests that Surendra never built a specialty hospital, it won a contract worth US$19M to build one here.
“It won even against Fedders Lloyd. Only in Guyana. It never built mobile nor vertical drainage and irrigation pumps, yet it won a contract for US$4M to provide a dozen or more pumps which were to have been delivered since eight months now. It won against the giant pump manufacturer Kirkloskar of India. No penalty. Rather, some generous extensions.”

Robert Persaud

The Parliamentarian said that Surendra was granted a number of other contracts to provide the Guyana Sugar Corporation with parts. “GuySuCo had to blacklist this company because the parts were not up to the endurance levels represented. Probably that is one reason why GuySuCo is where it is today.”
With no indications that Surendra was ever involved in gold mining, the granting of the PLs raises even more questions over the company.
“It never was in the mining of gold business, yet it gets prospecting licences. Marudi miners cannot even get a claim to work for their daily survival. Surendra has really struck gold here in Guyana.”
Ramjattan also said that it is the same Minister Persaud who is now the Minister of Natural Resources, a new ministry, which has jurisdictions over mining concessions in Guyana.
“The AFC will be asking certain questions concerning mining policy and administration in the Assembly. These developments it sees as being reeked with rottenness. The sultans and sahibs continue unchecked.”
The demand for gold in recent years on the world market has driven prices up with the sector raking in the biggest earnings for Guyana last year. Along the way came the demand for lands to mine and the problems that came along with it.
The Opposition, since the 2011 General Elections, has been waging a war against what it claims to be corruption in the administration.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

So yu aaaaaaaaaaaARE a CERTIFIED DUMB ASS!!!

I have to excuse you for being an inbred retard since you were born that way. That usually happens when your mommy is your half sister and you shouldn't be blamed for this. 


Try google, it might be able to tell the difference between a lawyer and a magistrate but being in an advanced state of drunkenness, you probably wouldn't know the difference.




Contractor out of India gets mining concession…enjoys privileged position with Govt

June 6, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

*gets US$12.5M for sugar packaging plant but never built one before
*gets US$4M drainage pumps contract but never built any before
*gets US$19M contract for Specialty Hospital, never built one
*blacklisted by GuySuCo for supplying poor quality parts

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

So yu aaaaaaaaaaaARE a CERTIFIED DUMB ASS!!!

I have to excuse you for being an inbred retard since you were born that way. That usually happens when your mommy is your half sister and you shouldn't be blamed for this. 


Try google, it might be able to tell the difference between a lawyer and a magistrate but being in an advanced state of drunkenness, you probably wouldn't know the difference.



There in no here here dumber than you, inbred retard. Blame your daddy and your mommy/half sister.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

So yu aaaaaaaaaaaARE a CERTIFIED DUMB ASS!!!

I have to excuse you for being an inbred retard since you were born that way. That usually happens when your mommy is your half sister and you shouldn't be blamed for this. 


Try google, it might be able to tell the difference between a lawyer and a magistrate but being in an advanced state of drunkenness, you probably wouldn't know the difference.



There in no here here dumber than you inbred retard.

Did you say inbred?? Can you explain the fact that you were born as a RESULT of your elder sister and your Father???


Over 25,000 acres of lands in the gold bush has been granted to an Indian contractor and a Parliamentary party is now raising questions.
The company, Indian-owned Surendra Mines Guyana Inc., was granted two Prospecting Licences (PLs) in early March, one year after applying for the licences.

AFC’s Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

The company is linked to Surendra Engineering Corporation Limited, the same company that built the US$12.5M sugar packaging plant at Enmore, East Coast Demerara. The two companies share the same directors.
The company was later awarded another contract to supply large drainage pumps to the tune of US$4M. Surendra also won a US$19M contract to build a specialty hospital at Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara.
The Prospecting Licences for the lands which are located in North West District, Region One, led the Alliance For Change (AFC) to believe that the company is a “privileged” one.
“There is no doubt in my mind that Surendra Engineering is now part of the PPP’s circle of family, friends and favourites. That company will get whatever it wants, tendered or untendered, because it is so close to the former President (Bharrat Jagdeo) and former Minister of Agriculture (Robert Persaud),” AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan said last evening.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

So yu aaaaaaaaaaaARE a CERTIFIED DUMB ASS!!!

I have to excuse you for being an inbred retard since you were born that way. That usually happens when your mommy is your half sister and you shouldn't be blamed for this. 


Try google, it might be able to tell the difference between a lawyer and a magistrate but being in an advanced state of drunkenness, you probably wouldn't know the difference.



There in no here here dumber than you inbred retard.

Did you say inbred?? Can you explain the fact that you were born as a RESULT of your elder sister and your Father???

I don't have any sisters. Don't try to implicate me with your family situation, inbred. I guess you're too dumb to understand why your mommy is also your half sister.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

So yu aaaaaaaaaaaARE a CERTIFIED DUMB ASS!!!

I have to excuse you for being an inbred retard since you were born that way. That usually happens when your mommy is your half sister and you shouldn't be blamed for this. 


Try google, it might be able to tell the difference between a lawyer and a magistrate but being in an advanced state of drunkenness, you probably wouldn't know the difference.



There in no here here dumber than you inbred retard.

Did you say inbred?? Can you explain the fact that you were born as a RESULT of your elder sister and your Father???

I don't have any sisters. Don't try to implicate me with your family situation, inbred. I guess you're too dumb to understand why your mommy is also your half sister.

Do you know I am your FATHER?? NO, cause your Mommy will never want you to know. Hello SON.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

So yu aaaaaaaaaaaARE a CERTIFIED DUMB ASS!!!

I have to excuse you for being an inbred retard since you were born that way. That usually happens when your mommy is your half sister and you shouldn't be blamed for this. 


Try google, it might be able to tell the difference between a lawyer and a magistrate but being in an advanced state of drunkenness, you probably wouldn't know the difference.



There in no here here dumber than you inbred retard.

Did you say inbred?? Can you explain the fact that you were born as a RESULT of your elder sister and your Father???

I don't have any sisters. Don't try to implicate me with your family situation, inbred. I guess you're too dumb to understand why your mommy is also your half sister.

Do you know I am your FATHER?? NO, cause your Mommy will never want you to know. Hello SON.

You would be proud if you had a son like me but sorry my mommy is not into dalits and she never wandered to Hubu Backdam. Besides that, she would be repulsed by you taking shits at the side of the road and honing your homo skills with your brother. Sadly, the only pride you are left to celebrate is at the Gay Parade with your partner Pooran.  

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

So yu aaaaaaaaaaaARE a CERTIFIED DUMB ASS!!!

I have to excuse you for being an inbred retard since you were born that way. That usually happens when your mommy is your half sister and you shouldn't be blamed for this. 


Try google, it might be able to tell the difference between a lawyer and a magistrate but being in an advanced state of drunkenness, you probably wouldn't know the difference.



There in no here here dumber than you inbred retard.

Did you say inbred?? Can you explain the fact that you were born as a RESULT of your elder sister and your Father???

I don't have any sisters. Don't try to implicate me with your family situation, inbred. I guess you're too dumb to understand why your mommy is also your half sister.

Do you know I am your FATHER?? NO, cause your Mommy will never want you to know. Hello SON.

You would be proud if you had a son like me but sorry my mommy is not into dalits and she never wandered to Hubu Backdam. Besides that, she would be repulsed by you taking shits at the side of the road and honing your homo skills with your brother. Sadly, the only pride you are left to celebrate is at the Gay Parade with your partner Pooran.  

Hello Son, PLease forgive me for leaving you on the LIE, I am very sorry.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

So yu aaaaaaaaaaaARE a CERTIFIED DUMB ASS!!!

I have to excuse you for being an inbred retard since you were born that way. That usually happens when your mommy is your half sister and you shouldn't be blamed for this. 


Try google, it might be able to tell the difference between a lawyer and a magistrate but being in an advanced state of drunkenness, you probably wouldn't know the difference.



There in no here here dumber than you inbred retard.

Did you say inbred?? Can you explain the fact that you were born as a RESULT of your elder sister and your Father???

I don't have any sisters. Don't try to implicate me with your family situation, inbred. I guess you're too dumb to understand why your mommy is also your half sister.

Do you know I am your FATHER?? NO, cause your Mommy will never want you to know. Hello SON.

You would be proud if you had a son like me but sorry my mommy is not into dalits and she never wandered to Hubu Backdam. Besides that, she would be repulsed by you taking shits at the side of the road and honing your homo skills with your brother. Sadly, the only pride you are left to celebrate is at the Gay Parade with your partner Pooran.  

Hello Son, PLease forgive me for leaving you on the LIE, I am very sorry.

You should go get a DNA test for the son who calls you daddy for you never know with you Dalits. When you were running around with Gay Pooran, action was probably happening in your basement apartment. It gets cold down there during the winter. You can go on the Maury Povich show and get it done.





Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

So yu aaaaaaaaaaaARE a CERTIFIED DUMB ASS!!!

I have to excuse you for being an inbred retard since you were born that way. That usually happens when your mommy is your half sister and you shouldn't be blamed for this. 


Try google, it might be able to tell the difference between a lawyer and a magistrate but being in an advanced state of drunkenness, you probably wouldn't know the difference.



There in no here here dumber than you inbred retard.

Did you say inbred?? Can you explain the fact that you were born as a RESULT of your elder sister and your Father???

I don't have any sisters. Don't try to implicate me with your family situation, inbred. I guess you're too dumb to understand why your mommy is also your half sister.

Do you know I am your FATHER?? NO, cause your Mommy will never want you to know. Hello SON.

You would be proud if you had a son like me but sorry my mommy is not into dalits and she never wandered to Hubu Backdam. Besides that, she would be repulsed by you taking shits at the side of the road and honing your homo skills with your brother. Sadly, the only pride you are left to celebrate is at the Gay Parade with your partner Pooran.  

Hello Son, PLease forgive me for leaving you on the LIE, I am very sorry.

You should go get a DNA test for the son who calls you daddy for you never know with you Dalits. When you were running around with Gay Pooran, action was probably happening in your basement apartment. It gets cold down there during the winter. You can go on the Maury Povich show and get it done.





Pleas4e don't do DNA, you will have a h

eart attack.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

So yu aaaaaaaaaaaARE a CERTIFIED DUMB ASS!!!

I have to excuse you for being an inbred retard since you were born that way. That usually happens when your mommy is your half sister and you shouldn't be blamed for this. 


Try google, it might be able to tell the difference between a lawyer and a magistrate but being in an advanced state of drunkenness, you probably wouldn't know the difference.



There in no here here dumber than you inbred retard.

Did you say inbred?? Can you explain the fact that you were born as a RESULT of your elder sister and your Father???

I don't have any sisters. Don't try to implicate me with your family situation, inbred. I guess you're too dumb to understand why your mommy is also your half sister.

Do you know I am your FATHER?? NO, cause your Mommy will never want you to know. Hello SON.

You would be proud if you had a son like me but sorry my mommy is not into dalits and she never wandered to Hubu Backdam. Besides that, she would be repulsed by you taking shits at the side of the road and honing your homo skills with your brother. Sadly, the only pride you are left to celebrate is at the Gay Parade with your partner Pooran.  

Hello Son, PLease forgive me for leaving you on the LIE, I am very sorry.

You should go get a DNA test for the son who calls you daddy for you never know with you Dalits. When you were running around with Gay Pooran, action was probably happening in your basement apartment. It gets cold down there during the winter. You can go on the Maury Povich show and get it done.





Pleas4e don't do DNA, you will have a h

eart attack.

You must be speaking from personal experience after discovering that your mommy and your sister is the same person.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the magistrate you're referring to Dummy?

Think DUMB ASs THINK, it cant be that difficult JACKASS!!!

The man is not a magistrate, you moron.

So yu aaaaaaaaaaaARE a CERTIFIED DUMB ASS!!!

I have to excuse you for being an inbred retard since you were born that way. That usually happens when your mommy is your half sister and you shouldn't be blamed for this. 


Try google, it might be able to tell the difference between a lawyer and a magistrate but being in an advanced state of drunkenness, you probably wouldn't know the difference.



There in no here here dumber than you inbred retard.

Did you say inbred?? Can you explain the fact that you were born as a RESULT of your elder sister and your Father???

I don't have any sisters. Don't try to implicate me with your family situation, inbred. I guess you're too dumb to understand why your mommy is also your half sister.

Do you know I am your FATHER?? NO, cause your Mommy will never want you to know. Hello SON.

You would be proud if you had a son like me but sorry my mommy is not into dalits and she never wandered to Hubu Backdam. Besides that, she would be repulsed by you taking shits at the side of the road and honing your homo skills with your brother. Sadly, the only pride you are left to celebrate is at the Gay Parade with your partner Pooran.  

Hello Son, PLease forgive me for leaving you on the LIE, I am very sorry.

You should go get a DNA test for the son who calls you daddy for you never know with you Dalits. When you were running around with Gay Pooran, action was probably happening in your basement apartment. It gets cold down there during the winter. You can go on the Maury Povich show and get it done.





Pleas4e don't do DNA, you will have a h

eart attack.

You must be speaking from personal experience after discovering that your mommy and your sister is the same person.

SON, I beg your pardon. I did not mean to leave you on thr LIE. Please forgive me.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

SON, I beg your pardon. I did not mean to leave you on thr LIE. Please forgive me.

You're probably not to blame for the life which you were born into. Being brought into this world as an inbred and then finding out later that your mommy and your sister is the same person must have been very hard on you. That probably explains your homo behavior and drinking cheap rum every day and night.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and his Boys are Shameless Hoes/ his Fami;ly should be ashamed but tben again being a Magistrate in Guyana is like being a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Look how nice Kwame think eee looking

Both Dullaha and Dullahin

proud of each other....


But....Prince & Princess

are Both Hoes...


 Kwame or Nehru in a Nasty Relationship...

they should the last people on earth...

to open their stink mouth

or talk about Moses or His Family...


Simply saying a magistrate is a thief...

cannot change Kwame....


Crab Louse still tek a Rawan @untiman

as eee wife

and by going...Round De Bamboo...

cannot mek a Chamar Fa@@ot....

a woman or wife....


Nehru believe he marry

De next Queen of Guyana.


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