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affected by Pike Street fire receive support from Govt

Social Protection Minister, Amna Ally (center) flanked by some of the family members who received support

The Social Protection Ministry on Thursday handed over much needed relief items to several families who were left homeless and counting their losses following the Pike Street, Kitty fire on Wednesday last.

The disastrous fire- of unknown origin- which destroyed some four houses in the area, left at least 30 persons including school aged children, out of a home.

As a result, the heart wrenching incident attracted the attention of several Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) that have since chipped in to offer assistance.

Today, as the Social Protection Ministry sought to make its contribution via it’s Minister, Amna Ally, it was noted that the onus is upon Government to lend support in situations of this nature.

As such, the affected persons were given beds, stoves, mixed household essentials, food vouchers and cash.

“You would recall last week, we had a major fire in Plaisance where there were 40 people homeless and we assisted. It is a very costly exercise but as a Government, we are caring and we believe that we must fall into these sorts of activities,” Ally told media operatives.

At the handing over, INews spoke to a few of the beneficiaries of the items and they expressed gratitude while noting that they still had a long road to recovery.

Clive Brown

“I think the assistance that they give was good. We building from nothing, you understand. We had clothes items yesterday. It’s three of us but we got two beds. We go make out,” Clive Brown said.

Marlon Thaman

Another victim, identified as Marlon Thaman noted that “whatever lil, I thankful for it by the grace of God ‘cause me motorbike wa I does ga drive me children to school, me lil business wa I does  sell and get me daily living fuh me two children them, everything gone. So at least this here gon help do something.”

This online publication also spoke to a displaced mother called “Angela” (only name given) who took the opportunity to plead with the public for assistance in rebuilding her home.


“I need help with rebuilding my home. I don’t have money. I don’t know if anybody can assist us. Is me and my three children. I really need this help. We don’t have anywhere to sleep. We’re stopping here and there and my daughters are stressed out and I don’t know what to do. I just need some help,” she said.


I saw misleading headings too often from GNI Indos to come to this conclusion. They politicized people's tragedies down to the toilet pit to blame the government for mo-fire, slow-fire. 


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