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Originally posted by Nehru:
Mike, I keep telling them to go back as far as a year and read my Thesis on The Ramesh Maharaj factor and Moses. They too ASHAMED to do so. They have been outsmarted and now they will be left in the COLD. I cannot believe that they could have been so NAIVE. How can anyone trust these Nitwits to run a country???
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Not a week gone by yet and today speaking to some of the folks from Berbice who voted for the AFC they are disappointed with the leadership of the AFC-Specifically the AFC support for the PNC

a good set of nim-mak-karams...ungratefull collies. We warned them

like i said a bunch of nim-mak-karams...the PPP should take note of who these people are and which area they are from. Will have to bring this up with the boys.
From donkey cart to Mercedes, from huts to mansions, from starvation to food, look at the bellies of APNU supporters, no more blackouts, running water, roads, schools, bridges, jobs, freedom of expression, during your PNC days we had no tv, internet, better pay for workers, hopsitals no more run down New Amsterdam hospitals, free elections, the list can go on and on. Take note Berbicians, during PNC the books of Guyana were allow to be audited. No more turning back to the days of the corrupt PNC thugs. And Granger who took your votes in 1973 wants to steal it again. Never Never. We will stand up for our rights and not allow a few little thugs intimidate us.
Originally posted by baseman:
Look, I have communicated with youths in Bbce and can tell you, many have deep regrets and internal conflict. Not so much that they voted for the AFC and not that they are happy with the PPP. They feel betrayed and tricked into falling vicitim to some sort of APNU conspiracy to split the Indian vote while consolidating Afro votes behind the APNU .

At this point no one really cares why Afros deserted the AFC, but they feel used and conned. We can blame the AFC for the lack of focus in 4 and 10, but these youths don't want to hear about that. This instead has raised the spector of a factional conspiracy within the AFC itself. Many feel now they also betrayed their parents struggle and went along naively thinking the race politics is a receeding. They, like many of us, were hugely mistaken .


This is a very insightful post.

The issue raised here is the 500 pound gorilla in the room that everyone is avoiding. Unfortunately, it has to be addressed or else the AFC will lose a substantial amount of the Indian vote they received in Region 6.

Perhaps, a survey needs to undertaken to determine the reasons why the blacks who voted for the AFC in 2006 returned to the PNC.

I don't know the answer, except to say (as Moses did) that the racial divide is still very deep and will play a pivotal role in Guyanese politics in our lifetime.

Please understand it is being used as a referrence. I NEVER used the N word, my Children dont use the N word. The context of using the term "COOLIE" was to clearly illustrate that some of us are SHAMELESS and INHUMAN despite being from the same Race.
Originally posted by Guyana1:
"Coolie" is a racist word same as the "N" word. Stop using that word.
Originally posted by BLACKBEARD:
Originally posted by baseman:
Look, I have communicated with youths in Bbce and can tell you, many have deep regrets and internal conflict. Not so much that they voted for the AFC and not that they are happy with the PPP. They feel betrayed and tricked into falling vicitim to some sort of APNU conspiracy to split the Indian vote while consolidating Afro votes behind the APNU .

At this point no one really cares why Afros deserted the AFC, but they feel used and conned. We can blame the AFC for the lack of focus in 4 and 10, but these youths don't want to hear about that. This instead has raised the spector of a factional conspiracy within the AFC itself. Many feel now they also betrayed their parents struggle and went along naively thinking the race politics is a receeding. They, like many of us, were hugely mistaken .


This is a very insightful post.

The issue raised here is the 500 pound gorilla in the room that everyone is avoiding. Unfortunately, it has to be addressed or else the AFC will lose a substantial amount of the Indian vote they received in Region 6.

Perhaps, a survey needs to undertaken to determine the reasons why the blacks who voted for the AFC in 2006 returned to the PNC.
I don't know the answer, except to say (as Moses did) that the racial divide is still very deep and will play a pivotal role in Guyanese politics in our lifetime.


you don't need no damm survey only to find out that they voted RACE..kit and kin..come BB wavey
Words going around in Berbice suggent that a group of disgruntled AFC voters who called themselves “We vote for AFC not PNC- our votes are not for sale is planning to form a delegation to meet with the AFC leadership. Some of these voters said they are disappointed in the AFC deception and covert support for the PNC and they are not taking it easy.
Originally posted by Nehru:
POOR MOSES. Look what he got himself into. How Meh God Moses done, stick a fork in him. I hope they allow him to visit his relatives from time to time. At least, for Weddings and Funerals.

Nehru,Moses waiting for that opportunity to jump back ship. I believe he found the tide too rough to sail in a canoe with serpents all over the keel.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Words going around in Berbice suggent that a group of disgruntled AFC voters who called themselves “We vote for AFC not PNC- our votes are not for sale is planning to form a delegation to meet with the AFC leadership. Some of these voters said they are disappointed in the AFC deception and covert support for the PNC and they are not taking it easy.

Which PPP front 'group' daa . . .?

Dey gat photo of ballot with ID card to verify dat dey vote AFC??

OOPS . . . is only PPP did requiring dat
He is a brillant son of Guyana and he is HUMAN and I know what anger and frustration can cause, so I forgive him. Now, for the benefit of GUYANA I hope he can be forgiven by Mr Ramoutar. It is time President Ramoutar be his own man, step up to the plate and let the healing begins.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by Nehru:
POOR MOSES. Look what he got himself into. How Meh God Moses done, stick a fork in him. I hope they allow him to visit his relatives from time to time. At least, for Weddings and Funerals.

Nehru,Moses waiting for that opportunity to jump back ship. I believe he found the tide too rough to sail in a canoe with serpents all over the keel.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Words going around in Berbice suggent that a group of disgruntled AFC voters who called themselves “We vote for AFC not PNC- our votes are not for sale is planning to form a delegation to meet with the AFC leadership. Some of these voters said they are disappointed in the AFC deception and covert support for the PNC and they are not taking it easy.

Which PPP front 'group' daa . . .?

Dey gat photo of ballot with ID card to verify dat dey vote AFC??

OOPS . . . is only PPP did requiring dat

TK, it is Xmas season and masquerading is popular this time of the year, however. masquerading your hypocrisy so colorfully is not good for the season -go and tell that eleven thousands Indians who voted for AFC in Berbice that â€Ķ.go tell them AFC support PNC â€Ķ.
Originally posted by Nehru:
He is a brillant son of Guyana and he is HUMAN and I know what anger and frustration can cause, so I forgive him. Now, for the benefit of GUYANA I hope he can be forgiven by Mr Ramoutar. It is time President Ramoutar be his own man, step up to the plate and let the healing begins.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by Nehru:
POOR MOSES. Look what he got himself into. How Meh God Moses done, stick a fork in him. I hope they allow him to visit his relatives from time to time. At least, for Weddings and Funerals.

Nehru,Moses waiting for that opportunity to jump back ship. I believe he found the tide too rough to sail in a canoe with serpents all over the keel.

Brilliant! I totally agree- lets support this...
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Words going around in Berbice suggent that a group of disgruntled AFC voters who called themselves “We vote for AFC not PNC- our votes are not for sale is planning to form a delegation to meet with the AFC leadership. Some of these voters said they are disappointed in the AFC deception and covert support for the PNC and they are not taking it easy.

Which PPP front 'group' daa . . .?

Dey gat photo of ballot with ID card to verify dat dey vote AFC??

OOPS . . . is only PPP did requiring dat

TK, it is Xmas season and masquerading is popular this time of the year, however. masquerading your hypocrisy so colorfully is not good for the season -go and tell that eleven thousands Indians who voted for AFC in Berbice that â€Ķ.go tell them AFC support PNC â€Ķ.

Bai, U head haad . . . only a moron would continue to think that I am TK.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Words going around in Berbice suggent that a group of disgruntled AFC voters who called themselves “We vote for AFC not PNC- our votes are not for sale is planning to form a delegation to meet with the AFC leadership. Some of these voters said they are disappointed in the AFC deception and covert support for the PNC and they are not taking it easy.

Which PPP front 'group' daa . . .?

Dey gat photo of ballot with ID card to verify dat dey vote AFC??

OOPS . . . is only PPP did requiring dat

TK, it is Xmas season and masquerading is popular this time of the year, however. masquerading your hypocrisy so colorfully is not good for the season -go and tell that eleven thousands Indians who voted for AFC in Berbice that â€Ķ.go tell them AFC support PNC â€Ķ.

Bai, U head haad . . . only a moron would continue to think that I am TK.

Excuse me for thinking so ugly of youâ€Ķ.but you sound dejected like TK –shameless and seatless despite sleepless hard wok.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by Nehru:
He is a brillant son of Guyana and he is HUMAN and I know what anger and frustration can cause, so I forgive him. Now, for the benefit of GUYANA I hope he can be forgiven by Mr Ramoutar. It is time President Ramoutar be his own man, step up to the plate and let the healing begins.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by Nehru:
POOR MOSES. Look what he got himself into. How Meh God Moses done, stick a fork in him. I hope they allow him to visit his relatives from time to time. At least, for Weddings and Funerals.

Nehru,Moses waiting for that opportunity to jump back ship. I believe he found the tide too rough to sail in a canoe with serpents all over the keel.

Brilliant! I totally agree- lets support this...
keep dreaming,MOSE will roast the duck in parlament
Originally posted by westdem:
To the ones who voted AFC, you voted in vain. Your vote in reality went to APNU. AFC will support APNU in the house. When the next election is called, I guarantee all the anti PPP/C elements on this site that victory will be bigger than ever. PNC would never be in a position to win elections in Guyana. Even with a collation and name change, they could not defeat the PPP/C. Guyanese were too comfortable with the PPP/C and took the party for granted. God forbid, if APNU or PNC had gotten into office, Guyana would have return to the dark days of hell. Most of us that are alive and fled for greener pastors under the PNC hey days had no choice but to leave. For the next five years, it would definitely be difficult for the ruling party to govern the country with a one seat minority; however Guyana will continue to progress under the PPP/C. President Ramotar will make Guyana proud and continue to uplift his people regardless of creed/color.

Those brave people voted for change. They should be commended and with time more peopl will see the light. Unlike you it is not about "abee on top".
Originally posted by Guyana1:
I can also confirm that youths in Berbice feel betrayed by AFC PPP with Jagdeo, Lamomba,Taps, Ramphal and Kit Nascimento.

They voted for AFC to bring balance and not being in bed with PNC/APNU..... or the PPP with Ramotar,Hamilton, Norman McClean, Philip Bynoe. Kwame McCoy, Hamilton and House of Isreal Killers.

PPP AFC will be wiped out from Berbice in the next election if they do not live up to expectations and immediateld send back all those Recycled PNC thugs and Killers ....who have Jagan and PPP Indian supporters Blood on their hands.

The Minority PPP opposition must show Guyanese that parliament must work in favour of all Guyanese regardless of race.De PPP must realise the Race war is over and they cannot foolthe Berbicians or Indians anymore.

If this does not happen then we can see a return to race based politics in Guyana........because the Ramotar & Jagdeo wants to revive the old Race War and keep the Berbicians enslaved.
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Guyana1:
I can also confirm that youths in Berbice feel betrayed by ppp AFC with Ramjattan Benchshit Hughes.

They voted for AFC to bring handel indian concern and not being in bed with PNC/APNU..... or the AFC with Benchshit and black supremist Nigel

AFC PPP will be wiped out from Berbice in the next election if they do not live up to expectations and immediateld send back all those Recycled PNC thugs and Killers ....who have Jagan and PPP Indian supporters Blood on their hands.

The Minority PPP opposition must show Guyanese that parliament must work in favour of all Guyanese regardless of race.De AFC must realise the Race war is over and they cannot foolthe Berbicians or Indians anymore.

If this does not happen then we can see a return to race based politics in Guyana........because the PNC and AFC wants to revive the old Race War and keep the Berbicians enslaved.
Mitwa....Watch how de man from de PNC weeding Gang trying to defend all them PNC Recycled criminals who now cling on to Ramotar crouch like Crab-lice.

Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Guyana1:
I can also confirm that youths in Berbice feel betrayed by AFC PPP with Jagdeo, Lamomba,Taps, Ramphal and Kit Nascimento.

They voted for AFC to bring balance and not being in bed with PNC/APNU..... or the PPP with Ramotar,Hamilton, Norman McClean, Philip Bynoe. Kwame McCoy, Hamilton and House of Isreal Killers.

PPP AFC will be wiped out from Berbice in the next election if they do not live up to expectations and immediateld send back all those Recycled PNC thugs and Killers ....who have Jagan and PPP Indian supporters Blood on their hands.

The Minority PPP opposition must show Guyanese that parliament must work in favour of all Guyanese regardless of race.De PPP must realise the Race war is over and they cannot foolthe Berbicians or Indians anymore.

If this does not happen then we can see a return to race based politics in Guyana........because the Ramotar & Jagdeo wants to revive the old Race War and keep the Berbicians enslaved.
Originally posted by Jalil:
Mitwa....Watch how de man from de PNC weeding Gang trying to defend all them PNC Recycled criminals who now cling on to Ramotar crouch like Crab-lice.

Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Guyana1:
I can also confirm that youths in Berbice feel betrayed by AFC PPP with Jagdeo, Lamomba,Taps, Ramphal and Kit Nascimento.

They voted for AFC to bring balance and not being in bed with PNC/APNU..... or the PPP with Ramotar,Hamilton, Norman McClean, Philip Bynoe. Kwame McCoy, Hamilton and House of Isreal Killers.

PPP AFC will be wiped out from Berbice in the next election if they do not live up to expectations and immediateld send back all those Recycled PNC thugs and Killers ....who have Jagan and PPP Indian supporters Blood on their hands.

The Minority PPP opposition must show Guyanese that parliament must work in favour of all Guyanese regardless of race.De PPP must realise the Race war is over and they cannot foolthe Berbicians or Indians anymore.

If this does not happen then we can see a return to race based politics in Guyana........because the Ramotar & Jagdeo wants to revive the old Race War and keep the Berbicians enslaved.

Ignorance is nothing when it is centralized but the problem kicks in when it begins to wobble and move: it picks up momentum rapidly as it goes along and can cause enormous damage to folks like theseâ€Ķâ€ĶThey cant see further than the tip of their nose holesâ€Ķ.AFC leadership is an Arm of the PNC and is a poppet for their cause..
Mitwa....did u say de worm Davie was a PNC Gang weeder.
It looks like ee pun weed or some weed business ... but ee defending Ramotar Recycled PNC Gangsters....eeeee dotish and confused or dont have a problem with all these Ole PNC Crab-lice leach on to Ramotar croch.

Mits....dont u think eee is a crab-lice too.
Eeee birth paper must be showing eeee born on Lombard Street at Garmount like Lamumba, Hamilton and de other PNC Crab-lice Gang who dem trying fuh Recycle now.

Boy Mits de President can now be charged fuh trafficing in Crab-lice.

Did yu see the headline today....
"MP's to pursue jailing corrupt govt. officials - It was barefaced thieving"

Meh wanda wha Crab-lice gun talk now....
Originally posted by Jalil:
Mitwa....did u say de worm Davie was a PNC Gang weeder.
It looks like ee pun weed or some weed business ... but ee defending Ramotar Recycled PNC Gangsters....eeeee dotish and confused or dont have a problem with all these Ole PNC Crab-lice leach on to Ramotar croch.

Mits....dont u think eee is a crab-lice too.
Eeee birth paper must be showing eeee born on Lombard Street at Garmount like Lamumba, Hamilton and de other PNC Crab-lice Gang who dem trying fuh Recycle now.

Boy Mits de President can now be charged fuh trafficing in Crab-lice.

Did yu see the headline today....
"MP's to pursue jailing corrupt govt. officials - It was barefaced thieving"

Meh wanda wha Crab-lice gun talk now....

On your pink birth certificate there is a hard cover booklet attached to supplement the entry of Father’s name. It is entitled ‘enormous possibilities pending DNA results of freedom fighters, inmates, midgets and protesters’.

Originally posted by HM_Redux:
PPP only wish people regret voting for the AFC, everyone here we talk to wished more people in berbice had voted for the AFC.

There are many who voted PPP who now see the new welll errr "new Cabinet" and wish they had voted AFC.

Ramsammy will be their worst nightmare in rice and sugar.

Benchshit is AFC shadow minister of Agriculture
Originally posted by baseman:
They feel betrayed and tricked into falling vicitim to some sort of APNU conspiracy to split the Indian vote while consolidating Afro votes behind the APNU.


Hmmm. Last time blacks split their vote so clearly arent puppets to be used by the PNC.

If the PNC won back their votes its because they worked for it and the AFC didnt. They worked to get Berbice votes and were partially successful.
Originally posted by Guyana1:
Berbice is the richest place in Guyana. ?

If so why is it the only region which has seen a major drop in popuklation since 1991? With many migrating to region 4 by the way.

The mansions of which you boast are most likely built by Canada and US based Berbicians...did you think of that?
Originally posted by BLACKBEARD:
Perhaps, a survey needs to undertaken to determine the reasons why the blacks who voted for the AFC in 2006 returned to the PNC.


GR, who played a major role in the AFC told you. They had a faulty campaign strategy in region 4. APNU focused there and won over many who did not in 2006. Note that APNU attarcetd 12,500 voters while the AFC and the PPP lost just over 4,000. This means a net increase of 8,000 over 2006. Similar results seens to region 3 and in region 10. In region 3 only APNU saw an increasing in votes.

If the AFc didnt target disaffected voters and the youths in those regions early on in the game due to their focus on region 6 whose fault is it.

It can also be seen the AFc break through into the Indo vote ocurred only in region 5 and 6. Nagamootoo factor...or they neglectd regions 2 and 3 so didnt get Indo support there.

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