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Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

For someone to become educated they must have the desire, ability, and the opportunity to do so. If you have the ability and no desire to be educated then you are not going to be educated. If you have the desire and ability but no opportunity it would result in the same as if you have no ability or desire. India is an overpopulated nation with over a billion people. Poverty is a major a problem even though millions are lifted out of it each year. However, progress are being made on all fronts despite the difficult challenges they face.

That is pure crap. For 6000 years our ancestors tried and still could not escape the shadow of Brahmanism. Less than 2 centuries from under their boot and almost 50 percent of us are doing fine if not great while less than one half of one percent of our siblings in India still remains stuck and  lift their head in the light. What the hell are you talking about ability and will. It is about opportunity, lack of prejudice and means to taking advantage of that opportunity. In short it is practices that are the norm in a culture that needs changing for things to change.

You are talking as if Indians don't recognize the handicaps of the a social system that made them weak and vulnerable to outside invaders and the decline of Hinduism in India itself.  Swami Dianand and Ambedkar recognized that the society was failing to progress because of the caste system.  Ambdekar, an untouchable, described the caste system as a building with no stair cases and exits. Once you are born into it you cannot get out.  Hindu reformers like, Dianand and Vivekananda were struggling to save Hinduism from Hinduism.  Castism is dying in India contrary to what some are saying. The problems remains and it not necessarily a Hindu problem.  It exists amongst Muslims, Christians, and Buddhists too.  They are untouchables in neighborhing Pakistan. During the partition the Pakistani gov't. prevented the untouchables from leaving for India. Sounds like bullshit. Go check it out.

I care little if they recognize it or not. I care about the results. Why is it that a of the oldest on the planet... philosophically fecund..populous.... produce so few social success today. It has to be something endemic to the  culture.

Castism is alive and well in india.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These students are competing with the hundreds of millions in the West who have been given the opportunity to become skilled and educated. The number of Indians in tertiary institutions are perhaps the same as Westerners in Tertiary institutions, yet Indians have been able to succeed better than the others. With so many hundreds of millions without an educational opportunity in India it only boost the argument that Indians are smart or smarter than other groups.

 That the number of indians in the us in University exceed all others is crap. There are hardly 2 million here and there are some 20 million students in colleges. 

I'm referring to Indians in tertiary institutions in India.

Check before you make assumptions. They have almost equal number despite some five times the size of the population

Bibi Haniffa posted:
TK posted:

I'm more concerned with the scientific, cultural and academic achievements of Indo-Guyanese. How do they compare to Indians from India, Chinese, Nigerians, Ghanaians and other Caribbean groups? Are we as a people too steeped into the Basmanesque, Nehruesque and Yujiesques ways?  

Well for the Indian women, they seem to being doing good.

Frank Anthony's daughter got 17 As at CSEC.  His wife is a medical doctor.

Anil Nandlall and his wife are both good attorneys.

Amlata Persaud - Guyana's only female Rhodes Scholar

Dr. Indra Gopaul-Daniels - a very accomplished medical doctor who graduated with honors from the College of Physicians and surgeons in Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Nadia Ramdin - Guyana's only female oncologist out of Brown University.

Gaiutra Bahadur - author of Coolie Woman, BA from Yale and MA from Columbia University.

I can make a long long list of the professional Indo women.

And don't forget Bibi, the only Guyanese working in that company with all the 'high fliers'.

alena06 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
TK posted:

I'm more concerned with the scientific, cultural and academic achievements of Indo-Guyanese. How do they compare to Indians from India, Chinese, Nigerians, Ghanaians and other Caribbean groups? Are we as a people too steeped into the Basmanesque, Nehruesque and Yujiesques ways?  

Well for the Indian women, they seem to being doing good.

Frank Anthony's daughter got 17 As at CSEC.  His wife is a medical doctor.

Anil Nandlall and his wife are both good attorneys.

Amlata Persaud - Guyana's only female Rhodes Scholar

Dr. Indra Gopaul-Daniels - a very accomplished medical doctor who graduated with honors from the College of Physicians and surgeons in Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Nadia Ramdin - Guyana's only female oncologist out of Brown University.

Gaiutra Bahadur - author of Coolie Woman, BA from Yale and MA from Columbia University.

I can make a long long list of the professional Indo women.

And don't forget Bibi, the only Guyanese working in that company with all the 'high fliers'.

Lol.  Gyal!!!!  And don't forget Alena moving and shaking with the Wall Street boys and definitely one of the top Guyanese at her company!!!

Bibi Haniffa
baseman posted:
alena06 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
TK posted:

I'm more concerned with the scientific, cultural and academic achievements of Indo-Guyanese. How do they compare to Indians from India, Chinese, Nigerians, Ghanaians and other Caribbean groups? Are we as a people too steeped into the Basmanesque, Nehruesque and Yujiesques ways?  

Well for the Indian women, they seem to being doing good.

Frank Anthony's daughter got 17 As at CSEC.  His wife is a medical doctor.

Anil Nandlall and his wife are both good attorneys.

Amlata Persaud - Guyana's only female Rhodes Scholar

Dr. Indra Gopaul-Daniels - a very accomplished medical doctor who graduated with honors from the College of Physicians and surgeons in Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Nadia Ramdin - Guyana's only female oncologist out of Brown University.

Gaiutra Bahadur - author of Coolie Woman, BA from Yale and MA from Columbia University.

I can make a long long list of the professional Indo women.

And don't forget Bibi, the only Guyanese working in that company with all the 'high fliers'.

These lil collie gyals mek baseman proud to be a Guyana babu!!

Ahhhh.  Thanks man.  It only took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears and a ton of discipline and dedication!

Bibi Haniffa
kp posted:

We should be proud being an Indian doesn't matter where we come from. Do you know--38% of Doctors in US are Indians,  36% of NASA Scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians, 28% of IBM employees are Indians, 17% of Intel employees are Indians, 12% of Total scientists in US are Indians. These are figures only in the USA, so be proud of your race and if you are an INDIAN lift your head high and be PROUD.

These numbers refer to Indian citizens in the US and indeed India's Indians are entitled to some national pride.

The numbers do not include Indo-Caribbean achievers and, sadly, India's Indians don't think highly of us Caribbean Indians. Generally, they don't socialize with us either.

One of my Mumbai workmates in Toronto once tried to belittle me by saying I'm an "East India Company Indian." Other Indians in Toronto initially greet me warmly but, as soon as I tell them I'm from Guyana they look disappointed and move on.

I'm not putting a damper on your thread, kp. Honestly, I would have felt better if you had provided statistics on Indo-Caribbean or Guyanese high-achievers. Bibi gave us some examples for a start and I applaud those persons wholeheartedly. 


Being an Indian is not a bad thing, they had no choice in the matter. Every race has accomplishments.  However, Indians seems to be in every field, known are Tagore family, Sivarasma, Raman, Bose, Chandrasekar and a great many others not mentioned. Many of their discoveries(natural and already exists in the universe) are used as a building block for present day technologies.

All those men are reviewed in documentaries, present day scientist(not Indians) considered their discoveries to be important for technologies we enjoy today.  

Meh nah sey suh, but I agree wid dem white people who build from early Indian notions.

They are great people. Only the masses are stupid, kept that way by those who squeeze dem down. India or wherever they are found.

We have some rite hay. It is not a crime to be an Indian, embraced it, you couldn,t change it if u wanted. The world has evolved, people know races of people on the planet. 



seignet posted:

Being an Indian is not a bad thing, they had no choice in the matter. Every race has accomplishments.  However, Indians seems to be in every field, known are Tagore family, Sivarasma, Raman, Bose, Chandrasekar and a great many others not mentioned. Many of their discoveries(natural and already exists in the universe) are used as a building block for present day technologies.

All those men are reviewed in documentaries, present day scientist(not Indians) considered their discoveries to be important for technologies we enjoy today.  

Meh nah sey suh, but I agree wid dem white people who build from early Indian notions.

They are great people. Only the masses are stupid, kept that way by those who squeeze dem down. India or wherever they are found.

We have some rite hay. It is not a crime to be an Indian, embraced it, you couldn,t change it if u wanted. The world has evolved, people know races of people on the planet. 



Being Indian is truly a bad thing for most indians....largest slave and child labor population. Women are a smidgen above par of the Saudis...600 million indians have never seen a toilet yes....the few great ones were indeed stellar but the reality is they were not enough star power to illuminate the culture to divest itself of that disease that has  perpetuated across the eons to gel into a vast subaltern deluge of caste stagnated humanity.

The western tradition has as its fountain head the vast storehouse of wisdom from the east to the west. It does owe a debt to India. But if it owes a debt to any, it is to the Greeks. We live in a Romanesque world and their tutors were the Greeks.

But we  know from the Greeks themselves from whence they sourced many of their seminal ideas. It was where their gods sojourned and sone say  originated. It is where their pre eminent philosophers say they got their sea legs.

Yes, if one were to visit the house of wisdom they will find many of its best rooms reserved for the mentors of the Greeks and yes, the cradle of two of the worlds great religions and apparently the worlds oldest culture and all of humanity!

Last edited by Former Member

Mame, the Black woman who played her part in Gone with the wind, upon receiving her Oscar's proclaimed, she was happy to be a credit to her race. 

For the Indians who proclaim and embrace their Indianness, it is not a crime. Be proud of it. Every other races of people have despicable ones. On the face of the earth every people divided themselves into tribes, subjugating each other. This type of culture is not only an Indian thing. Even in unknown Guyana, where the Native People is deemed a civilization, they too used to eat their enemies. No one escapes depravity. Not until Jesus Christ returns.

Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:

We should be proud being an Indian doesn't matter where we come from. Do you know--38% of Doctors in US are Indians,  36% of NASA Scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians, 28% of IBM employees are Indians, 17% of Intel employees are Indians, 12% of Total scientists in US are Indians. These are figures only in the USA, so be proud of your race and if you are an INDIAN lift your head high and be PROUD.

These numbers refer to Indian citizens in the US and indeed India's Indians are entitled to some national pride.

The numbers do not include Indo-Caribbean achievers and, sadly, India's Indians don't think highly of us Caribbean Indians. Generally, they don't socialize with us either.

One of my Mumbai workmates in Toronto once tried to belittle me by saying I'm an "East India Company Indian." Other Indians in Toronto initially greet me warmly but, as soon as I tell them I'm from Guyana they look disappointed and move on.

I'm not putting a damper on your thread, kp. Honestly, I would have felt better if you had provided statistics on Indo-Caribbean or Guyanese high-achievers. Bibi gave us some examples for a start and I applaud those persons wholeheartedly. 

I hear you bro. Indians from India seem to look down on any Indian who wasn't born in India. I have seen this also when they meet the Ugandan Indians. The south Indians from Kerala do not exhibit this behavior. I once worked for a Punjabi at Morgan Stanley and he told me grew up in Kerala. He told me he does not harbor the caste mentality. I also went to college with some south Indians. They were wild as the Guyanese and mixed freely with us partying. All that said, I DO NOT CARE FOR ANY INDIANS FROM INDIA. I TREAT THEM WITH EQUAL SCORN. Once an an Indian asked me where I was from. I replied "what difference does that make"?

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:


One of my Mumbai workmates in Toronto once tried to belittle me by saying I'm an "East India Company Indian." Other Indians in Toronto initially greet me warmly but, as soon as I tell them I'm from Guyana they look disappointed and move on.

I hear you bro. Indians from India seem to look down on any Indian who wasn't born in India. I have seen this also when they meet the Ugandan Indians. The south Indians from Kerala do not exhibit this behavior. I once worked for a Punjabi at Morgan Stanley and he told me grew up in Kerala. He told me he does not harbor the caste mentality. I also went to college with some south Indians. They were wild as the Guyanese and mixed freely with us partying. All that said, I DO NOT CARE FOR ANY INDIANS FROM INDIA. I TREAT THEM WITH EQUAL SCORN. Once an an Indian asked me where I was from. I replied "what difference does that make"?

Skelly, I did not want to say it straight as you've done, but you've given me the urge to say it now: Most ah dem Indians fram India scorn Indo-Guyanese just like most PPP Indians scorn APNU+AFC Indians. 

India's Indians assert that our foreparents defiled themselves by crossing the "kala pani". PPP Indians assert that folks like me are "dutty Indian" because we support the coalition. 

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:


One of my Mumbai workmates in Toronto once tried to belittle me by saying I'm an "East India Company Indian." Other Indians in Toronto initially greet me warmly but, as soon as I tell them I'm from Guyana they look disappointed and move on.

I hear you bro. Indians from India seem to look down on any Indian who wasn't born in India. I have seen this also when they meet the Ugandan Indians. The south Indians from Kerala do not exhibit this behavior. I once worked for a Punjabi at Morgan Stanley and he told me grew up in Kerala. He told me he does not harbor the caste mentality. I also went to college with some south Indians. They were wild as the Guyanese and mixed freely with us partying. All that said, I DO NOT CARE FOR ANY INDIANS FROM INDIA. I TREAT THEM WITH EQUAL SCORN. Once an an Indian asked me where I was from. I replied "what difference does that make"?

Skelly, I did not want to say it straight as you've done, but you've given me the urge to say it now: Most ah dem Indians fram India scorn Indo-Guyanese just like most PPP Indians scorn APNU+AFC Indians. 

India's Indians assert that our foreparents defiled themselves by crossing the "kala pani". PPP Indians assert that folks like me are "dutty Indian" because we support the coalition. 

I have a few South Indian customers they are certainly great,recently one of them working for Accenture(top position)offered to boost my business via the internet for free,i thanked him and told him, i have done that already.

I also have a good friend from New Delhi very great guy,he is totally different from the rest of North Indians i have encountered.

Gilly..i am a no nonsence guy if any person thinks i am lesser than him,well you are going to face the music.


The Indians who I do business with show me a lot of respect.  They always show apprehension and surprise during our initial encounter but once they get to know you they turn out to be loyal and hardworking employees.  I would even venture to say they even seem to have a higher IQ and their counterparts.  They grasp concepts quickly, can do a calculation faster than most people, and always go the extra mile to complete their tasks.  

If you walk through the campus of Harvard or MIT you might think you are somewhere in India or China.  The Asians are pulling ahead in the field of education.  The BRIC countries are going to dominate the world economy for decades to come with brain power.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:


One of my Mumbai workmates in Toronto once tried to belittle me by saying I'm an "East India Company Indian." Other Indians in Toronto initially greet me warmly but, as soon as I tell them I'm from Guyana they look disappointed and move on.

I hear you bro. Indians from India seem to look down on any Indian who wasn't born in India. I have seen this also when they meet the Ugandan Indians. The south Indians from Kerala do not exhibit this behavior. I once worked for a Punjabi at Morgan Stanley and he told me grew up in Kerala. He told me he does not harbor the caste mentality. I also went to college with some south Indians. They were wild as the Guyanese and mixed freely with us partying. All that said, I DO NOT CARE FOR ANY INDIANS FROM INDIA. I TREAT THEM WITH EQUAL SCORN. Once an an Indian asked me where I was from. I replied "what difference does that make"?

Skelly, I did not want to say it straight as you've done, but you've given me the urge to say it now: Most ah dem Indians fram India scorn Indo-Guyanese just like most PPP Indians scorn APNU+AFC Indians. 

India's Indians assert that our foreparents defiled themselves by crossing the "kala pani". PPP Indians assert that folks like me are "dutty Indian" because we support the coalition. 

Gilly, you caN always count on Skelly to bluntly demonstrate my feelings. Maybe I am an old no nonsense man. I tell it like it is, WHO VEX VEX.

Last edited by Former Member

I find some Guyanese Indians very different from India Indians, regarding respect and trust.

A while ago I volunteer to  photographer a wedding in Guyana for a wealthy friend's family. After packages of the finished material was sent to them, there was not even a word of acknowledgement, or thanks. Friends with whom they distributed the material, said it was received. This is not an isolated incident among Guyanese. 

Last year I also volunteer to photograph the wedding for a wealthy Indian friend in Canada [at short notice] and also gave them finished packages for family in Canada/India. On the  day of delivering the material, we were invited to an elaborate family dinner and have also been invited to visit India with them, at their expense.

Some Guyanese seems to lack the courtesy of please and thank you. The don't seem to appreciate what is done for them, but look for ways to wanting more. Because of this attitude, its challenging implementing any project in Guyana, especially to those with severe challenges.   Guyana has become a very selfish place and any turn around might take decades or generations.         


Mits - I am all woman.  I work in a male dominated all white environment and I do business with many Indians in the investment banking field.  They really do respect me.  Many Indian girls work in my field and they command equal respect from their male counterparts.

You may be right about that comment in everyday Indian culture, but in business it's different.  Take a look at Indra Nooyi, the CEO of PepsiCo.  When she walks into a board room every person listens.

And you really don't know who I am by now?  Maybe me and you should have a drink one day.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:


One of my Mumbai workmates in Toronto once tried to belittle me by saying I'm an "East India Company Indian." Other Indians in Toronto initially greet me warmly but, as soon as I tell them I'm from Guyana they look disappointed and move on.

I hear you bro. Indians from India seem to look down on any Indian who wasn't born in India. I have seen this also when they meet the Ugandan Indians. The south Indians from Kerala do not exhibit this behavior. I once worked for a Punjabi at Morgan Stanley and he told me grew up in Kerala. He told me he does not harbor the caste mentality. I also went to college with some south Indians. They were wild as the Guyanese and mixed freely with us partying. All that said, I DO NOT CARE FOR ANY INDIANS FROM INDIA. I TREAT THEM WITH EQUAL SCORN. Once an an Indian asked me where I was from. I replied "what difference does that make"?

Skelly, I did not want to say it straight as you've done, but you've given me the urge to say it now: Most ah dem Indians fram India scorn Indo-Guyanese just like most PPP Indians scorn APNU+AFC Indians. 

India's Indians assert that our foreparents defiled themselves by crossing the "kala pani". PPP Indians assert that folks like me are "dutty Indian" because we support the coalition. 

I know a few Indians from all over the globe. They doan try no nonsense wid me. Upfront, I tell dem, look here, you leff places like the Punjabs, Bengal, Africa, etc, etc. My people leff India just a few hundred years before you all. And my people dem bruk ancient Hindu taboos, by choosing to go beyond the Ganges and the Brahmaputra. Before dem venture upon the kala-pani only two known Bengalies traveled beyond the two rivers, to England and France. And dem had to bruk ancient hindu customs by starting the Brahmo Samaj movement-Ram Mohan Roy and Dwarkanath Tagore were the two men. 

Tola posted:

I find some Guyanese Indians very different from India Indians, regarding respect and trust.

A while ago I volunteer to  photographer a wedding in Guyana for a wealthy friend's family. After packages of the finished material was sent to them, there was not even a word of acknowledgement, or thanks. Friends with whom they distributed the material, said it was received. This is not an isolated incident among Guyanese. 

Last year I also volunteer to photograph the wedding for a wealthy Indian friend in Canada [at short notice] and also gave them finished packages for family in Canada/India. On the  day of delivering the material, we were invited to an elaborate family dinner and have also been invited to visit India with them, at their expense.

Some Guyanese seems to lack the courtesy of please and thank you. The don't seem to appreciate what is done for them, but look for ways to wanting more. Because of this attitude, its challenging implementing any project in Guyana, especially to those with severe challenges.   Guyana has become a very selfish place and any turn around might take decades or generations.         

Tola bhai: How you doing in the homeland? I have experienced the rude reception in Guyana every time I visit and had business to transact. The civil servants at the airport (custom officers) seem like they are doing you a favor by you visiting Guyana. They seem to always be pissed off. The utility services workers are more rude than anyone I have ever seen working in a public place. They greeting on the phone is something to be desired. They just hang the phone up on you. No thank you or please. What a bunch of neanderthals. The government needs to address courtesy by the civil servants.

skeldon_man posted:
Tola posted:

I find some Guyanese Indians very different from India Indians, regarding respect and trust.

A while ago I volunteer to  photographer a wedding in Guyana for a wealthy friend's family. After packages of the finished material was sent to them, there was not even a word of acknowledgement, or thanks. Friends with whom they distributed the material, said it was received. This is not an isolated incident among Guyanese. 

Last year I also volunteer to photograph the wedding for a wealthy Indian friend in Canada [at short notice] and also gave them finished packages for family in Canada/India. On the  day of delivering the material, we were invited to an elaborate family dinner and have also been invited to visit India with them, at their expense.

Some Guyanese seems to lack the courtesy of please and thank you. The don't seem to appreciate what is done for them, but look for ways to wanting more. Because of this attitude, its challenging implementing any project in Guyana, especially to those with severe challenges.   Guyana has become a very selfish place and any turn around might take decades or generations.         

Tola bhai: How you doing in the homeland? I have experienced the rude reception in Guyana every time I visit and had business to transact. The civil servants at the airport (custom officers) seem like they are doing you a favor by you visiting Guyana. They seem to always be pissed off. The utility services workers are more rude than anyone I have ever seen working in a public place. They greeting on the phone is something to be desired. They just hang the phone up on you. No thank you or please. What a bunch of neanderthals. The government needs to address courtesy by the civil servants.

That is how the PNC trained their Parents and that training was handed down to them.!!  PNC dont raise Civil Service pay but have an understanding with the GPSU for Them to collect Bribes.  The Govt is aware of everything.

Mitwah posted:

Even though I don't speak the Hindi language fluently, I get a lot of respect. I get invited to many of their functions primarily because of my musical ability and tomorrow  I have to perform at a  Bharatiya's b-day function.

Early last year, when we visited India, we were given first class treatment.


Don't worry about the treatment. When they see a foreigner, they see MONEY. They would even "wash you feet and drink the water". When you leave, then they speak their minds.

seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted: India's Indians assert that our foreparents defiled themselves by crossing the "kala pani". 

I know a few Indians from all over the globe. They doan try no nonsense wid me. Upfront, I tell dem, look here, you leff places like the Punjabs, Bengal, Africa, etc, etc. My people leff India just a few hundred years before you all. And my people dem bruk ancient Hindu taboos, by choosing to go beyond the Ganges and the Brahmaputra. Before dem venture upon the kala-pani only two known Bengalies traveled beyond the two rivers, to England and France. And dem had to bruk ancient hindu customs by starting the Brahmo Samaj movement-Ram Mohan Roy and Dwarkanath Tagore were the two men. 





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Last edited by Former Member

This has become quite an interesting thread,I have seem some felt neglected because they are not of any Indian blood, while others choose to dissect which Indian is better. Do we ever hear a White man says he is better because he is from Germany?? Last night there was an NAACP award, which was for ONLY Blacks, nobody complain and yet the Blacks felt left out from the Oscars, isn't that ironic ..One complex we as people suffer, we always think others are superior[white] , that was taught to us be the  White Colonials . In Canada there are more human rights laws to protect the Coloured we are free to speak out against injustices. My initial subject was to empower all Indians to aim high and  anything is Possible, I have two kids they are very successful, one a neuro- scientist, and the other is an Attorney, they are proud Indians.


kp, this is an interesting thread indeed. Thanks for starting it. However, as Indo-Guyanese all of us don't think alike; that would be unnatural and utopian. Hence the variety of responses to your topic. Personally, I'm happy to learn that your two children have excelled academically. As a fellow Uitvlugt countryman, I share your pride as I'm sure your neighbours in second street OV do. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
kp posted:

We should be proud being an Indian doesn't matter where we come from. Do you know--38% of Doctors in US are Indians,  36% of NASA Scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians, 28% of IBM employees are Indians, 17% of Intel employees are Indians, 12% of Total scientists in US are Indians. These are figures only in the USA, so be proud of your race and if you are an INDIAN lift your head high and be PROUD.

Is the inference here that people of other races ought not to be proud?

That should not be inferred at all.  There are other races who are just as accomplished.  I only mentioned a few Indian names to keep with the subject.  One of my good Afro-Guyanese sisters is a graduate of Harvard Medical School.  She is currently an Md/Phd Doctor (GYN) at UNC.

So people of all races should be proud of the accomplishments of members of their races. Then accomplishment is not race-based. So people of any race need not be proud of the accomplishments of members of their races.

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:

We should be proud being an Indian doesn't matter where we come from. Do you know--38% of Doctors in US are Indians,  36% of NASA Scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians, 28% of IBM employees are Indians, 17% of Intel employees are Indians, 12% of Total scientists in US are Indians. These are figures only in the USA, so be proud of your race and if you are an INDIAN lift your head high and be PROUD.

These numbers refer to Indian citizens in the US and indeed India's Indians are entitled to some national pride.

The numbers do not include Indo-Caribbean achievers and, sadly, India's Indians don't think highly of us Caribbean Indians. Generally, they don't socialize with us either.

One of my Mumbai workmates in Toronto once tried to belittle me by saying I'm an "East India Company Indian." Other Indians in Toronto initially greet me warmly but, as soon as I tell them I'm from Guyana they look disappointed and move on.

I'm not putting a damper on your thread, kp. Honestly, I would have felt better if you had provided statistics on Indo-Caribbean or Guyanese high-achievers. Bibi gave us some examples for a start and I applaud those persons wholeheartedly. 

I hear you bro. Indians from India seem to look down on any Indian who wasn't born in India. I have seen this also when they meet the Ugandan Indians. The south Indians from Kerala do not exhibit this behavior. I once worked for a Punjabi at Morgan Stanley and he told me grew up in Kerala. He told me he does not harbor the caste mentality. I also went to college with some south Indians. They were wild as the Guyanese and mixed freely with us partying. All that said, I DO NOT CARE FOR ANY INDIANS FROM INDIA. I TREAT THEM WITH EQUAL SCORN. Once an an Indian asked me where I was from. I replied "what difference does that make"?

I lived in India and have come to the realization that while we say Indians look down on Guyanese, etc we should also know, Indian look down on other Indians within India itself with equal and even more disdain!  I don't know the psyche behind such behavior, but I have learned to accept people one-one-one and not broad brush!

Baseman was treated with utmost respect and dignity while there.  Baseman loves everyone until you give me reason not to!  Then you have to deal with baseman!!!


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