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Teenager exposes India's 'one month wives' sex tourism

A 17-year-old girl has exposed the scale of Islamic sex tourism in India where Muslim men from the Middle East and Africa are buying 'one month wives' for sex.

Hyderabad sex tourism
Inspector Vijay Kumar who is in charge of the 'one month' wives case Photo: DEAN NELSON

Campaigners for Muslim women's rights said while short term 'contract marriages' are illegal in India and forbidden in Islam, they are increasing in Hyderabad, in southern India, where wealthy foreigners, local agents and 'Qazis' – government-appointed Muslim priests – are exploiting poverty among the city's Muslim families.

The victim, Nausheen Tobassum, revealed the scale of the problem when she escaped from her home last month after her parents pressurised her to consummate a forced marriage to a middle aged Sudanese man who had paid around £1,200 for her to be his 'wife' for four weeks.

She told police she had been taken by her aunt to a hotel where she and three other teenage girls were introduced to a Sudanese oil company executive. The 'groom', Usama Ibrahim Mohammed, 44 and married with two children in Khartoum, later arrived at her home where a Qazi performed a wedding ceremony.

According to Inspector Vijay Kumar he had paid 100,000 Rupees (around £1,200) to the girl's aunt Mumtaz Begum, who in turn paid 70,000 Rupees to her parents, 5,000 Rupees to the Qazi, 5,000 Rupees to an Urdu translator and kept 20,000 Rupees herself. The wedding certificate came with a 'Talaknama' which fixed the terms of the divorce at the end of the groom's holiday.

"The next day he came to the house of the victim girl and asked her to participate in sex but she refused. She is a young girl and the groom is older than her father," Inspector Kumar told The Telegraph.

Her parents reassured him they would persuade their daughter and told her she would be punished if she did not. Instead she ran out of their tiny one room home in Hyderabad's Moghulpuri neighbourhood and was rescued by a police patrol. The police arrested the groom, the victim's aunt and the Qazi, and issued a warrant for her parents' arrest – Nausheen is a minor under Indian law and cannot marry until she reaches 18. Her parents are now in hiding but will be charged with arranging a child marriage, 'outraging the modesty' of a woman, and criminal conspiracy.

Inspector Kumar said there are dozens of illegal short term contract marriages in the city, and that the Sudanese man they arrested had come to Hyderabad after a friend in Khartoum told him he had taken a '40 day wife' during an earlier visit.

"If a Sudanese wants to have sex, he has to pay three times more [in Sudan] because there are far fewer girls there, or he takes a second wife. In India the girls are coming for a cheaper rate and they are beautiful. Even if they are only staying for a few days they are doing this kind of illegal marriages for sex," he said.

He said the visitors want to marry because they believe prostitution is forbidden under Islam. Poor families agree to contract marriages because they have many daughters and cannot afford to pay for all their weddings.

Instead, they have a series of one-month contract 'marriages' to fund their own genuine wedding.

Shiraz Amina Khan of Hyderabad's Women and Child Welfare Society, said there were up to 15 'contract marriages' in the city every month and that the number is rising.

"They come to Hyderabad because it has maximum downtrodden families. Thirty to forty per cent of families are going for the option of contract marriages to relieve their poverty. It has to be stopped," she said.

Nausheen Tobassum, who is now living in a government home for girls said in an interview before she was placed in care, that she had filed a complaint to stop the same thing happening to other girls.

"I didn't know what was happening and I agreed in ignorance. They forced me. They changed my date of birth certificate and made a fake one, where I was shown as 24 years old. They exploit girls and that's why I went to police. I had to show courage to go to police against my parents. I don't want to go back to my home, I am scared," she said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Observer:

Glad to see victims speaking out.

Nothing is going to happen. These people do not build toilet, a necessary modern convenience what do you think they will do to quell the income source of a disposable asset, women?

India is one of the most horrific places for the poor and almost women especially. 60 mins did a piece on this some 15 years ago so it is not news. Girls as young as nine are vended to rich arabs habitually.


It is wrong to say that women are more plentiful in indian. India has been killing so many girl babies that Indian girls ought to be a premium. The reason women are vended in India is that these hypocrite Muslims can pretend they are following Islam in t heir own country where they have women hidden and inaccessible. Other places like Afganistan sell some 400K of their girls in similar manner per one study 


Not only women are being prostituted in these "one month marriages". Little boys are also victims, ask Jaliki and Mitwanda, both these pedophiles visit to get their rocks off.


The teenager who spoke out against the contract marriages ought to be congratulated for her bravery. This will encourage others to come forward and expose these bastard. This will not end the modern day sex slavery, but it's a step forward to decrease the problem from escalating. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Not only women are being prostituted in these "one month marriages". Little boys are also victims, ask Jaliki and Mitwanda, both these pedophiles visit to get their rocks off.

Oh raass, Big Seed GoadieMan calling Jalil a pedophile. Nuff licks to follow he behind

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Cari, you are a homo who likes to take it up your back hatch, chubby boy. Jaliki will shove his tool down your mouth, fag while mitwanda will have his way with your kids. 



You idiot, why don't you comment on that fag calling me name, I have stood by too long allowing these fools to harass me.  mitwanda and jaliki will pedophile his kids as this is the nature of those beasts.


Do you guys actually go back and read your replies,or do you just spew out whatever garbage goes to your brain. Some of you are real bird brain,and are worse than the people living on the street. At least they might have an excuse,but you guys have none,other than some of you are plain stupid. Do us a favor,some of you need to get off the BB. I think many of you know who you are.

Originally Posted by Amral:

Do you guys actually go back and read your replies,or do you just spew out whatever garbage goes to your brain. Some of you are real bird brain,and are worse than the people living on the street. At least they might have an excuse,but you guys have none,other than some of you are plain stupid. Do us a favor,some of you need to get off the BB. I think many of you know who you are.

one of the things that makes a bb good is the right of individuals to vent and say what is on their minds as long as their is ground to stand on. You need to tell us who you think is fabricating stories, writing bilge or simply being a  racist, cultural or religious bigot. You owe the board that kind of forthright expression as the facilitator of this arena.


This practice of rich Muslims going to places like the holy city of Benares to openly buy sex slaves in the form of in young children has been publicized by the press.Why the travel so far is also obvious. They do not value the lives of the non Muslim children they violate. Remember, they take their toys back to their world more often than not.


That Indians facilitate this odious practice is also a great tragedy. It is no secret that both societies seem to lack basic fundamental humanistic conscience that would compel one to stop this practice. Each in their own right by their cultural acceptance of it do their societies a great disservice.


In Afghanistan also, this practice is prevalent across the society. Children are currency. Here, parents, often because they are poor and powerless   have to give up their children as a payment of debt or fulfilling a demand for payment to perceived slights to the powerful. Christian Amanpour has  documentary dedicated to exposing this odium.


BTW, if your statement is to the useless squabbling and name calling by the few fellows above, you need to call them out on it as well.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Cari, you are a homo who likes to take it up your back hatch, chubby boy. Jaliki will shove his tool down your mouth, fag while mitwanda will have his way with your kids. 

Hey BigSeed......I  will pray for matter who you taking what down where. I have a grown kid - she just graduated with a Bachelors degree, so the "kids" reference kinda feels out of place.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

These people should be given a really good beating before being sent home.

These hypocrites keep their females in bondage and go to other countries to get off their rocks on the under age.  Arabs are sick all around.


Stormy I have no problem with the article posted, it is the turn of events on the thread I am referring to.


Since you are asking for names, I will point out a few that in my opinion are nothing but a bunch of men who have nothing to do with their lives but ridicule others on the BB.

in no particular order.







Feel free to add to the list. But the BB will be better, with these few rid of.


Originally Posted by Amral:

Stormy I have no problem with the article posted, it is the turn of events on the thread I am referring to.


Since you are asking for names, I will point out a few that in my opinion are nothing but a bunch of men who have nothing to do with their lives but ridicule others on the BB.

in no particular order.







Feel free to add to the list. But the BB will be better, with these few rid of.


 ban their behinds if you see a persistent circumvention of the stated rules.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Chief was probably in India.

You and I will visit together then we can bathe in the Ganges but first we have to take tetanus shot then pray.

Good idea. You need to return to your Hindu roots. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Amral:

Stormy I have no problem with the article posted, it is the turn of events on the thread I am referring to.


Since you are asking for names, I will point out a few that in my opinion are nothing but a bunch of men who have nothing to do with their lives but ridicule others on the BB.

in no particular order.







Feel free to add to the list. But the BB will be better, with these few rid of.


 ban their behinds if you see a persistent circumvention of the stated rules.

GNI is struggling to attract new members due to the fact of social media like facebook and twitter. Banning more people will speed up GNI to it's grave. 

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Chief was probably in India.

You and I will visit together then we can bathe in the Ganges but first we have to take tetanus shot then pray.

Good idea. You need to return to your Hindu roots. 

Om Shanti, shanti, shanti!!!

Peace, peace and peace!!


Amral, sorry to say your list is extremely biased.  You said to feel free to add to the list.  Well, one has to be blind not to notice how Mitwah, Jalil, Kari and their friends have been harrassing and ridiculing BGurd non-stop.  BGurd has to be an extremely strong and positive person to put up with it this long.  Now that he decided to give them back a taste of their nastiness, you want him to leave.  The language and antics here have become so gross that many members stopped posting.  The biggest culprits are given special privileges and are allowed to bully others to the highest extent.  There is extreme bias on this site.     

Originally Posted by Observer:

Amral, sorry to say your list is extremely biased.  You said to feel free to add to the list.  Well, one has to be blind not to notice how Mitwah, Jalil, Kari and their friends have been harrassing and ridiculing BGurd non-stop.  BGurd has to be an extremely strong and positive person to put up with it this long.  Now that he decided to give them back a taste of their nastiness, you want him to leave.  The language and antics here have become so gross that many members stopped posting.  The biggest culprits are given special privileges and are allowed to bully others to the highest extent.  There is extreme bias on this site.     

It's good to know that Goads have someone attracted to him. How many hours did you drive to meet him?

Originally Posted by Amral:

Stormy I have no problem with the article posted, it is the turn of events on the thread I am referring to.


Since you are asking for names, I will point out a few that in my opinion are nothing but a bunch of men who have nothing to do with their lives but ridicule others on the BB.

in no particular order.







Feel free to add to the list. But the BB will be better, with these few rid of.


How can you forget to put the Rev on your list? Please add him to number one on the list on top of his butt boy. 


The Administrator cann feel the way he feels, that is his opinion. I have a good life, I dont need him to tell me how to live my life. Does he reads Posts from Redux?Tk, God?Freaky?Stinger and others. Not that it matters to me but as I said I DONT NEED ANYONE TO tell me how to live my life!!!!!!!!!!! Now Al YUh put dat in Al Yuh Pipe or whereever and SMOKE IT!!!!!!!!!!


Nehru, Lakshmi Puja tonight, bhaiji. Remember this when you light the Diyaa tonight.


Lakshmi karo too kalyaanam, aarogyam sukh sampradaa
Mam shatroo vinaashaaya, deep jyotir namo astute

O Lakshmi Maa, you are the source of true happiness, the remover of all forms of illness and the bestower of prosperity. Please help me Maa to rid myself of all internal enemies. We bow to this light, which is symbolic of your presence.


Happy Navraatri.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Administrator cann feel the way he feels, that is his opinion. I have a good life, I dont need him to tell me how to live my life. Does he reads Posts from Redux?Tk, God?Freaky?Stinger and others. Not that it matters to me but as I said I DONT NEED ANYONE TO tell me how to live my life!!!!!!!!!!! Now Al YUh put dat in Al Yuh Pipe or whereever and SMOKE IT!!!!!!!!!!

Bannas, no one gives a shit as to the quality of your life. One cares about the quality of your thoughts. It is deplorable to this point.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Administrator cann feel the way he feels, that is his opinion. I have a good life, I dont need him to tell me how to live my life. Does he reads Posts from Redux?Tk, God?Freaky?Stinger and others. Not that it matters to me but as I said I DONT NEED ANYONE TO tell me how to live my life!!!!!!!!!!! Now Al YUh put dat in Al Yuh Pipe or whereever and SMOKE IT!!!!!!!!!!

Bannas, no one gives a shit as to the quality of your life. One cares about the quality of your thoughts. It is deplorable to this point.

Jackass, Amral made a direct comment to my Username. You really that STUPIOD and IGNORANT???

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Nehru, Lakshmi Puja tonight, bhaiji. Remember this when you light the Diyaa tonight.


Lakshmi karo too kalyaanam, aarogyam sukh sampradaa
Mam shatroo vinaashaaya, deep jyotir namo astute

O Lakshmi Maa, you are the source of true happiness, the remover of all forms of illness and the bestower of prosperity. Please help me Maa to rid myself of all internal enemies. We bow to this light, which is symbolic of your presence.


Happy Navraatri.

Thank you Bhia.  JAI LAKXHMI MATA.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Administrator cann feel the way he feels, that is his opinion. I have a good life, I dont need him to tell me how to live my life. Does he reads Posts from Redux?Tk, God?Freaky?Stinger and others. Not that it matters to me but as I said I DONT NEED ANYONE TO tell me how to live my life!!!!!!!!!!! Now Al YUh put dat in Al Yuh Pipe or whereever and SMOKE IT!!!!!!!!!!

Bannas, no one gives a shit as to the quality of your life. One cares about the quality of your thoughts. It is deplorable to this point.

You had to jump in like the HO you are, and a two bit one.

Originally Posted by Amral:

Stormy I have no problem with the article posted, it is the turn of events on the thread I am referring to.


Since you are asking for names, I will point out a few that in my opinion are nothing but a bunch of men who have nothing to do with their lives but ridicule others on the BB.

in no particular order.







Feel free to add to the list. But the BB will be better, with these few rid of.


I would desist from further behavior of this nature if you and your admins would stop Mitwah, Jalil, Kari and other from taunting me on a daily basis. Every day they post my avatar with lewd comments about goadie and you and your admin see this as acceptable behavior.  I even deleted my avatar. Whenever I lash out back with venom as a last resort you put me on your hit list.


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