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With New Delhi's iconic Red Fort as a backdrop, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh announced Wednesday his country has set its sights on the Red Planet.

In a Wednesday speech marking India's independence day, Singh said his government has approved plans to put an unmanned probe in orbit around Mars. The mission "will be a huge step for us in the area of science and technology," he said.

It's an ambitious goal, with a planned launch in November 2013 for a 10-month flight, said Kiran Karnik, a former official with the Indian Space Research Organization.

"By the time the mission gets there, Mars will be comparatively the closest," Karnik told CNN's sister network CNN-IBN. "So there's a small window in which we need to make a launch and that's the reason the mission has to go up next year."




<cite class="expCaption">Mars rover searching for signs of life</cite>

The goal of the mission is to search for clues to the "geology, origin, evolution and sustainability of life" on Mars, according to an ISRO report published earlier this year.

India's space program launched its first Earth satellite in 1975 and put an unmanned probe into orbit around the moon in 2008. It plans to launch its first manned spaceflight in 2016, though an Indian cosmonaut, Rakesh Sharma, flew aboard a Soviet space mission in 1984.

Mars 'Mohawk Guy' inspires Obama

The announcement comes as the U.S. space agency NASA is basking in the successful landing of its Curiosity rover August 6.

If the 2013 mission is successful, India would become the first Asian country to reach Mars: A 1998 attempt by Japan failed to insert itself into martian orbit, while a Chinese probe was lost along with the Russian Phobos-Grunt mission in January. But Karnik said India shouldn't be concerned with stunts.

"My only concern, if anything, is not the risk of failure," he said. "It's the risk that the program should not get diverted to these high-visibility, somewhat prestige-related events."

Should Mars exploration be a priority for India, in light of the recent infrastructure issues raised by power outages? Comment below.

CNN's Ram Ramgopal and Christian DuChateau contributed to this report.

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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Rather than putting an unamnned probe around Mars, Manmohan Singh should spend the money to eliminate the caste system and help feed the millions of hungry beggars. Sorry Nehru. No cutting edge tehnology will alleviate the misery in India. 

If USA and Russia were thinking like that, they would still be backward.

Originally Posted by raymond:


The goal of the mission is to search for clues to the "geology, origin, evolution and sustainability of life" on Mars, according to an ISRO report published earlier this year.

India's space program launched its first Earth satellite in 1975 and put an unmanned probe into orbit around the moon in 2008. It plans to launch its first manned spaceflight in 2016, though an Indian cosmonaut, Rakesh Sharma, flew aboard a Soviet space mission in 1984.

Mars 'Mohawk Guy' inspires Obama

The announcement comes as the U.S. space agency NASA is basking in the successful landing of its Curiosity rover August 6.

If the 2013 mission is successful, India would become the first Asian country to reach Mars: A 1998 attempt by Japan failed to insert itself into martian orbit, while a Chinese probe was lost along with the Russian Phobos-Grunt mission in January. 

Lucas whuh happen with the Chinese bhai? Like somebody did a bad translation job on the blueprints they stole from the Americans.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Rather than putting an unamnned probe around Mars, Manmohan Singh should spend the money to eliminate the caste system and help feed the millions of hungry beggars. Sorry Nehru. No cutting edge tehnology will alleviate the misery in India. 

A nation should be able to move on several tracks at the same time.  That being said, India has to get their political house in order, get the economy growing at over 10% and eliminate poverty.  Placing a probe on Mars etc is great theater, but life on earth needs to be given equal priority.


India's vice of Cast-ism and selfish exclusivity greatly inhibit it human development.  If the political machinery could rally around this as they do space, military and missile, India would be a vastly different nation.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shadow:

Guess Ramoutar should follow the US with cutting edge technology and Guyana will move forward...with Nehru as the Director

Linden gat cutting-edge technology, it,s called MO FIAH SLO FIAH!!!!

The result of Linden cutting edge technology is mass production of charcoal. Don't need a director for throwing matches on buildings soaked with gasoline. God you should know that!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

They are desperate to catch up with China... they won't.

India cannot catch China, they have to try to stay ahead of Iran.

That's a good point. They should go step by step. Catch up with Iran first, then set the bar higher to catch up on Brazil, then higher again to catch up with Russia and so on...

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Rather than putting an unamnned probe around Mars, Manmohan Singh should spend the money to eliminate the caste system and help feed the millions of hungry beggars. Sorry Nehru. No cutting edge tehnology will alleviate the misery in India. 

Money cannot eliminate castism. It is the instrument of Indias wealth since it social structure is one of predation on another, Giving up all of that child/slave labor is not something it cares to handle.


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