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Indo-American awarded with Guyana's top award

Last Updated: Saturday, November 19, 2011, 12:24
Source - Zee News

Washington: Indian-American Yashpaul Soi has been awarded with one of the highest civilian honours of Guyana in recognition of his role in strengthening the democracy in this country.

The award was presented to Soi, who is based in New York, by Guyanese Indian-origin President Bharat Jagdeo at a special ceremony in the countries capital Georgetown early this month.

Soi, an eminent Indian-American community leader and one of the promoters of Bollywood in the US, was presented the award for his outstanding role in the struggle for free and fair elections and development of Guyana and generally contributing to the national interests of that country.

Previously Jimmy Carter was honoured by Guyana, also for his role in the restoration of democracy in the country.

Along with Soi, four other non-resident Guyanese were presented with the award - Pandit Ramlall, Ramesh Kalicharran, both settled in New York, and scientist Suresh Narine of Toronto.

"Soi, who is an Indian national, and Kalicharran and Pandit Ramlall were very much involved in the struggle to restore democracy, having played an important role during the difficult years in helping the founder of the People's Progressive Party Cheddi Jagan in the struggle," Jagdeo said at the awards ceremony.

"These are very special people and I wanted to make sure that their contributions are recognized," he said.

"To be recognized with this special award, at this special ceremony in this way by the President and this beautiful nation is a very humbling experience," Soi said.

PTI - First Published: Saturday, November 19, 2011, 12:24

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This proves that Jagdeo does not know anything about the people who struggled here in New York to help restore democracy in Guyana.

In the 70's and 80's when I lived in Brooklyn, I witnessed personally those who made sacrifices to get international attention to the dreded Burnham dictatorship.

Firt, who is this individual Soi? No one seems to know of his contribution to the struggle.

Prominent in the struggle were people like Karshan, Mel Carpen, Vee, Flattie, Sam Johnson, Chuck Mohan, Joey Jagan, Ken and Sidney Mahadeo,
Even many who were not PPP suporters, Vishnu Bisram, Ramrahack etc., and many others.Did they receive any awards for their sacrifice?

This is really a shame. Pandit Ramlall was not prominent in the struggle. Kalicharran helped in many ways that he deserves the award.

This is a shame and disgrace.

I will try to get in touch with Mel and Chuck when I come to New York to get some more names. Can't remember all the names now.
Originally posted by marlon:
This proves that Jagdeo does not know anything about the people who struggled here in New York to help restore democracy in Guyana.

In the 70's and 80's when I lived in Brooklyn, I witnessed personally those who made sacrifices to get international attention to the dreded Burnham dictatorship.

Firt, who is this individual Soi? No one seems to know of his contribution to the struggle.

Prominent in the struggle were people like Karshan, Mel Carpen, Vee, Flattie, Sam Johnson, Chuck Mohan, Joey Jagan, Ken and Sidney Mahadeo,
Even many who were not PPP suporters, Vishnu Bisram, Ramrahack etc., and many others.Did they receive any awards for their sacrifice?

This is really a shame. Pandit Ramlall was not prominent in the struggle. Kalicharran helped in many ways that he deserves the award.

This is a shame and disgrace.

I will try to get in touch with Mel and Chuck when I come to New York to get some more names. Can't remember all the names now.
Churchill already responded to this on another thread here.
Originally posted by Daren David:
That definitely is a fake "award". He got no Guyanese "top award". I never heard of this fellow before. And I believe I know quite a large number of persons who lobbied the American government and policy makers to support the demand for free and fair elections in Guyana in the pre-1992 period.
Then you and others need to re write the text being vended in the corrupt PPP circles and put an end to the lie that the PPP give us democracy. I for one wonder if all those Guyanese kids on campuses from Howard to Harvard holding forums to highlight the odium of the PNC regime were in the employ of the PPP. Let the text be what it was, a story of a broad cross section of the Guyanese society rising their voices against a corrupt regime that ultimately had to fold its tent because its practices became untenable to rule as they did.

The PPP may be the benefactor of this movement but they certainly to date have not learnt the lessons of the past and helped us to further democracy. They were a transitional democratic government. As old communists they were aliens to democracy. What came to us was not democracy delivered whole but an infant concept to be nourished and grow to a flourishing exuberance of freedom.

Instead we have old communists being old communists and democracy being stiffed and elections and the democratic process subverted to keep them in office. This is because of complacency in the telling of the stories of our people and the voices of those who knew and fought against conditions similar to now being tacit collaborators by their silence.
I am not impressed with what was written about Yash Paul Soi ....

I first met Soi in 1989 at the launching of GOPIO at the Penn Plaza Hotel in midtown Manhattan....Dr.Cheddi Jagan was invited to open the proceedings and several Guyanese accompanied him there....Karshanje Arjune,Chuck Mohan,Joey Jagan and Mel Carpen were in the company of Cheddi.....they were met there by Ramesh Kalicharran and others....

I witnessed that first meeting between Cheddi and Soi and other Indians,mostly business men who were interested in business opportunities in Guyana....

In 1990 Soi was one of several Indian business men and women who attended a dinner organised by a broad based committee comprising Guyanese,Carribbean and several Indians.....Soi did not organise the event he was one of the several Indians who participated....

Yes Soi started a radio program which was aired on Saturday mornings and sometimes on Sundays.....he interview Cheddi in 1977 when Dr.Jagan was here as a guest of the U.S.Peace Council....on that same visit Cheddi was interviewed by several local stations Carribbean and otherwise which were not connected with Soi and his station....the radio and TV connections were facilitated by the members and friends of the Committee for Democracy and Majority Rule in Guyana ( CDMRG ) the forerunner of the PPP support structure here in the USA.....Roi did not make such connections....

Roi did not establish close links with Mr.Jimmy Carter in 1980 on behalf of the Guyanese community !....the contacts with the Carter group started in 1976 when several members of the CDMRG worked in the Carter campaign for the US presidency....I myself worked with the Carter campaign in the midwest as I was a resident in that area in those days....there were other Guyanese with the Carter campaign in Brooklyn,DC and other areas....Senators Tom Harkin,Teddy Kennedy and others arranged meetings between Cheddi and the Carter people....Roi did not establish that very vital link in our overseas efforts....the Guyanese and other friends of Cheddi Jagan did.....

Why was Roi given an award at this time ?

I remember after the dinner in 1990 Roi and other Indian businessmen met with Cheddi asking him for business concessions in Guyana when he was elected.....Roi met with Cheddi again in 1993 when a delegation accompanied Cheddi on a state visit to India....that delegation comprised Cheddi,Nadira Jagan,Barrat Jagdeo,Pauline Sookai and the chairman of GUYSOCO at that time Vic Oudit and Mrs.Oudit.....Cheddi attended a GOPIO event in New Delhi where several Indian businessmen approached him for special concessions.....

When Cheddi returned to the USA enroute to Guyana he mentioned that he was disappointed at the way GOPIO evolved ....he was uncomfortable at the aggressive efforts made by Roi and others for business concessions in Guyana.....

( Originally posted on another thread )...
Originally posted by Alexander:
You keep saying Roi but you mean Soi. Anyway this chap has been described an an opportunist by many. He was probably given an award to impress the Indian community at this election time.

Friends in the " know " in India suspect that Soi is in a position to arrange academic degrees for folks trying to improve their public images.....
Originally posted by Churchill:
This is really a shame. Pandit Ramlall was not prominent in the struggle. Kalicharran helped in many ways that he deserves the award.

Pandit Ramlall was not prominent in the overseas struggle but in Guyana especially in the sixties.....he was at one time a political prisioner at Sibley Hall.....

Mr. Churchill,

When I said that Pt. Ramlall did not participate in the struggle, I meant in New York/USA. He was involved in Guyana. Thanks for the correction
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Daren David:
That definitely is a fake "award". He got no Guyanese "top award". I never heard of this fellow before. And I believe I know quite a large number of persons who lobbied the American government and policy makers to support the demand for free and fair elections in Guyana in the pre-1992 period.
Then you and others need to re write the text being vended in the corrupt PPP circles and put an end to the lie that the PPP give us democracy. I for one wonder if all those Guyanese kids on campuses from Howard to Harvard holding forums to highlight the odium of the PNC regime were in the employ of the PPP. Let the text be what it was, a story of a broad cross section of the Guyanese society rising their voices against a corrupt regime that ultimately had to fold its tent because its practices became untenable to rule as they did.

The PPP may be the benefactor of this movement but they certainly to date have not learnt the lessons of the past and helped us to further democracy. They were a transitional democratic government. As old communists they were aliens to democracy. What came to us was not democracy delivered whole but an infant concept to be nourished and grow to a flourishing exuberance of freedom.

Instead we have old communists being old communists and democracy being stiffed and elections and the democratic process subverted to keep them in office. This is because of complacency in the telling of the stories of our people and the voices of those who knew and fought against conditions similar to now being tacit collaborators by their silence.

Well at least Soi showed up to the events that is more than the majority of India Indians would do for us Guyanese Indians. Most of these India Indians don't give a rat's a-s about us Guyanese Indians.
Originally posted by Wally:
Well at least Soi showed up to the events that is more than the majority of India Indians would do for us Guyanese Indians. Most of these India Indians don't give a rat's a-s about us Guyanese Indians.

There is a certain amount of truth to your statement. Any idea why this is so?
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Originally posted by Wally:
Well at least Soi showed up to the events that is more than the majority of India Indians would do for us Guyanese Indians. Most of these India Indians don't give a rat's a-s about us Guyanese Indians.

There is a certain amount of truth to your statement. Any idea why this is so?

They see us as people who came from slaves that the British took from their country.
Originally posted by Wally:
I hope Jagdeo is reading this website. Warrior, Albert and Bookman working day and night but no award.
fat albert and bookman lie too much,when they say walk you better run. but the warrior now,the warrior is a true rajput warrior.come on jag the man need a award to put on his sword strongman
Originally posted by Wally:
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Originally posted by Wally:
Well at least Soi showed up to the events that is more than the majority of India Indians would do for us Guyanese Indians. Most of these India Indians don't give a rat's a-s about us Guyanese Indians.

There is a certain amount of truth to your statement. Any idea why this is so?

They see us as people who came from slaves that the British took from their country.

Perhaps, but most Indians do not know where Guyana is or the circumstances that led to us being in Guyana. As such, could it be the way we present and conduct ourselves in general? i.e. unrefined, semi-illiterate, alcoholics and our youth's dress and speak as though they live in a getto?

Indians in the US are extremely upwardly mobile. Are Guyanese Indians upwardly mobile also to the same extent? Let's discuss. I am curious.
Originally posted by Churchill:
I am not impressed with what was written about Yash Paul Soi ....

I first met Soi in 1989 at the launching of GOPIO at the Penn Plaza Hotel in midtown Manhattan....Dr.Cheddi Jagan was invited to open the proceedings and several Guyanese accompanied him there....Karshanje Arjune,Chuck Mohan,Joey Jagan and Mel Carpen were in the company of Cheddi.....they were met there by Ramesh Kalicharran and others....

I witnessed that first meeting between Cheddi and Soi and other Indians,mostly business men who were interested in business opportunities in Guyana....

In 1990 Soi was one of several Indian business men and women who attended a dinner organised by a broad based committee comprising Guyanese,Carribbean and several Indians.....Soi did not organise the event he was one of the several Indians who participated....

Yes Soi started a radio program which was aired on Saturday mornings and sometimes on Sundays.....he interview Cheddi in 1977 when Dr.Jagan was here as a guest of the U.S.Peace Council....on that same visit Cheddi was interviewed by several local stations Carribbean and otherwise which were not connected with Soi and his station....the radio and TV connections were facilitated by the members and friends of the Committee for Democracy and Majority Rule in Guyana ( CDMRG ) the forerunner of the PPP support structure here in the USA.....Roi did not make such connections....

Roi did not establish close links with Mr.Jimmy Carter in 1980 on behalf of the Guyanese community !....the contacts with the Carter group started in 1976 when several members of the CDMRG worked in the Carter campaign for the US presidency....I myself worked with the Carter campaign in the midwest as I was a resident in that area in those days....there were other Guyanese with the Carter campaign in Brooklyn,DC and other areas....Senators Tom Harkin,Teddy Kennedy and others arranged meetings between Cheddi and the Carter people....Roi did not establish that very vital link in our overseas efforts....the Guyanese and other friends of Cheddi Jagan did.....

Why was Roi given an award at this time ?

I remember after the dinner in 1990 Roi and other Indian businessmen met with Cheddi asking him for business concessions in Guyana when he was elected.....Roi met with Cheddi again in 1993 when a delegation accompanied Cheddi on a state visit to India....that delegation comprised Cheddi,Nadira Jagan,Barrat Jagdeo,Pauline Sookai and the chairman of GUYSOCO at that time Vic Oudit and Mrs.Oudit.....Cheddi attended a GOPIO event in New Delhi where several Indian businessmen approached him for special concessions.....

When Cheddi returned to the USA enroute to Guyana he mentioned that he was disappointed at the way GOPIO evolved ....he was uncomfortable at the aggressive efforts made by Roi and others for business concessions in Guyana.....

( Originally posted on another thread )...

There is one gentleman I know personally who did a lot for the restoration of democracy in Guyana, Karshan Arjune. I also heard a lot about Churchill, but he disappoints me lately. He is undoing the good things he had done
Originally posted by Alexander:
Karshan used to walk house to house in the snow to hand out Cheddi's booklets. This guy was loyal and dedicated.
you right he use to give all them white people house. house to think you in guyana.canada had the most coward ppp supporters in the eightys.ask them guys that was charge, who was going to overtrow burham in 1985
Originally posted by Wally:

Well at least Soi showed up to the events that is more than the majority of India Indians would do for us Guyanese Indians. Most of these India Indians don't give a rat's a-s about us Guyanese Indians.

Soi showed up to some of our pre 1992 events as he was convinced that the PPP was going to win because Hoyte was cornered into agreeing to free and fair elections.....he started to " cultivate " Cheddi but later he found out that he was barking up the wrong tree....when Roi met Jagdeo who was the junior finance minister in 1993 he realised that perhaps he can still swing some business deals in Guyana......

It is sad to say that our own Guyanese folks, both blacks and indians weren't too supportive until around mid 1990....most of our support came from the international communities especially the Grenadians,Jamaicans,Palestinians and some progressive fact the Jamaicans helped us with security protection for Cheddi in those days....and we helped the Grenadians to host Maurice Bishop when ever he visited the USA.....our group also did the leg work for the massive anti PNC protest when Walter Rodney was killed.....we helped to organise the anti apartheid forum at Riverside Church in October 1981 where Cheddi was a main speaker....there was close to 1000 people present.....because of our intense international work our Guyanese struggle was highlighted at many international forum . Today we see many who were not around are claiming to have been a part of the struggle in NY in those days....and they are receiving the credit for work and sacrifices done by others......Some of our comrades who helped us in the late 1980's and early 1990's hosted an event in the memory of Dr.Jagan in March of this would be interesting to note that Jagdeo who was in town and was invited never showed up.....instead he was seen partying it up with Ed Ahmad and some others who were not supportive in those days.....
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
There is one gentleman I know personally who did a lot for the restoration of democracy in Guyana, Karshan Arjune. I also heard a lot about Churchill, but he disappoints me lately. He is undoing the good things he had done

You have no moral or other mandate to make such a statement about me.....the only thing I am undoing is my support for a corrupt clique which has turned its back on the working people of Guyana.......

About " undoing " it is the Jagdeo/Ramouthar band of vultures which is undoing the great work of Cheddi Jagan.....
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Indo-American awarded with Guyana's top award
Along with Soi, four other non-resident Guyanese were presented with the award - Pandit Ramlall, Ramesh Kalicharran, both settled in New York, and scientist Suresh Narine of Toronto.

PTI - First Published: Saturday, November 19, 2011, 12:24

And when people say the PPP cares about Indians only they wonder why we think so.
Originally posted by Wally:

They see us as people who came from slaves that the British took from their country.

They see you as a CARIBBEAN creolized people who are no longer of India, and who look stupid when they try to be.

They might have more respect if you just considered yourself to be Guyanese, with origins in India, and elements of Indian derived culture within your Indo creole culture. Instead many IndoGuyanese run behind them panting to be accepted as people of India.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Wally:

They see us as people who came from slaves that the British took from their country.

They see you as a CARIBBEAN creolized people who are no longer of India, and who look stupid when they try to be.

They might have more respect if you just considered yourself to be Guyanese, with origins in India, and elements of Indian derived culture within your Indo creole culture. Instead many IndoGuyanese run behind them panting to be accepted as people of India.

Then why do you call us coolies and Indians??
When most of us rejected the titles..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Wally:

They see us as people who came from slaves that the British took from their country.

They see you as a CARIBBEAN creolized people who are no longer of India, and who look stupid when they try to be.

They might have more respect if you just considered yourself to be Guyanese, with origins in India, and elements of Indian derived culture within your Indo creole culture. Instead many IndoGuyanese run behind them panting to be accepted as people of India.

Then why do you call us coolies and Indians??
When most of us rejected the titles..
i am a indian,you is a collie panman yippie

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