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Indo-American Surgeon Gets Highest U.S. Immigrant Award

WASHINGTON – AnIndo-American transplantsurgeon has been presentedwith a prestigious immigrantaward of the U.S. government,in recognition of hisoutstanding achievements.Dr Rahul Jindal, currentlya staff transplant surgeonat the Walter Reed NationalMilitary Medical Centreand professor of surgeryat Uniformed ServicesUniversity of Health Scienceswas presented “OutstandingAmerican by Choice” awardon Wednesday.Lori Scialabba, deputydirector of U.S. Citizenship andImmigration Services, whilepresenting the award, said that Jindal has played a crucialrole on the medical team thatconducted groundbreakingsurgery at Walter Reed AMCon Thanksgiving Day in 2009.His research work andpublications have been cited intext books and accompaniedby editorials and press releasesby the American Societyof Nephrology and otherspecialist journals.


She said Jindal has setupthe first comprehensivekidney dialysis and transplantprogram in Guyana in SouthAmerica, where his teamvisits 4 times a year and hasperformed numerous surgicalprocedures.Jindal has also initiateda monthly kidney patientssupport group which he leadsby tele-medicine.


The Indian-Americandoctor is also the director ofthe National Blood and Bonemarrow Drive Campaignwhich was sponsored byabout 600 Hindu templesthroughout North America.“Immigration has beenour greatest strength. Let usgratefully acknowledge theopen arms of this great nationby giving our best every day -and knowing that America’sbest days are ahead of us…,”Jindal said in his address.



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