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@Ramakant-P posted:
No one in history has ever been another religion and had to convert to Hinduism; thus there is no concept of conversion. As a result, the only way to become a Hindu is to be born to Hindu parents and raised in a Hindu household within a genuine Hindu community.

I met a family of Hispanics from Guatemala who are 3rd generation Hindu converts. TheY practice every aspect of Sanatan Hinduism and even built a Mandir. Their names are all Hindu.  Their clan has grown because any marriage partner must agree to follow the Hindu faith and name their kids accordingly. 


Incidentally one of the by-products of the PNC marginalization of Indo-Guyanese was that it forced many of them to have their own start-up businesses since it was not easy getting a public servant job without a PNC card. Many of those businesses began with small time trading with Suriname, Brazil and the Caribbean eventually reaching North America and beyond. Today, because of that initial marginalization many of those Indo-Guyanese have ballooned into mega businesses so much so that people like Lewis and Hinds are complaining that Indo-Guyanese have a major control on the economics of Guyana. I know one guy who had a grocery in Bourda market that used to have very little groceries back in the mid 80's and today he has more money than God. I know another one who began bringing in reconditioned cars from Japan and now his family too have more money than God. Waqt.

@Sheik101 posted:

I'm not sure I want to agree with this

The boat people were all thieves, beggars, pickpockets, homeless, and other low-class people. They are the ones who came to the western world as indentured laborers. They became your ancestors whom you all are proud of.

@Former Member posted:

I believe Rama following a kankawa guru. Nuff deh. 

You don't my late guru.  He was from Calcutta.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@seignet posted:

Rama, I know my paternal grands. They din look like beggars. Dey were hard wuking ppl in farming down the Mahaicony creek. PPl seying all kinds a tings bout dem baboo from India. Dem ppl were staunch god-fearing ppl, educated naturally from thousands of years of culture. The PPP should uphold their sacrfices.

Good for them.   Britain brought these people, fed them, clothes them, and housed them. They gave them paid jobs and lands. Of course, they worked hard, built big houses, and buy big cars. They had big bank accounts and send their children abroad to study. They achieved all this with minimum wages. 


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