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Prince posted:

Granger plays a major role in Phagwah and Diwali celebration among Indians in Guyana. Them girls can plant bora and baigan and dance to ebee tune. Them black boys dance like Indian saibalas. Coolie has been replaced. It's time to pack up and leave.  

Whats a saibala...I heard of Sai this a follower of the Sai Babas??

VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

Dis look nice...look like Indians spreading their culture

Vish, I have to hand it to you, gracefully. You seem bigger than life as I read your responses. You always see things for what they are. You don't look at situations, events, or people, bitterly, and that's what I respect from mature individuals. Unfortunately, everyone doesn't dwell the same. Keep it up. 

VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

It shows freedom of expression is greatly respected, except when it comes to Granger's face on that kite.  

This makes me wonder...would this Indian be willing to do the same with a pix of Granger? Or would he be scared??

That's the point I was bringing to this forum. What an Indian can do to another Indian seem acceptable, but they wouldn't do it to Granger. An Afro is more likely to insult Jagdeo, but not to Granger. It all comes down to fear.

VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and outdoor

Look how Indian provocative? The man just came out from a surgery and this is how them wutlis. This is rass pass.   no class. 

Dis is funny....all in the fun....dis banna look like he put some deep thoughts into his kite creation....ah wonder what dey will do wid Jagdeo picture

He must be related to Nehru. He wants to send Naga to the moon and let him spend the rest of his life there.


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