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ksazma posted:

I don’t care for Guyana nor what goes on there. This is no more than entertainment for me. Losing sleep on Guyana is senseless.

your professed disinterest is a joke . . . just listen to yourself

posting fore day marnin trying to rehab from a comprehensive and SPECTACULAR fail

must be a self-esteem thing for you and VishMahabir, no?

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

I don’t care for Guyana nor what goes on there. This is no more than entertainment for me. Losing sleep on Guyana is senseless.

your professed disinterest is a joke . . . just listen to yourself

posting fore day marnin trying to rehab from a comprehensive and SPECTACULAR fail

must be a self-esteem thing for you and VishMahabir, no?

Dude, I got up at 4:30 this morning. I am waiting in a line for my kid to get his learners permit. Posting now is killing time while I wait. I am not surprised that you fooled yourself into thinking that I care about what happens in Guyana.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

I don’t care for Guyana nor what goes on there. This is no more than entertainment for me. Losing sleep on Guyana is senseless.

your professed disinterest is a joke . . . just listen to yourself

posting fore day marnin trying to rehab from a comprehensive and SPECTACULAR fail

must be a self-esteem thing for you and VishMahabir, no?

Dude, I got up at 4:30 this morning. I am waiting in a line for my kid to get his learners permit. Posting now is killing time while I wait. I am not surprised that you fooled yourself into thinking that I care about what happens in Guyana.

i am very, very interested in what happens in Guyana, and you post here more than i do

take a seat banna . . . feigning disinterest because you just got beat up bad (again) in argument only makes you look small

your soldiering on behalf of PPP racism and tiefmanisn, not to mention your loathing/contempt for Black people are a matter of public record

stop being a child and own it 

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...dem PNC bais chase out dem coolie peopkle in de government like dem do before 1992 and tell abie bring evidence...dem bareface juss like de Granger CV pad man...hey hey hey…

i expect this sort of thing from Nehru

bile and race nonsense with deniability behind a klown mask

carry on

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...dem PNC bais chase out dem coolie peopkle in de government like dem do before 1992 and tell abie bring evidence...dem bareface juss like de Granger CV pad man...hey hey hey…

i expect this sort of thing from Nehru

bile and race nonsense with deniability behind a klown mask

carry on

Hey hey hey...dem bais know who control de Gecom control de aile...hey hey hey...

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

I don’t care for Guyana nor what goes on there. This is no more than entertainment for me. Losing sleep on Guyana is senseless.

your professed disinterest is a joke . . . just listen to yourself

posting fore day marnin trying to rehab from a comprehensive and SPECTACULAR fail

must be a self-esteem thing for you and VishMahabir, no?

Dude, I got up at 4:30 this morning. I am waiting in a line for my kid to get his learners permit. Posting now is killing time while I wait. I am not surprised that you fooled yourself into thinking that I care about what happens in Guyana.

i am very, very interested in what happens in Guyana, and you post here more than i do

take a seat banna . . . feigning disinterest because you just got beat up bad (again) in argument only makes you look small

your soldiering on behalf of PPP racism and tiefmanisn, not to mention your loathing/contempt for Black people are a matter of public record

stop being a child and own it 

I got beat up. You seem full of strange imaginations.

ronan posted:

Labba and others rational,

everybody knows that both today's PNC and PPP will rig on the margins if they get a chance

what do you think of Vincent Alexander's rebuttal to Benn/Luncheon, his take on the Vishnu Persaud issue and Gocool Boodhoo?

Do you expect glowing praises from the PNC riggers? Bye.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:

Labba and others rational,

everybody knows that both today's PNC and PPP will rig on the margins if they get a chance

what do you think of Vincent Alexander's rebuttal to Benn/Luncheon, his take on the Vishnu Persaud issue and Gocool Boodhoo?

Do you expect glowing praises from the PNC riggers? Bye.

see above

VishMahabir posted

. The PPP felt they could win with a majority, so there was no need to conduct blatant rigging like the PNC.

The PPP learned in 2011 and again in 2016 that they no longer have a guaranteed majority vote. They didn't control the majority of the votes in either election.  

I also suggest that you desist yourself from thinking that those who voted for the AFC are Nagamootoo voters.  These are NOT.  While the Nagamootoo voter was willing to punish the PPP in 2011 in 2016 when the AFC teamed with the PNC they fled right back to the PPP. So these AFC are NOT people who the PPP can assume that they will get, especially if the devil Jagdeo is still rolling around.

So the  notion that the PPP don't have a plan to rig is simplistic and in fact I have heard from too many places that they definitely had plans to rig or to otherwise disturb the last election.

When the PPP was in power and almost all leadership positions were in the hands of Indians they screamed that they couldn't find "qualified" blacks. Well the PNC cannot find "qualified" Indians.

Why their screams?  This is exactly what D2 used to warn the PPP racists here, that when Indians are no longer the majority some of their nasty racism will be used against them.

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...dem PNC bais chase out dem coolie peopkle in de government like dem do before 1992 and tell abie bring evidence...dem bareface juss like de Granger CV pad man...hey hey hey...

No different from the PPP chasing out blacks from leadership after 1992 and especially when the racist ogre Jagdeo took over in 2000.

ronan posted

the rank and file of GECOM during all the PPP years was MAJORITY Afro-Guyanese!

bunch of Robb street fakers . . . there is nothing too low in their dishonesty toolkit that these scoundrels in Freedom House will not deploy for a headline to 'trouble' and excite the ethnic 'base'

In fact the PPP even implied that the ethnic composition of the rank and file employees is why they claim that the 2015 election was rigged.

FACT. Most rank and file civil servants in Guyana are black.

FACT.  This was true even in the deepest days of British colonial rule in the 19th century.

Now can the PPP explain the ethnic composition of the GECOM leadership prior to 2015.  It has been stated that the PPP objected to any non Indian being selected to head that organization.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

All the people appointed to GECOM during PPP government had the consent of the Opposition party as provided by the Constitution. Therefore the Opposition would have no basis to criticize the makeup then. That is not the case currently. There was a shift by Granger to reinstate the PNC wicked ways of their previous era.

The PNC was forced to select Indians as candidates to head the GECOM to appease the PPP. 

The PPP did not select suitable blacks as candidates to appease the PNC base.  And suitable doesn't mean some Uncle Tom Negro who the PPP likes, people like Edgehill.

I will suggest to you that the role of the PPP should be to focus on bridging the ethnic divide, because all of this Jagdeo screaming that "we gun tek back Guyana" hasn't helped quell the fears of blacks about what a PPP victory in 2020 will mean for them. 

We now have two ethnic groups almost equal in size.  Don't fool yourself about those people who self identify as "mixed".  Their voting patterns places at least 50% of them within the PNC base.

VishMahabir posted:

ds. The PPP used to say that Africans were not qualified to serve as diplomats, so now we have a GECOM knucklehead saying that others (Indians, mixed, etc) are not qualified? Your problem is you are too busy letting other GNIs get under your skin, that your pea brain is not running on full capacity.  

I suggest that you take the "mixed" out of the equation as those who so self identify are in the main PNC supporters. Take a look at the current mayor of G/T as an example. People looking like her NEVER voted PPP.  The PNC wouldn't consistently win 41% of the votes just based on those who self identify as black.

Who considers themselves to be "mixed" in Guyana is a very tricky situation. Trotman says he is mixed and Granger says that he is black. Culturally and politically these are the same and NEITHER of them are people who the PPP can expect to gain support from.

And why your angst at the implication that Indians are "not qualified".  When blacks were deemed unsuitable it didn't bother you.  Is it that only the sensitivities and insecurities of one group be dealt with?  Do only Indians matter?  

VishMahabir posted:

Justice (Ret’d) Patterson reprimanded Commissioner Benn, noting that contrary to the information peddled by him, 46 per cent of the workforce comprises Afro-Guyanese.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here is the reality of Guyana. No one can say for a fact what the black population is because there is no clear cut notion as to who is "black" and who is "mixed".  Some people are "black" one day and "mixed" the next.

Trotman says he is mixed. Granger who is lighter in skin color claims to be "black".  His kids will clearly be "mixed" but we have no idea as to whether they self identify as this or not.  What we do know that they don't identify as will be Chinese.  But the fluidity of the black identity means that they can so self identify if they so chose.

The self identified African is 30%. Self identified mixed is 20%.  Amerindians will be grossly under represented in the pool of employees because until recently they have had limited access to education.  African and mixed identified Guyanese have dominated the lower ranks of the civil service for at least the past 150 years so this group will be over represented amongst GECOM workers as I bet they were in the 1953 election.

So yes 46% is perfectly plausible and in fact I thought that the number would be even higher.

But here is what we do. Allocate lands and businesses in Guyana such that 29% are owned by people who self identify as Africans if ethnic balance is so important to you. Obviously if an ethnic group is under represented in one area it will be over represented in others.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

All the people appointed to GECOM during PPP government had the consent of the Opposition party as provided by the Constitution. Therefore the Opposition would have no basis to criticize the makeup then. That is not the case currently. There was a shift by Granger to reinstate the PNC wicked ways of their previous era.

The PNC was forced to select Indians as candidates to head the GECOM to appease the PPP. 


Carib bai, don't mek meh laugh now. Is that the same PNC who threatened slo fiah mo fiah being FORCED to select Indians as candidates to appease the PPP?


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