The Royal St. Lucia Police Force, accused of 12 extrajudicial executions in 2010-2011, worked with a "death list" of targets, according to an independent report by Jamaican investigators.

"The report confirms that the blacklist or death lists, referenced by the media, human rights organizations, victims' families and citizens alike, did exist," Prime Minister Kenny Anthony said in an address to the nation on Sunday.

Last August, Anthony's administration turned to the Caribbean Community's Implementation Agency for Crime and Security for help in the matter of the alleged extrajudicial executions.

The agency arranged for a team of eight investigators from the Jamaican Constabulary Force to investigate the deaths.

The report found that "all the shootings reviewed were 'fake encounters' staged by the police to legitimize their actions," Anthony told Saint Lucians.

St. Lucia police planted weapons on the victims and falsified records to present killings by cops as homicides by unknown assailants, he said.

The prime minister said the Director of Public Prosecutions will be in charge of filing charges against police involved in the killings. EFE