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Ray posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

how is ah proud indian different from ah regular indian?

A proud Indo don’t drop their identity. 

Just like Muslims. Some are proud of their religion while others are regular Muslim with the name. 

WHo says a regular Muslim is not proud of Islam? 

Are the Indians from INdia who use products to get rid of their dark skin proud Indians?

what the heck is a REGULA muslim?

antabanta posted:
yuji22 posted:

Prince is a POS poster. He rass went into hiding when I travelled to NYC to have a chat with him and serve him a legal notice for posting and misrepresenting my opinions and comments at GNI.

I will make a second attempt to serve him a legal notice the next time that I visit NYC. 

I hope that he does not take rope like he did during a confirmed suicide attempt as posted by brother Sheik. 

Stop your BS. A petitioner in a legal matter cannot serve their own legal notice. Not to mention, you're not a US resident. Prince should clap to bax pon yuh stchupid behind.

LOL...and how he gon find Prince if Prince is really a Princess??

Prince posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

How can someone be a proud Indian and disrespect another race and their values? Being proud and disrespect don't go together. I am proud of my parents, brothers, sisters, friends, etc., but that doesn't give me the right to disrespect another person's mother, etc because they worship or their culture is different from mine. A person that is addicted to drug or alcohol can be cured if he/she chose to get the necessary help. Racism is also addictive and it can be cured when you snap out of your denial and excuses. sound like a schizophrenic psychologist banna...

I studied behavioral psychology because I was curious to understand people's behavior and how and why they act in certain ways. But first, you must take control of your own behavior. When folks on GNI condones racism, they make that person stronger in his/her belief. A good friend would welcome change and encourage you to keep up the good work, as opposed to one who would put you down for past mistakes in your life. These kinds of people love to be surrounded by controversy and make other people's lives equal or below theirs. Thank God, I don't need friends like them around my family. Nehru is my only friend on and off GNI. 

Damn!....thats heavy stuff heavy it flew right over Anti Banta big arse head....

VishMahabir posted:
Ray posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

how is ah proud indian different from ah regular indian?

A proud Indo don’t drop their identity. 

Just like Muslims. Some are proud of their religion while others are regular Muslim with the name. 

WHo says a regular Muslim is not proud of Islam? 

Are the Indians from INdia who use products to get rid of their dark skin proud Indians?

what the heck is a REGULA muslim?

ask Dave...


Radical Racist Afros like Carib always use a race crutch when Indo Guyanese give them a taste of their own medicine. 

The current generation of Indos don’t take Shyte from Afros anymore as a result of brave leaders like Jagdeo who taught Indos to stand up and don’t take Shyte from anyone.

Look at how Charandass stood up to the entire PNC ants nest in parliament and busted their balls. 

That’s what bother some Afro radicals who can no longer push around Indos who are peaceful people but are now prepared to stand up and be counted. 

Case in point, the late Gajraj demolished the entire PNC terror apparatus.

Its funny watching the entire group of PNC racist radicals hanging onto a race crutch.  


Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Ray posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

how is ah proud indian different from ah regular indian?

A proud Indo don’t drop their identity. 

Just like Muslims. Some are proud of their religion while others are regular Muslim with the name. 

WHo says a regular Muslim is not proud of Islam? 

Are the Indians from INdia who use products to get rid of their dark skin proud Indians?

what the heck is a REGULA muslim?

ask Dave...

Regular and Proud Muslim is used to in this conversation to qualify or distinguished a true believer. 

yuji22 posted:

Radical Racist Afros like Carib always use a race crutch when Indo Guyanese give them a taste of their own medicine. 

The current generation of Indos don’t take Shyte from Afros anymore as a result of brave leaders like Jagdeo who taught Indos to stand up and don’t take Shyte from anyone.

Look at how Charandass stood up to the entire PNC ants nest in parliament and busted their balls. 

That’s what bother some Afro radicals who can no longer push around Indos who are peaceful people but are now prepared to stand up and be counted. 

Case in point, the late Gajraj demolished the entire PNC terror apparatus.

Its funny watching the entire group of PNC racist radicals hanging onto a race crutch.  


SO, how many Afros on here you don't take shyte from? 


Quote by Yuji - Radical Racist Afros like Carib always use a race crutch when Indo Guyanese give them a taste of their own medicine. 

As long as I can remember, Caribj has maintained his position as the only Afro-Guyanese defending what he believed in. Some see him as a racist, but others saw him differently. But Yuji mantra about Afro-Guyanese cannot run cake shops is an insensitive attack on Afro-Guyanese academic ability to run high office, but reluctant to say that most Afro-Guyanese has impacted by neglects from both PPP and PNC. People want to see Afro-Guyanese as illiterate and useless to pay any attention to. The government cannot make Afro-Guyanese smart and productive because they fear to lose their base. However, Afro-Guyanese can give many Indo-Guyanese a run for their money on education if they are given equal opportunity in the private and public sectors. 

Baseman posted:
Pointblank posted:
Ray posted:

Some Indos dwell on race too much...

We Indians are so dam racist that we created a system to be racist to our own. It is called the CASTE SYSTEM

Stop with your lies.  I was in the ME, the fair skinned don’t like dark.  

India is one of the least judgemental societies when it comes to professionals with regards skin color. 

Tell that to the dark skin people who are bleaching to get respect or the black people going there to study or living there.

Even ghandi spewed so many racist shyte.

don't for get Hitler master race has its origins in India.

Pointblank posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

how is ah proud indian different from ah regular indian?

A proud Indo don’t drop their identity. 

Just like Muslims. Some are proud of their religion while others are regular Muslim with the name. 

Islam is not a race but your bigoted ass had to show up

Take your time and view all the comments, you could have avoid exposing your stupidity. 

Pointblank posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

how is ah proud indian different from ah regular indian?

A proud Indo don’t drop their identity. 

Just like Muslims. Some are proud of their religion while others are regular Muslim with the name. 

Islam is not a race but your bigoted ass had to show up

It’s also a religion of peace and love.   But it’s sheer war and hate we seeing!?

Baseman posted:
Pointblank posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

how is ah proud indian different from ah regular indian?

A proud Indo don’t drop their identity. 

Just like Muslims. Some are proud of their religion while others are regular Muslim with the name. 

Islam is not a race but your bigoted ass had to show up

It’s also a religion of peace and love.   But it’s sheer war and hate we seeing!?

It supposed to be Peaceful. But ANGER gets the better of that brother in proving his point. He’s a example of the peace and Love in his Islamic way. 


Baseman posted:
Pointblank posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

how is ah proud indian different from ah regular indian?

A proud Indo don’t drop their identity. 

Just like Muslims. Some are proud of their religion while others are regular Muslim with the name. 

Islam is not a race but your bigoted ass had to show up

It’s also a religion of peace and love.   But it’s sheer war and hate we seeing!?

Shut yuh poke. Virtually, everyone is at war with someone or something. Only difference is some Muslims are stupid enough to invoke their religion when fighting their cause. People of other faiths ain't that stupid.

Leonora posted:
ksazma posted: 

Shut yuh poke. Virtually, everyone is at war with someone or something. Only difference is some Muslims are stupid enough to invoke their religion when fighting their cause. People of other faiths ain't that stupid.

I thought you're observing Ramadan. How come you cursing? 

That is not a curse my dear. For Ramadan, I am resolved to refrain from using all those other words that I frequently use. Personally, because I am not religious, I think the most I would get from Ramadan is maybe lose a few pounds. But that it itself is not a bad deal. 

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Pointblank posted:

Islam is not a race but your bigoted ass had to show up

It’s also a religion of peace and love.   But it’s sheer war and hate we seeing!?

Shut yuh poke. Virtually, everyone is at war with someone or something. Only difference is some Muslims are stupid enough to invoke their religion when fighting their cause. People of other faiths ain't that stupid.

Ok, meh guh shut meh poke!!

VishMahabir posted:
Chief posted:
Pointblank posted:
Ray posted:

Some Indos dwell on race too much...

We Indians are so dam racist that we created a system to be racist to our own. It is called the CASTE SYSTEM

Islam is the solution!

For Carib J as well.

Salaam Chief,

Now you gon get den infidel Hindus here all riled up with that statement.

He is a troublemaker.  He picking on Coolies and Blacks at the same time.  Maybe he want to unite us against him!


Someone needs to remind chief how the Sunni, Shia, Kurds,  Ahmadiyas and the many tribes are fighting each other in brutal wars. Is that the solution he is proposing for North America ? God help us if that is what he is proposing.

They slaughtered millions of each other with a β€œreligion of peace”

1.5 million Muslims slaughtered each other during the Iraq Iran war alone ! Take the wars of Muslims slaughtering each other in the Middle East and it becomes a region of bloodshead.

Chief head na good, he should think before he speaks. 

Someone can’t be throwing stones and proposing a religion of peace when the Middle East is a region of bloodshed. Take Saudi Arabia, the cradle of Islam with thugs, murderers and dictators.

He rass mad. 

I value my freedoms, democracy and free speech and no sharia law should be governing me. 

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:
Pointblank posted:
Ray posted:

Some Indos dwell on race too much...

We Indians are so dam racist that we created a system to be racist to our own. It is called the CASTE SYSTEM

Islam is the solution!

For Carib J as well.

Dem seh plenty kak like you krow and day nah kleen yet. Religion has no solution to the world's problems. As a matter of fact, it is the source of all the world's problems. It is a tool that the powerful use to enslave the masses.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

 Caribs on GNI who always tout Barbados as a black nation that is devoid of many of the social ills present in other Caribbean nations.

Yes after 20 years you finally found a negative story on Barbados.

Now find one where one of the Prime Minister's friends, a big time druglord, kills one of his ministers and gets away with it.  This after preventing the USA from extradition for crimes committed there.

When you find that get back to me.

In the interim PPP's Guyana was so sordid a place that THOUSANDS of PPP supporters had to flee there to do jobs that the locals didn't want, at levels way below that which the locals would accept.

Baseman posted:
Pointblank posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

how is ah proud indian different from ah regular indian?

A proud Indo don’t drop their identity. 

Just like Muslims. Some are proud of their religion while others are regular Muslim with the name. 

Islam is not a race but your bigoted ass had to show up

It’s also a religion of peace and love.   But it’s sheer war and hate we seeing!?

War against Muslims !

How many Muslim cou tries was invaded in the past 15 years?



Do not let the action of a few Muslims confuse you about the teachings of The Holy Quran and our beloved Prophet Muhamad on whom be peace.

The infighting you are speaking about is a direct result of foreign intervention.

After communism was destroyed. The WEst decided on another target that they feel will be a threat to them... and what group was that? Muslims.

Today look at the reality, in almost 90 percent of all major Western cities and towns from Europe to North America there is a Mosque.

The Islam they tried to destroyed is now implanted in the West.

God is Great!

Now for racism if the world really want to stop that then turn to the teachings from Islam.


caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


Case in point, the late Gajraj demolished the entire PNC terror apparatus.



And he was considered a war criminal by the USA, Canada and the UK, who denied him visas.  Quite likely they noted his friendship to a known murderer of a PPP minister, who was much loved by the then president.

You are a bare faced liar. He was never convicted or charged with anything. Gwan suh. 

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


Case in point, the late Gajraj demolished the entire PNC terror apparatus.



And he was considered a war criminal by the USA, Canada and the UK, who denied him visas.  Quite likely they noted his friendship to a known murderer of a PPP minister, who was much loved by the then president.

If friendship of a known criminal is a conviction, then Granger association with Hamilton Green is call what.

And recently, all APNU / AFC MP was in parliament to support a know convicted  terrorist, according to your comment, these MP visa should be revoke. 

Did you contact the FBI regarding RK alleged killing of a minister Mr Know All.. ayo should try to keep him thier longer, if ayo knows what’s good fo ayo . 

Chief posted:


Do not let the action of a few Muslims confuse you about the teachings of The Holy Quran and our beloved Prophet Muhamad on whom be peace.



it really would be nice if you as a Muslim placed the blame of radical Islam where it belongs.  It is the hijacking of your religion by Saudi conservative extremists which have created the space for these violent fanatics to peddle their anger.  What did Christians in Sri Lanka or people in Indonesia do to deserve these attacks?  How are these attacks helping Muslims in Sri Lanka.

You blaming the white man for this is like Africans blaming whites for their civil wars and warlordism.

And it will be nice if Muslims lived by their Quran instead of boasting that Islam is the best religion on this planet. What sense is the book if many who claim to represent it behave in contradiction to it.  This is 2019, not 1492 so there is no longer any room for violent religious fanaticism.

yuji22 posted:

You are a bare faced liar. He was never convicted or charged with anything. Gwan suh. 

He was banned from entry into ABC nations, as were several other PPP officials.  This because the PPP was considered to be a gov't which had no respect for the rule of law, and allowed drug lords to run around bleeding the blood of those who they didn't like.

Now please itemize the members of the Coalition gov't who are barred from entry into ABC nations. We already see that Canada doesn't seem to want Irfaan to visit.

Dave posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


Case in point, the late Gajraj demolished the entire PNC terror apparatus.



And he was considered a war criminal by the USA, Canada and the UK, who denied him visas.  Quite likely they noted his friendship to a known murderer of a PPP minister, who was much loved by the then president.

If friendship of a known criminal is a conviction, then Granger association with Hamilton Green is call what.

And recently, all APNU / AFC MP was in parliament to support a know convicted  terrorist, according to your comment, these MP visa should be revoke. 

Did you contact the FBI regarding RK alleged killing of a minister Mr Know All.. ayo should try to keep him thier longer, if ayo knows what’s good fo ayo . 

The FBI already has information about RK's violent acts and in fact this was broad up in his trial so I don't need to do a thing.

Now if Kadir is alive and living in Guyana please let the FBI know.  Given that he is NOT in Guyana and the gov't is therefore NOT protecting him to draw parallels with RK just shows what a dishonest idiot you are.

Now continue to show your black employees pictures of monkeys so that they can see your true nature......assuming of course that they don't already know.

yuji22 posted:

Bai, dem PNC Blackman honoured a convicted PNC terrorist in Parliament. There is no bigger crime than that.


And you honor Roger Khan and call him a national hero.  Roger Khan was a wanted man in the USA and Jagdeo refused to allow his extradition. When the USA outsmarted Jagdeo and flushed RK out of GY so that he could be grabbed, Jagdeo howled and screamed and wailed about the USA seizing a "Guyanese citizen".   Yes all of this when Jagdeo knew full well that RK had killed a PPP minister and hundreds of other Guyanese.

I bet if Canada wanted you for something and you ran to GY to hide and they snatched you Jagdeo would cuss you out for screaming "Lard Bharat, save me, save me".  To him you are another PPP slave not worthy of a second of his time.

caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


Case in point, the late Gajraj demolished the entire PNC terror apparatus.



And he was considered a war criminal by the USA, Canada and the UK, who denied him visas.  Quite likely they noted his friendship to a known murderer of a PPP minister, who was much loved by the then president.

If friendship of a known criminal is a conviction, then Granger association with Hamilton Green is call what.

And recently, all APNU / AFC MP was in parliament to support a know convicted  terrorist, according to your comment, these MP visa should be revoke. 

Did you contact the FBI regarding RK alleged killing of a minister Mr Know All.. ayo should try to keep him thier longer, if ayo knows what’s good fo ayo . 

The FBI already has information about RK's violent acts and in fact this was broad up in his trial so I don't need to do a thing.

Now if Kadir is alive and living in Guyana please let the FBI know.  Given that he is NOT in Guyana and the gov't is therefore NOT protecting him to draw parallels with RK just shows what a dishonest idiot you are.

Now continue to show your black employees pictures of monkeys so that they can see your true nature......assuming of course that they don't already know.

The Carib like he mixed up a koolie with the China Chinaman  who got deported from Kenya for saying that the Kenyan people are a monkey people.

Prashad posted:

The Carib like he mixed up a koolie with the China Chinaman  who got deported from Kenya for saying that the Kenyan people are a monkey people.

Prashad stop trying to impress the Indo Nazis that you are a "proud Indo".  You are a dougla, and have proceeded to further douglarize your blood line.  Skeldon/Yuji have already threatened honor killings for those who mix with blacks. I suggest that you stay far away from them and cease trying to play "Super Indian" with them.


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