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Gilbakka posted:

Yesterday, Cabinet approved several state boards. Indos were not excluded from the selection.

Guyana Power and Light Company (GPL) – Chairman –  Robert Badal

Demerara Harbour Bridge Board –Chairman-  Shabeer Hussain

Guyana Prison Service Recruitment Board -Chairperson – Alona Sankar

Guyana Prison Service Firearm Licencing Board -Chairpersons – Roopnarine Sukhai and includes Dr. Bhiro Harry, Kim Kyte-John and Christina Jagmohan as members.

Shabeer Hussain..Mechanical Engineer Banks DIH..good guy(know him well),Gil you may also know him,his dad was a hire car driver from MMZ.

Mars posted:
Django posted:

"Dindyal is one of the best and most dedicated managers in the State system."

Bibi read "Mars"post above.

Bibi real jokey. The GPL Board of Directors recommended that Dindyal be fired while the PPP was in power.

"I did.  I trust Ralph's judgement better."


Jokey indeed this is her response after i suggest to read you post.

Last edited by Django
caribny posted: 

I know that you aren't so stupid that you equate clerks and security guards with leadership positions.  The mid and low level workers do what the leadership tells them what to do so if the leadership under the PPP were only PPP Indians then it is the PPP Indians who set policy, and determine how it is implemented.

So who cares how many blacks worked at the airport.  Concern yourself with the fact that its management was predominantly Indian.

The PPP was in power.  It selected a bunch of Indians, most being incompetent, and selected only because of race and cronyism.

So yes it is very crucial to look at what the PPP did, unless you think that Guyana should be burdened by others who are only there because of race and their close relationship to PPP high ups (the infamous PPP "Friends and Family plan").


And it is becoming obvious, that while, there might be some ethnic bias, the APNU is way more ethnically inclusive in who is being appointed into top positions than the PPP was.  Just look at the lists that Gilbakka is providing!

I challenge you to show the same ethnic balance in leadership slots in the state corporations, commissions, and committees that we are seeing now.  Clearly APNU has its ears to the ground and is attempting to not fully exclude Indians from decision making slots as the PPP did to blacks.

The source of Gilbakka's list is not verified. In fact he even included Indians about to fired and replaced by Blacks, Brazzy and Ramoutar. The rest of his list also included anonymous Indians who are yet to be named. Regardless, even if he is correct, the percentage is more that matters rather than a few token individuals.   During the PPP tenure, the heads of govt agencies were 75% Blacks. Please check the records to verify.  

Drugb posted:
During the PPP tenure, the heads of govt agencies were 75% Blacks. Please check the records to verify.  

The blacks "in charge" were mid level administrators who lived in perpetual terror that their Indian bosses will fire them. Don't even talk about PS's as they were good for nothing other than whining "yes minister".

So who were the black CEOs of state owned corporations, commissions and committees under the PPP. Of 75% were black that would be easy to find?  I only found two, Go Invest and GGMC.  As you can see there are way more than this number of Indians under APNU/AFC

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

They all hiding no show on this thread.

Django - they are not hiding.  Some of them happen to be gainfully employed and cannot spend all day on useless bantering like you.

They are cheering on Jagdeo as a hero.  They can find the time when they wish to do so.

I did not know Guyana is in Africa. Last time I went to Guyana there were still a large population of Indians. Oh, I forgot. Under the PNC installed dictatorship, coolies are not supposed to make a living. Guyana should be for blacks and dougla..according to the black KKK advocate. You starting your extermination campaign early. I thought you might wait a  year of dictatorship before you start your ethnic cleansing.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

They all hiding no show on this thread.

Django - they are not hiding.  Some of them happen to be gainfully employed and cannot spend all day on useless bantering like you.

They are cheering on Jagdeo as a hero.  They can find the time when they wish to do so.

I did not know Guyana is in Africa. Last time I went to Guyana there were still a large population of Indians. Oh, I forgot. Under the PNC installed dictatorship, coolies are not supposed to make a living. Guyana should be for blacks and dougla..according to the black KKK advocate. You starting your extermination campaign early. I thought you might wait a  year of dictatorship before you start your ethnic cleansing.

Bhai Skelly,

The stench of Carib's Black KKK racism is stinking up the forum. Yet he runs around hollering about Indos being racist.

Carib and his Black KKK friends on GNI need to take a good look in the mirror.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
During the PPP tenure, the heads of govt agencies were 75% Blacks. Please check the records to verify.  

The blacks "in charge" were mid level administrators who lived in perpetual terror that their Indian bosses will fire them. Don't even talk about PS's as they were good for nothing other than whining "yes minister".

So who were the black CEOs of state owned corporations, commissions and committees under the PPP. Of 75% were black that would be easy to find?  I only found two, Go Invest and GGMC.  As you can see there are way more than this number of Indians under APNU/AFC

From the looks of the incompetence of the PNC regime, seems that the round pegs were in the round holes and square pegs in the square holes.  Now it's all topsy-turvy!  Don't you think?

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
During the PPP tenure, the heads of govt agencies were 75% Blacks. Please check the records to verify.  

The blacks "in charge" were mid level administrators who lived in perpetual terror that their Indian bosses will fire them. Don't even talk about PS's as they were good for nothing other than whining "yes minister".

So who were the black CEOs of state owned corporations, commissions and committees under the PPP. Of 75% were black that would be easy to find?  I only found two, Go Invest and GGMC.  As you can see there are way more than this number of Indians under APNU/AFC

From the looks of the incompetence of the PNC regime, seems that the round pegs were in the round holes and square pegs in the square holes.  Now it's all topsy-turvy!  Don't you think?

an which holes you think the PPP regime been stickin things in between their circle of frens, de round one nuh?

skeldon_man posted:

I did not know Guyana is in Africa.

Funny that prior to may 2015 most people thought that Guyana was 75% Indian, with the blacks providing the low paid "slave" functions which the Indians refused to do.

In fact for the Cricket World Cup the Jamaican who was producing the brochure claimed that Guyana was 60% Indian.  When a huge furor began his excuse was well "all the people I was meeting were Indians".  THAT was PPP run Guyana!

yuji22 posted:

Bhai Skelly,

The stench of Carib's Black KKK racism is stinking up the forum. Yet he runs around hollering about Indos being racist.

Carib and his Black KKK friends on GNI need to take a good look in the mirror.

Every one on GNI knows that the real racism on GNI comes from the Indo KKK screamers.  Even your friends like VishMahabir, VVP, etc. are too embarrassed to openly support you.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I did not know Guyana is in Africa.

Funny that prior to may 2015 most people thought that Guyana was 75% Indian, with the blacks providing the low paid "slave" functions which the Indians refused to do.

In fact for the Cricket World Cup the Jamaican who was producing the brochure claimed that Guyana was 60% Indian.  When a huge furor began his excuse was well "all the people I was meeting were Indians".  THAT was PPP run Guyana!  Hogwash! Georgetown is predominantly black. Where the hell this fool met the people?

I am not telling you to stop hating indians and wish that the current govt cull their numbers. You can carry on your tirade about the PPP and Linden. That's water under the bridge. Whatever the illigally installed government does, you condone their actions. Payback will be a bitch. Even your afro brothers are feeling the squeeze and are protesting.

skeldon_man posted:
Hogwash! Georgetown is predominantly black. Where the hell this fool met the people?

I am not telling you to stop hating indians and wish that the current govt cull their numbers. You can carry on your tirade about the PPP and Linden.

The people who this guy met to discuss the CWC and other issues were mainly Indian.  This is because the decision makers in Guyana were almost exclusively Indian.

The fact that the clerks outside and the security guards might have been black isn't relevant, because clearly he had no reason to meet these people, and probably didn't even notice them.

And why do you refuse to talk about the PPP and Linden. Is it that you fear that payback is a bytch and that APNU/AFC will dump Guysuco which has lost HALF A BILLION DOLLARS (US) over the past 10 years!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gilbakka is just adding insult to injury.  I don't know all of these people to justify the claim they might be "dirty Indians", the "Congo Lovers", and the neemakarams, but someone might be onto something.

Gilbakka should post an article about those people who lost their jobs and provide a platform for comparison in terms of numbers and then we will have a cohesive discussion.

These one sided discussions are useless and only provide nourishment for the shallow brain.

Until then......................................................!!!!





From Guyana's slavery history, the people from Congo disliked the West Africans. Everything they stood for, even the way they performed the burial rites. In the early history of Buxton, the Congo people choose to settle in their area of the village. All that is lost now. Once, they begin to progress and the common kulie enemy has been eliminated, they will find their roots once again. Dey will war among demselves just like sunni and shiite.  

seignet posted:

From Guyana's slavery history, the people from Congo disliked the West Africans. Everything they stood for, even the way they performed the burial rites. In the early history of Buxton, the Congo people choose to settle in their area of the village. All that is lost now. Once, they begin to progress and the common kulie enemy has been eliminated, they will find their roots once again. Dey will war among demselves just like sunni and shiite.  

Is weh you bin bai.  Dem kill hundreds one anada back in the early 2000's.

seignet posted:

From Guyana's slavery history, the people from Congo disliked the West Africans. .  

More ramblings from a confused person.  Afro Guyanese don't even know what their ancestry is, and so any identity based on Congo, vs., Akan, vs. Liberian/Sierra Leonean (to name the 2 largest source of slaves) long ago vanished.

In fact a large % of Guyanese blacks aren't even descended from slaves brought directly to Guyana!

Many have origins in the Islands, and others descend from African indentured workers.


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