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West Demerara Regional Hospital staff on the picket line

West Demerara Regional Hospital staff on the picket line


Industrial unrest among government employees for fatter pay packets appears to be slowly spreading with workers of the West Demerara Regional Hospital (WDRH) being the latest group to take to the picket line.

At least 50 WDRH staffers staged a picketing demonstration outside that health care institution at Best Village, West Coast Demerara.

Other entities that also participated in the midday protest were the Guyana Post Office Corporation (GPOC) headquarters, the Linden Hospital Complex, Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

They are all venting their anger at the five percent retroactive pay hike for 2013 that government intends to pay out by next month.

At the WDRH, workers’ placards read, among other, slogans “We want 25% or give us the 15% from the budget,” “Public servants are not Christmas Ponies,” and “5% can’t work. Public servants are not slaves.”

“We decided to go out today (Monday) to protest the five percent because we are aware that enough money was passed in the budget that give public servants at least 15 percent back-pay this year,” Jiemyma Armstrong told Demerara Waves Online News (

At the same time, workers of the Geology and Mines Commission and Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) used their lunch-hour to vent their anger at the five percent retroactive pay hike for 2013.

The governing Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) on Monday, however, stuck with the government’s line that the coffers could did not have enough money to pay more than the estimated five percent. “We have to take account of what is going on in the country. Increases can only be paid in accordance with the affordability of the State to pay those increases,” said PPP Central Committee member Anil Nandlall.

Nandlall blamed the combined opposition for cutting the budget by GUY$32 billion, saying that has resulted in job losses and lower than expected economic growth.

The projects included the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project, the Specialty Hospital and the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). He also noted

“The opposition orchestrating all these damaging acts against the economy-what do you expect? You will have less jobs and the country will be not in a position to pay more than five percent so the opposition must take the responsibility for the five percent and the failure of the economy to provide jobs,” he added.

Nandlall, who is also Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, said the opposition’s voting down of the amendments to the Anti Money Laundering and Countering of Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) act would also impact negatively on the economy.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Guyanese people are exercising their democratic right to protest for a better standard of living. I don't see a problem with that? The GPF and GDF never has to picket for a pay raise, they get it in a silver platter for sitting on their fat asses and let criminals take control of the country. 


Nandlall blamed the combined opposition for cutting the budget by GUY$32 billion, saying that has resulted in job losses and lower than expected economic growth.

Were the opposition to be the Government, would they have made the same cuts to the budget and become the recipients protests?



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

There is no problems with peaceful demonstrations. The realities of revenues and ability pay wages are matters that need carefully consider.

Indeed they are. The idea of taking 25 million of producing assets ( sale of ATN shares) and sink it as a supposed catalyst for ghost investors in a Marriott is one the "needs "to consider.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

There is no problems with peaceful demonstrations. The realities of revenues and ability pay wages are matters that need carefully consider.

Indeed they are. The idea of taking 25 million of producing assets ( sale of ATN shares) and sink it as a supposed catalyst for ghost investors in a Marriott is one the "needs "to consider.

Mr. Danyael, the issue relates to the effects of cuts in the budget by the opposition parties.


The civil servants should not get 5% raise across the board, it should be based on performance. A pretty awful system of compensation exist in Guyana. The majority(99.9%) PNC supporters who occupy these govt jobs are being done a disservice with these cushy jobs. They need to forced out to explore their true potential in the private sector. Govt job is a crutch and keeps Blacks back in developing their full potential. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The civil servants should not get 5% raise across the board, it should be based on performance. A pretty awful system of compensation exist in Guyana. The majority(99.9%) PNC supporters who occupy these govt jobs are being done a disservice with these cushy jobs. They need to forced out to explore their true potential in the private sector. Govt job is a crutch and keeps Blacks back in developing their full potential. 

What's so cushy about a civil service job? The average govt. worker is paid 40,000 to 65,000 a month. How are they supposed to survive when rent for a rinky dinky apartment in Georgetown is 50,000 a month? That's why these people are forced to take bribes. It's either that or starve if they don't have a remittance coming in from abroad.


Workers continue to reject 5% salary


November 27, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 
The scene outside Office of the President yesterday as workers demanded that Govt. pays what was voted for in Parliament for salary increases

The scene outside Office of the President yesterday as workers demanded that Govt. pays what was voted for in Parliament for salary increases

… Protest action moves to Office of the President

Disgruntled public service employees have vowed that they will not allow Government to turn a bread and butter issue into a political one.
This is the view held by Jermaine Hermonstine, Industrial Relations Officer of the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU), who yesterday led a picketing exercise outside of Office of the President, calling for the Government to pay what was approved in Parliament, and not the five percent recently announced by Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon.
Yesterday’s demonstrators outside Office of the President included employees from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, Teaching Service Commission, Geology and Mines Commission, and the Ministries of Health, Education and Agriculture.
The protest action followed a similar exercise the previous day at the West Demerara Regional Hospital.
According to the GPSU official, this is but the beginning of the protest action, and the union intends to intensify its efforts.
Hermonstine said that GPSU is demanding that the Government pay the 15 per cent increase that was voted for in Parliament earlier this year.
“Five per cent is a fraction of what was passed at Parliament and it is a right that we deserve,” Hermonstine said.
He also related to this publication that persons from across the 10 administrative regions have been calling the union to find out how they can be a part of the protest action.
“Workers across the country are disgruntled,” said Hermonstine.
He added that the workers would be using their lunch hour each day to exercise their legitimate right to protest, “because of what it is they should be getting.”
“The protest action will continue and intensify if it is that government wants to play games.”
He drew reference to a recent statement by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, who in defending the proposed five per cent pay increase, drew reference to the budget cuts by Parliament.
Hermonstine emphasised that the money that the opposition slashed from the budget was not for wages and salaries
“We all know that money was not cut; the money we are asking for was not cut and we are not going to allow Government to turn a bread and butter issue into a political issue.”
Yesterday’s placard-bearing protestors stood outside of the Vlissengen Street entrance of Office of the President for the greater part of the lunch hour chanting, “five per cent can’t right” among other slogans in an attempt to bring their plight to the attention of the Executive.


Come on now ASJ, this is the best that you afc/pnc supporters can do? You need to bring back Hoyte in his glory days of mo fiah slow fiah with massive street protests and burning and killing of Indos. Maybe you can bring down some of those Linden/Agricola trouble makers to kick up a rukus and force the govt's  hands as the PPP has had a history of caving in when street riots and killings occur.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


Bai, if you were reading and understand, then you would not have expected to have a larger crowd just for West Dem Hospital



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The pickets and protests are tempests in little tea pots.

The faster you understand that people cannot survive from the meagre pay that the Corrupt PPP/C has been dishing out, then you would not have  responded with garbage. 


CPCE students protest poor food, deplorable sanitation

CPCE students protest poor food, deplorable sanitation

Resident students of the Cyril Potter College of Education on Friday protested the poor food being provided to them.

The students refused to eat breakfast consisting of hard channa and one cup of tea and instead vented their concerns on a chalkboard. They complained about the small amounts of food that are expected to last them for several hours.
Members of the media were prevented from seeing the students sitting in the dining area and refusing their breakfast. “They just sat in the dining hall and wrote on the board and refused to collect their breakfast until they received a proper meal,” a student reported.cpce breakfastBreakfast at CPCE- Boiled channa and tea Chief Education Officer Olato Sam disagreed that protest was the best available recourse. He assured that steps were being taken to alleviate the concerns of the more than 200 live-in students. “They had some issues regarding their meals and others, but the issues are currently being addressed,” he said.
The protest was timed to coincide with the holding of a seminar at the CPCE on “The Role of Professional Standards in the Education System.” Another student reported that "The problem is that they gave students to eat some broken up biscuits and some channa that was not even pressured properly. Students also complained that the chicken is not prepared properly and is rank.
The students also expressed concern about the stagnant and smelly water, including sewage, since incessant heavy rainfall earlier this week that flooded the coastland.
cpce sewageA leaking sewage system in the CPCE compound.An overflowing defective sewage mechanism was also seen in the compound. Students said the sewage system is also malfunctioning under the dormitory. "I know that since the rain was falling it flooded out the entire school compound and the septic tanks at the dorms are overflowing due to the situation with the flooding," a student said.
The students were forced to walk on a makeshift bridge made of benches and chairs to enter and leave the dormitory.




#3 past student 2013-11-29 17:33

Every time the rains falls this problem occurs. The administration and even Mr. Sam is well aware of the conditions when it rains for it has been happening for years. Administration waits until the students vent their frustraion in the media and they penalize the students for highlighting the situation in the media.
How long would one have the same situation occuring year after year, after year, after year, after year, after year???? Quote from Albert E.-"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school."


+6 #2 guyamerican 2013-11-29 17:27
this is deplorable like everything else and the CEO seems annoyed because the students complained or protest fix the problem sir or go live there and lets see if you survived on the same stupid CEO.
+8 #1 Sean 2013-11-29 17:18
Mr.Olato Sam would you have placed your child,if you have any,in that UnGodly and inhumane situation...
And a word for the press it is your duty regardless of the situation to find a way of getting the TRUTH out.
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The pickets and protests are tempests in little tea pots.

The faster you understand that people cannot survive from the meagre pay that the Corrupt PPP/C has been dishing out, then you would not have  responded with garbage. 

What is the comprehensive pay they receive?  However, the opulence of the PPP insiders does leave a bad taste.  These guys (PPP) and overly arrogant and power drunk and they need a MAJOR attitude change.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The civil servants should not get 5% raise across the board, it should be based on performance. A pretty awful system of compensation exist in Guyana. The majority(99.9%) PNC supporters who occupy these govt jobs are being done a disservice with these cushy jobs. They need to forced out to explore their true potential in the private sector. Govt job is a crutch and keeps Blacks back in developing their full potential. 

What's so cushy about a civil service job? The average govt. worker is paid 40,000 to 65,000 a month. How are they supposed to survive when rent for a rinky dinky apartment in Georgetown is 50,000 a month? That's why these people are forced to take bribes. It's either that or starve if they don't have a remittance coming in from abroad.


Originally Posted by Jalil:

CPCE students protest poor food, deplorable sanitation

CPCE students protest poor food, deplorable sanitation

Resident students of the Cyril Potter College of Education on Friday protested the poor food being provided to them.

The students refused to eat breakfast consisting of hard channa and one cup of tea and instead vented their concerns on a chalkboard. They complained about the small amounts of food that are expected to last them for several hours.
Members of the media were prevented from seeing the students sitting in the dining area and refusing their breakfast. “They just sat in the dining hall and wrote on the board and refused to collect their breakfast until they received a proper meal,” a student reported.cpce breakfastBreakfast at CPCE- Boiled channa and tea Chief Education Officer Olato Sam disagreed that protest was the best available recourse. He assured that steps were being taken to alleviate the concerns of the more than 200 live-in students. “They had some issues regarding their meals and others, but the issues are currently being addressed,” he said.
The protest was timed to coincide with the holding of a seminar at the CPCE on “The Role of Professional Standards in the Education System.” Another student reported that "The problem is that they gave students to eat some broken up biscuits and some channa that was not even pressured properly. Students also complained that the chicken is not prepared properly and is rank.
The students also expressed concern about the stagnant and smelly water, including sewage, since incessant heavy rainfall earlier this week that flooded the coastland.
cpce sewageA leaking sewage system in the CPCE compound.An overflowing defective sewage mechanism was also seen in the compound. Students said the sewage system is also malfunctioning under the dormitory. "I know that since the rain was falling it flooded out the entire school compound and the septic tanks at the dorms are overflowing due to the situation with the flooding," a student said.
The students were forced to walk on a makeshift bridge made of benches and chairs to enter and leave the dormitory.




#3 past student 2013-11-29 17:33

Every time the rains falls this problem occurs. The administration and even Mr. Sam is well aware of the conditions when it rains for it has been happening for years. Administration waits until the students vent their frustraion in the media and they penalize the students for highlighting the situation in the media.
How long would one have the same situation occuring year after year, after year, after year, after year, after year???? Quote from Albert E.-"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school."


+6 #2 guyamerican 2013-11-29 17:27
this is deplorable like everything else and the CEO seems annoyed because the students complained or protest fix the problem sir or go live there and lets see if you survived on the same stupid CEO.
+8 #1 Sean 2013-11-29 17:18
Mr.Olato Sam would you have placed your child,if you have any,in that UnGodly and inhumane situation...
And a word for the press it is your duty regardless of the situation to find a way of getting the TRUTH out.

sTUDENTS WANT FOOD PROVIDED TO THEM??? What the heel is that.. They don't know about part-time WUK???

Originally Posted by Nehru: 

sTUDENTS WANT FOOD PROVIDED TO THEM??? What the heel is that.. They don't know about part-time WUK???

what is it about "resident" that is so difficult for you (yes . . . even u) to understand?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The pickets and protests are tempests in little tea pots.

The faster you understand that people cannot survive from the meagre pay that the Corrupt PPP/C has been dishing out, then you would not have  responded with garbage. 

What is the comprehensive pay they receive?  However, the opulence of the PPP insiders does leave a bad taste.  These guys (PPP) and overly arrogant and power drunk and they need a MAJOR attitude change.


That is a sensible point. You do put out a few of these from time to time. Yet to see Mr Nehru say something sensible. 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru: 

sTUDENTS WANT FOOD PROVIDED TO THEM??? What the heel is that.. They don't know about part-time WUK???

what is it about "resident" that is so difficult for you (yes . . . even u) to understand?

I have to agree, Nehru, the Govt cannot provide residency and then don't feed the students.  The GoG is obligated to provide adequate and balanced meals for the resident student.  It is not like they complaining about not getting ice-cream.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The pickets and protests are tempests in little tea pots.

The faster you understand that people cannot survive from the meagre pay that the Corrupt PPP/C has been dishing out, then you would not have  responded with garbage. 

What is the comprehensive pay they receive?  However, the opulence of the PPP insiders does leave a bad taste.  These guys (PPP) and overly arrogant and power drunk and they need a MAJOR attitude change.


That is a sensible point. You do put out a few of these from time to time. Yet to see Mr Nehru say something sensible. 

I always put out sensible postings, just you don't always like my point of view.  You see, baseman speaks the truth, some you like, some you don't but I'm forever baseman, the truth.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru: 

sTUDENTS WANT FOOD PROVIDED TO THEM??? What the heel is that.. They don't know about part-time WUK???

what is it about "resident" that is so difficult for you (yes . . . even u) to understand?

I have to agree, Nehru, the Govt cannot provide residency and then don't feed the students.  The GoG is obligated to provide adequate and balanced meals for the resident student.  It is not like they complaining about not getting ice-cream.

They should teach them to have Kitchen Garden and a Fish Farm, Pig Farm and Goat Farm to make them self sufficient. Govt CANNOT provide for everyone unless you are a COMMUNIST like TK/REDUX.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru: 

sTUDENTS WANT FOOD PROVIDED TO THEM??? What the heel is that.. They don't know about part-time WUK???

what is it about "resident" that is so difficult for you (yes . . . even u) to understand?

I have to agree, Nehru, the Govt cannot provide residency and then don't feed the students.  The GoG is obligated to provide adequate and balanced meals for the resident student.  It is not like they complaining about not getting ice-cream.

They should teach them to have Kitchen Garden and a Fish Farm, Pig Farm and Goat Farm to make them self sufficient. Govt CANNOT provide for everyone unless you are a COMMUNIST like TK/REDUX.

So then, the PNC under Burnham had the right idea!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru: 

sTUDENTS WANT FOOD PROVIDED TO THEM??? What the heel is that.. They don't know about part-time WUK???

what is it about "resident" that is so difficult for you (yes . . . even u) to understand?

I have to agree, Nehru, the Govt cannot provide residency and then don't feed the students.  The GoG is obligated to provide adequate and balanced meals for the resident student.  It is not like they complaining about not getting ice-cream.

They should teach them to have Kitchen Garden and a Fish Farm, Pig Farm and Goat Farm to make them self sufficient. Govt CANNOT provide for everyone unless you are a COMMUNIST like TK/REDUX.

So then, the PNC under Burnham had the right idea!

The PNC had many ideas, unfortunately there were all on Paper and the paper got soaked.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru: 

sTUDENTS WANT FOOD PROVIDED TO THEM??? What the heel is that.. They don't know about part-time WUK???

what is it about "resident" that is so difficult for you (yes . . . even u) to understand?

I have to agree, Nehru, the Govt cannot provide residency and then don't feed the students.  The GoG is obligated to provide adequate and balanced meals for the resident student.  It is not like they complaining about not getting ice-cream.

They should teach them to have Kitchen Garden and a Fish Farm, Pig Farm and Goat Farm to make them self sufficient. Govt CANNOT provide for everyone unless you are a COMMUNIST like TK/REDUX.

So then, the PNC under Burnham had the right idea!

The PNC had many ideas, unfortunately there were all on Paper and the paper got soaked.

Nah, there were lot of farms around, the GDF, the GPF, schools, uni, GSA, other institutions, many were asked to actively participate in the FCH program.


In any case, back to the core issue, the people attending CPCE are there for a specific purpose and need to focus their energy on that  They should not worry about scrunging for food in a kitchen garden in the backyard of their living quarters.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru: 

sTUDENTS WANT FOOD PROVIDED TO THEM??? What the heel is that.. They don't know about part-time WUK???

what is it about "resident" that is so difficult for you (yes . . . even u) to understand?

I have to agree, Nehru, the Govt cannot provide residency and then don't feed the students.  The GoG is obligated to provide adequate and balanced meals for the resident student.  It is not like they complaining about not getting ice-cream.

They should teach them to have Kitchen Garden and a Fish Farm, Pig Farm and Goat Farm to make them self sufficient. Govt CANNOT provide for everyone unless you are a COMMUNIST like TK/REDUX.

So then, the PNC under Burnham had the right idea!

The PNC had many ideas, unfortunately there were all on Paper and the paper got soaked.

after marching resolutely into an idiot cul-de-sac, neroo pivots, grins stupidly and starts feeling around for an exit



Originally Posted by redux:

after marching resolutely into an idiot cul-de-sac, neroo pivots, grins stupidly and starts feeling around for an exit



It look like 'e still feelin around inside dat culdesack grinnin stupidly, because I doan see 'im  round here.


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