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Infectious Diseases Hospital a “total disaster” – new Health Minister


Newly appointed Health Minister Dr. Frank Anthony has described the recently commissioned Infectious Diseases Hospital, formerly the Ocean View International Hotel, as “a total disaster”.

The hotel was refurbished during the wading days of the APNU/AFC Coalition Administration amid much skepticism since there was little to no transparency in the arrangement.

Dr Anthony believes the project is a total disaster because there are many works that need to be done at the facility before it commences operation and starts taking in patients.

“This hospital that was recently opened is a total disaster because it’s just a shell, and we’ll have to take a team in there and see what we’ll have to do to get it up and running,” Dr. Anthony told reporters on Wednesday after he and 18 other Cabinet Members were sworn in by President Dr. Irfaan Ali at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.

The flood-prone former Ocean View International Hotel, located at Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown, was rehabilitated into an Infectious Diseases Hospital by the previous APNU/AFC Coalition to facilitate the immediate need to treat COVID-19 patients and, ultimately, other infectious diseases. The facility is expected to serve as the premier institution for the quarantining and isolation of persons who have been infected with the novel coronavirus.

Dr. Frank Anthony

The new Infectious Diseases Hospital is expected to relieve the burden of other public health facilities in the country, but Dr. Anthony pointed out that the facility was commissioned as a “shell,” and without any structure in place.

Currently, there is neither medical equipment nor furniture in the building, nor has it been assigned, staff.

According to the new Health Minister, at a minimum, approximately 20 doctors are needed for the facility, along with technicians and other staff.

“We have a shell, and if we are going to be able to utilize that facility, then we’ll have to do some more renovations to put in (there) things like oxygen, centralized suction and all of that; plus we’ll have to buy all the equipment like the bed, ventilators, consumables, and a whole host of things… What we have there right now, a person sick with COVID cannot go to that hospital, because there is nothing. So, to get that up to speed, we’ll have to do a lot more work,” Dr. Anthony said.

One aspect the Minister said he will have to get experts to look at is the air circulation at the facility.

“One of the problems you have with an Infectious Disease Hospital is that you have to limit the airflow within the rooms, and I’m not sure what are the issues relating to airflows in that building, because if we’re not careful, there can be cross-contamination within the building itself. So there’s a lot of work to be done to get that place up to speed,” he stated.

Further, Dr. Anthony explained that he is currently in the process of conducting assessments and costing, in order to submit a report to President Dr. Irfaan Ali with all that is required to combat the spread of the life-threatening disease.

He noted that he has seen a list of items needed for the Infectious Diseases Hospital in his preliminary report from the Health Ministry, but he will have to review it before making any recommendations to, and/or requests of, the President.

The new Health Minister noted that while he has been assured that he would be given the resources needed, there is a lot of goodwill emanating particularly from international donor organizations; and he said he would soon be starting discussions with those agencies.

“I’ve been assured that this is one of the main priorities of this Government. We want to bring COVID under control. The President has told me that this is one of his main priorities, and whatever resources are needed to make sure this is brought under control will be available to the Ministry,” Anthony related.

Hopefully they can quickly fix the problems.

But for now help is beginning to flow in.


Director General of the Civil Defence Commission, Lieutenant Colonel Kester Craig, last evening, handed over a quantity of essential medical supplies to the Ministry of Public Health.

The items include 5,730 N95 masks, 316,600 surgical masks, 46,260 rapid test COVID-19 kits, 200 overalls and 5,000 gloves.

The hand over was done moments after the supplies arrived at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri on a special cargo flight.

The supplies were donated to the CDC through a collaborative arrangement with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), the World Health Organisation (WHO), Jack Ma Foundation and the United Arab Emirates. Guyana is one of 14 Caribbean territories to receive these supplies.

The Director General expressed gratitude for the timely donation and said the CDC has been working over the years to establish a good relationship with local and international partners.

Director of the Materials Management Unit of the Ministry of Public Health, Mr. Cecil Jacques said the items will greatly assist in the protection of local front line health workers.

“We have seen two doctors so far being tested positive and we would love to assure those health professionals that with these COVID supplies, that there are adequate amounts throughout the duration of their care for those who are at risk,” he said.

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