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Unfortunately, these are the type of innovators that Granger is alienating with his racist policies against Indians.

Home > Features > Mahaica’s ‘mad scientists’ make mosquito repellent from Katahar flower
16-year-old Darshanie Nanhu [right), a student of the Bygeval Secondary School, poses with a bottle of insect repellent she invented using a toxin found in the flower of the Katahar tree. The project won the 2016 Science, Mathematics and Technology Fair on Friday. Others in photo are Dolly Sooknanan, 16, (left) another student who worked on the project with Darshanie and helped her present it at the fair, and teacher Jaishree Nanku, who managed the students and helped create the display for the project (Ivan Bentham photo)
16-year-old Darshanie Nanhu (right), a student of the Bygeval Secondary School, poses with a bottle of insect repellent she invented using a toxin found in the flower of the Katahar tree. The project won the 2016 Science, Mathematics and Technology Fair on Friday. Others in photo are Dolly Sooknanan, 16, (left) another student who worked on the project with Darshanie and helped her present it at the fair, and teacher Jaishree Nanku, who managed the students and helped create the display for the project (Ivan Bentham photo)

Mahaica’s ‘mad scientists’ make mosquito repellent from Katahar flower


By Neil Marks

“Katahar” is an Indo-Guyanese Creole word that carries the idea of nothingness. If someone were to tell you you’re a Katahar, they are really dismissing you as worth nothing.

A display board explains the contents of the repellent

A display board explains the contents of the repellent

The vegetable named Katahar is, however, not to be dismissed. Curried Katahar, added to other curries with dhall and rice, is a must-have in good seven-curry, the dish mainly served at Hindu religious events.

Darshanie Nanhu, 16, a student of the Bygeval Secondary School on the East Coast of Demerara, is no Katahar. And spare a thought for the fact that she also has no problems peeling off the thick green skin of the young Katahar, and then taking off the “flesh” from the seed, and then peeling the seed to get its contents for the curried dish; it’s a laborious task for most people.
When she was younger, Darshanie’s parents would light the dried flower of the Katahar plant (commonly called Bambalayke) and the scent coming from it would keep mosquitoes out. Good thing she remembered that, as it earned her excellent scores for her school’s exam project, and she is now the country’s latest young science superstar!

It all started when her back was up against the wall to submit her School Based Assessment (SBA), scores from which are added to make up the overall result for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate administered by the Caribbean Examinations Council. She had absolutely no idea what project she would undertake, and panic stepped in.

Her teacher, Sir Samuel McPherson, suggested that she give thought to things used in the community, and the light-bulb flashed in her head – Bambalayke!

Dolly Sooknanan, teacher Jaishree Nanku, and Darshanie Nanhu are pictured with their winning trophies at the display counter for the repellent

Dolly Sooknanan, teacher Jaishree Nanku, and Darshanie Nanhu are pictured with their winning trophies at the display counter for the repellent

She then rummaged through writings of the Katahar plant (the scientific name: Artocarpus Camasi) on the Internet, and was able to set the theory of using the Katahar flower to make a repellent that could be used to keep mosquitoes and other insects out.

Darshanie found that the Katahar flower contains a toxin called Sapanins, which kills mosquitoes and other insects, and that was effectively demonstrated when she lit up a dried flower.

With her research completed, the SBA was submitted and she thought that was that. Not so fast, though. Sir McGarrell had other plans for her project.

The Regional Science, Mathematics and Technology Fair for schools was slated for early March at the Fort Wellington Secondary School, and Sir McGarrell thought it was a project she could expand on and present at the fair.
Darshanie enlisted the help of her classmate Dolly Sooknanan, 16, who completed her own project measuring the effect of salt on the temperature of the human body. And then there was also another helper, Mandy Mangru, 16, who worked out how fast a ball travels after it is hit by a player in the game of cricket.

For the fair, Darshanie had to make a mosquito coil and an insect repellent spray using the Sapanins extracted from the Katahar plant. Now to getting the materials to do it – the Katahar flower, sawdust, coconut shell dust, potato starch, coconut oil, rubbing alcohol, spiral form, spray bottles, and boxes.

Then they got to work. There were frustrating moments when the coil just would not bake! Darshanie and her friends are quick to admit that the tears of frustration flowed generously.
In the end, they managed to invest both products, and it was time for the testing. When it got dark, Darshanie and her friends would spread out a white cloth on the ground just below the light bulbs, where the mosquitoes and other insects would swirl. In the first five minutes of lighting up the coil, 20 mosquitoes fell, and then in another 22 minutes, another 81 mosquitoes met their death.

Watching them, her parents called the group a bunch of “mad scientists.”
Darshanie’s inventions were ready for display at the fair, but Jaishree Nanku, a teacher just two years out of teacher’s training college, decided that they had to make an impression at the fair. So she made sure that they had all the relevant display materials that would go along with the products, and sometimes they worked two to three hours past midnight to ensure that the display materials –- including labelling and cardboard writings explaining the process — were just how they wanted them.

On the day of the fair, Darshanie was a nervous wreck, but together with Dolly, they presented the project ably, and the project emerged the winner and was entered into the National Competition, which concluded on Friday.

Never in her wildest dreams did Darshanie think that this idea she thought up in a moment of panic would get all that attention, and she was completely caught off-guard when it was announced that the project had also won the national competition and secured the national prize from the Sagicor Visionaries Challenge, an initiative of the Caribbean Science Foundation (CSF), insurance company Sagicor Life Inc (Sagicor) and CXC to encourage innovation in science and technology solutions to the problems plaguing communities.

The Sagicor Visionaries Challenge is run across the Caribbean, and national winners participate in a 7-day, all-expenses-paid Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Ambassador Programme in Florida, USA. There, Darshanie will compete in the regional finals and get the opportunity to win US$5000 for the Bygeval school.

“I can’t explain how I feel,” Darshanie told the Sunday Chronicle.
“I am surprised, because when I saw some of the other projects, I didn’t think we would win. I guess the presentation is what did it for us.”

Going forward, Darshanie and others who worked with her on the project hope to gain approval to hand out samples to residents of Mahaica as part of a survey to test the effectiveness of the product, which they have branded The Eradicator.

President David Granger, speaking on Friday at the National Fair in Linden, said Guyana needs an “education of innovation” to meet its limitless needs, and youths must be provided with opportunities to develop practical solutions to ensure that those needs are adequately met.

“These exhibitions of the creative genius of our students reassure that our country’s future will be guided by a generation of fine minds. They remind us constantly that the future of this country will be in safe hands,” President Granger said.

He urged students and teachers to ensure that their innovations are expanded upon beyond the fair, so that they can lead to positive, life-changing benefits for the wider Guyanese society.

“The models of the projects on display could be shared with the wider society, so that their practical applications would not be completely lost, but would add value to people’s lives.

“Your enthusiastic participation is a signal of your seriousness, not only about success in your personal careers, but about solving problems in your communities and in this great country. It is the start of an innovation education,” the President said.

“Guyana faces threats from various sources: the adverse effects of climate change; concerns over the sustainability of our water supplies; the security of food supply; the generation of cheaper, cleaner and renewable sources of energy; and, inevitably, the prevention of the spread of diseases, such as Ebola and Zika, across borders.  The response to these global challenges requires scientific solutions,” the President said.

The Government has committed to providing 15 STEM scholarships for studies at the University of Guyana.

Among the prizes received by the winning school are a computerised mobile science and technology centre, six CXC-approved science kits, a Challenge Trophy, an award certificate, US$1000, GoPro cameras and Samsung smart watches for each member of the team, and a Kindle Fire tablet for the supervising teacher.

Darshanie and her team believe that the benefits to be gained from expanding the project are many. The implementation of the project on a commercial scale will encourage the community to plant more of the Katahar trees, in order to have a large quantity of the flowers to make the repellent. Apart from the repellent, the community will benefit from the supply of the Katahar to use for cooking, and the organic matter from the leaves of the trees could be used as mulch.

Darshanie and team say The Eradicator coil and spray does not affect the human skin.

The Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board recently warned against a number of coils that are illegal in Guyana and may pose serious dangers to the health of people who use them. Some of the coils not approved for use in Guyana are Lion Brand, Lizi and Goldee.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bygeval Secondary Again!!!!  The same school that produced Bharrat Jagdeo.  Ms. Nanku's dad was Bharrat's teacher at that same school.  Congrats to these young ladies.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:

I guess druggie didn't hear the saying "all work and no play makes a dull boy".

In every culture there is space for enjoyment, and you don't strike me as the austere type.

In your case it is all bacchanal and no work. This is the virtue of PNC supporters. 


The PNC got rid of such talents many 100 times over during their despotic reign.  Lets see what this current Admin do.  So far they not looking too good!!  Granger chasing a "D"!!  He needs to move away from the poker faced campaign stance to people of real substance who can move the nation's agenda forward!

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

I guess druggie didn't hear the saying "all work and no play makes a dull boy".

In every culture there is space for enjoyment, and you don't strike me as the austere type.

In your case it is all bacchanal and no work. This is the virtue of PNC supporters. 

You are such a twit! Indians use this for eons how come no one thought of extracting the essential oils of these plants before now? Could you chalk it up to bush rum?

There is also no need for coils. The creams and oils etc or use in a low tech diffusers are better. The burning only creates unneeded chemicals.

The viability of the product does not have much hope given the plant takes awhile to matures and is a serious undertaken to acquire sufficient flowers for the product. Let them send it to you so you can synthesize it or are you too much into sporting?

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

I guess druggie didn't hear the saying "all work and no play makes a dull boy".

In every culture there is space for enjoyment, and you don't strike me as the austere type.

In your case it is all bacchanal and no work. This is the virtue of PNC supporters. 

You are such a twit! Indians use this for eons how come no one thought of extracting the essential oils of these plants before now? Could you chalk it up to bush rum?

There is also no need for coils. The creams and oils etc or use in a low tech diffusers are better. The burning only creates unneeded chemicals.

The viability of the product does not have much hope given the plant takes awhile to matures and is a serious undertaken to acquire sufficient flowers for the product. Let them send it to you so you can synthesize it or are you too much into sporting?

We need more action and less talking. Maybe a field trip as an escape from behind the dollar store counter may do the country some good considering you have all these ideas.  But I guess you are a talker and not a doer.

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

I guess druggie didn't hear the saying "all work and no play makes a dull boy".

In every culture there is space for enjoyment, and you don't strike me as the austere type.

In your case it is all bacchanal and no work. This is the virtue of PNC supporters. 

You are such a twit! Indians use this for eons how come no one thought of extracting the essential oils of these plants before now? Could you chalk it up to bush rum?

There is also no need for coils. The creams and oils etc or use in a low tech diffusers are better. The burning only creates unneeded chemicals.

The viability of the product does not have much hope given the plant takes awhile to matures and is a serious undertaken to acquire sufficient flowers for the product. Let them send it to you so you can synthesize it or are you too much into sporting?

We need more action and less talking. Maybe a field trip as an escape from behind the dollar store counter may do the country some good considering you have all these ideas.  But I guess you are a talker and not a doer.

Maybe you need to be freed from the boiler room grind of grunt programmers so you can think more clearly. You would not have to rely so much in the land o fantasy and and magical thinking. This girl did an intuitive thing...a practical thing. It did not involve genius. Kudos to her for making a connection to the obvious.

She found a different way to use a product already known and much used in the culture. I am sure someone is or has already done work on the artificial agents that mirror the chemical properties of thesis plant. After all, mosquitoes are among the most ravenous killers of humans on the planet. There are already products conceived of the essential oils of sandalwood on the market that is natural and safe to use. I hope hers is better and that she can demonstrate that in the field.


Very innovative and promising, I hope this goes a long way and something positive comes out of it.  Especially in light of the zika virus scare...50% of the seats at the upcoming Brazil games are unsold mainly to this scare.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

I guess druggie didn't hear the saying "all work and no play makes a dull boy".

In every culture there is space for enjoyment, and you don't strike me as the austere type.

In your case it is all bacchanal and no work. This is the virtue of PNC supporters. 

Brown bai KIKK at work again.   Continue your babble as you just reinforce my point about PPP supporters.

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

I guess druggie didn't hear the saying "all work and no play makes a dull boy".

In every culture there is space for enjoyment, and you don't strike me as the austere type.

In your case it is all bacchanal and no work. This is the virtue of PNC supporters. 

You are such a twit! Indians use this for eons how come no one thought of extracting the essential oils of these plants before now? Could you chalk it up to bush rum?

There is also no need for coils. The creams and oils etc or use in a low tech diffusers are better. The burning only creates unneeded chemicals.

The viability of the product does not have much hope given the plant takes awhile to matures and is a serious undertaken to acquire sufficient flowers for the product. Let them send it to you so you can synthesize it or are you too much into sporting?

We need more action and less talking. Maybe a field trip as an escape from behind the dollar store counter may do the country some good considering you have all these ideas.  But I guess you are a talker and not a doer.

Maybe you need to be freed from the boiler room grind of grunt programmers so you can think more clearly. You would not have to rely so much in the land o fantasy and and magical thinking. This girl did an intuitive thing...a practical thing. It did not involve genius. Kudos to her for making a connection to the obvious.

She found a different way to use a product already known and much used in the culture. I am sure someone is or has already done work on the artificial agents that mirror the chemical properties of thesis plant. After all, mosquitoes are among the most ravenous killers of humans on the planet. There are already products conceived of the essential oils of sandalwood on the market that is natural and safe to use. I hope hers is better and that she can demonstrate that in the field.

You have no idea what programming entails. You see a screen or a report and you think you just enter numbers and phrases.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

I guess druggie didn't hear the saying "all work and no play makes a dull boy".

In every culture there is space for enjoyment, and you don't strike me as the austere type.

In your case it is all bacchanal and no work. This is the virtue of PNC supporters. 

You are such a twit! Indians use this for eons how come no one thought of extracting the essential oils of these plants before now? Could you chalk it up to bush rum?

There is also no need for coils. The creams and oils etc or use in a low tech diffusers are better. The burning only creates unneeded chemicals.

The viability of the product does not have much hope given the plant takes awhile to matures and is a serious undertaken to acquire sufficient flowers for the product. Let them send it to you so you can synthesize it or are you too much into sporting?

We need more action and less talking. Maybe a field trip as an escape from behind the dollar store counter may do the country some good considering you have all these ideas.  But I guess you are a talker and not a doer.

Maybe you need to be freed from the boiler room grind of grunt programmers so you can think more clearly. You would not have to rely so much in the land o fantasy and and magical thinking. This girl did an intuitive thing...a practical thing. It did not involve genius. Kudos to her for making a connection to the obvious.

She found a different way to use a product already known and much used in the culture. I am sure someone is or has already done work on the artificial agents that mirror the chemical properties of thesis plant. After all, mosquitoes are among the most ravenous killers of humans on the planet. There are already products conceived of the essential oils of sandalwood on the market that is natural and safe to use. I hope hers is better and that she can demonstrate that in the field.

You have no idea what programming entails. You see a screen or a report and you think you just enter numbers and phrases.

O you know so much about programming!!

Skeldon Ape

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

I guess druggie didn't hear the saying "all work and no play makes a dull boy".

In every culture there is space for enjoyment, and you don't strike me as the austere type.

In your case it is all bacchanal and no work. This is the virtue of PNC supporters. 

You are such a twit! Indians use this for eons how come no one thought of extracting the essential oils of these plants before now? Could you chalk it up to bush rum?

There is also no need for coils. The creams and oils etc or use in a low tech diffusers are better. The burning only creates unneeded chemicals.

The viability of the product does not have much hope given the plant takes awhile to matures and is a serious undertaken to acquire sufficient flowers for the product. Let them send it to you so you can synthesize it or are you too much into sporting?

We need more action and less talking. Maybe a field trip as an escape from behind the dollar store counter may do the country some good considering you have all these ideas.  But I guess you are a talker and not a doer.

Maybe you need to be freed from the boiler room grind of grunt programmers so you can think more clearly. You would not have to rely so much in the land o fantasy and and magical thinking. This girl did an intuitive thing...a practical thing. It did not involve genius. Kudos to her for making a connection to the obvious.

She found a different way to use a product already known and much used in the culture. I am sure someone is or has already done work on the artificial agents that mirror the chemical properties of thesis plant. After all, mosquitoes are among the most ravenous killers of humans on the planet. There are already products conceived of the essential oils of sandalwood on the market that is natural and safe to use. I hope hers is better and that she can demonstrate that in the field.

You have no idea what programming entails. You see a screen or a report and you think you just enter numbers and phrases.

O you know so much about programming!!

Skeldon Ape

Yes, I do Dutty Leela. Twenty six years is about more than the couple years you worked at the dollar store.

skeldon_man posted:

Yes, I do Dutty Leela. Twenty six years is about more than the couple years you worked at the dollar store.

It is not d2's fault that the Howard education didn't pay dividends. However the man is not short of ideas, only how to implement them is his greatest fault. 

Drugb posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Yes, I do Dutty Leela. Twenty six years is about more than the couple years you worked at the dollar store.

It is not d2's fault that the Howard education didn't pay dividends. However the man is not short of ideas, only how to implement them is his greatest fault. 

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

I guess druggie didn't hear the saying "all work and no play makes a dull boy".

In every culture there is space for enjoyment, and you don't strike me as the austere type.

In your case it is all bacchanal and no work. This is the virtue of PNC supporters. 

You are such a twit! Indians use this for eons how come no one thought of extracting the essential oils of these plants before now? Could you chalk it up to bush rum?

There is also no need for coils. The creams and oils etc or use in a low tech diffusers are better. The burning only creates unneeded chemicals.

The viability of the product does not have much hope given the plant takes awhile to matures and is a serious undertaken to acquire sufficient flowers for the product. Let them send it to you so you can synthesize it or are you too much into sporting?

We need more action and less talking. Maybe a field trip as an escape from behind the dollar store counter may do the country some good considering you have all these ideas.  But I guess you are a talker and not a doer.

Maybe you need to be freed from the boiler room grind of grunt programmers so you can think more clearly. You would not have to rely so much in the land o fantasy and and magical thinking. This girl did an intuitive thing...a practical thing. It did not involve genius. Kudos to her for making a connection to the obvious.

She found a different way to use a product already known and much used in the culture. I am sure someone is or has already done work on the artificial agents that mirror the chemical properties of thesis plant. After all, mosquitoes are among the most ravenous killers of humans on the planet. There are already products conceived of the essential oils of sandalwood on the market that is natural and safe to use. I hope hers is better and that she can demonstrate that in the field.

You have no idea what programming entails. You see a screen or a report and you think you just enter numbers and phrases.

O you know so much about programming!!

Skeldon Ape

Yes, I do Dutty Leela. Twenty six years is about more than the couple years you worked at the dollar store.

As I live in your head...I forgot more about programming than you and drugb can remember.

Drugb posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Yes, I do Dutty Leela. Twenty six years is about more than the couple years you worked at the dollar store.

It is not d2's fault that the Howard education didn't pay dividends. However the man is not short of ideas, only how to implement them is his greatest fault. 

As I wish you were me....I am not out there chasing the green and living at the end of a  string held by the man. That is your burden.

Stormborn posted:
As I live in your head...I forgot more about programming than you and drugb can remember.

Years behind a dollar store counter will indeed have an effect on one's memory. One does not forget logic sir.  You don't even know the full spectrum of software engineering. Programming is just one aspect of the field these days. You must have been a creature from the old FORTRAN and assembler language back in your Howard days in an introductory course. 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
As I live in your head...I forgot more about programming than you and drugb can remember.

Years behind a dollar store counter will indeed have an effect on one's memory. One does not forget logic sir.  You don't even know the full spectrum of software engineering. Programming is just one aspect of the field these days. You must have been a creature from the old FORTRAN and assembler language back in your Howard days in an introductory course. 

As I said, you to logic is a cow to meat. It is definitely not your forte.  Could not be since it would likely be inelegant drivel. I bet they have you coding interface scripts for websites. You are too clumsy with thinking. And that is because something has to be damaged in your head. You   live there with your imaginary friends than in the world. I guess they told you who I am and give you the dollar store routine that so pleases your mind and enriches the fantasy of you being more than you are.




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