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Inspirational Irfaan Ali commits to transformational inclusivity

…says “I will be a president for all Guyanese”

Decked out in trademark red and surrounded by his party’s top executives, Dr Irfaan Ali stood before a mammoth crowd at Kitty Market Square, Georgetown, vividly illustrating how transformational the country would be if the longest standing political grouping – the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) – returns to power.

PPP/C Presidential Candidate, Dr Irfaan Ali on Sunday

The audience erupted into cheers and applause as he took to the podium, having waited several hours to hear from the Party’s presidential candidate.
“Today (Sunday), I stand here humbled by the opportunity to be President for all Guyanese,” the 39-year-old presidential hopeful expressed.
“Not a president for friends and supporters alone, but a president that would work hard every day for the upliftment of every Guyanese.”
Ali evoked the heritage of the original nationalist and united PPP that was formed “three scores and ten years ago in 1950” and had a brief “glorious moment of unity”, which he vowed to return to Guyana when he and the PPP/C were re-elected to office.
In January 2019, Ali was elected by the Party to serve as its presidential candidate for the March 2, 2020 polls.

A section of the thousands of supporters at the Kitty, Georgetown launching of the PPP/C 2020 campaign

He will be vying against the incumbent, Retired Brigadier David Granger of the People’s National Congress (PNC)-led A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition, which was toppled subsequent to a No-Confidence Motion in December 2018 – triggering the need for early elections.
But according to the young politician, he has no interest in delivering empty promises.
“Today (Sunday), I am not here to deliver promises, but I am here with this wonderful team to outline aspects of a clear strategy and vision to take our country forward.
“A plan that is not defined by oil and gas, but one that speaks to the holistic aspirations of every Guyanese.”
He explained that the Party’s plan, as outlined in its elections manifesto, sought to secure, strengthen, and expand the economic base of the country; stimulate growth; create opportunities; support the Private Sector and ensure social justice.
“Unlike David Granger, as a new generation leader, I am not stuck in the past; I understand the true meaning of transformation,” Dr Ali posited.
“To transform our country, we must be able to transform our thinking. To transform our country, we must first transform ourselves,” he stated, referring to the incident where PPP/C supporters were attacked by coalition supporters while putting up flags at Laing Avenue, Georgetown.
“Not one of the leaders in the PNC has condemned the action, because up to today, their minds and hearts have not been transformed,” he asserted.
Dr Ali admitted that he may not have all the answers, but said he was committed to transforming himself to deliver whatever was necessary for Guyana.

“I intend to be the person tomorrow whom you see today. Not one to make promises and then turn my back on our people and what I promised,” he explained.
According to the former Government Minister, “We have the experience to govern; we have a track record in managing the country’s resources.”
The PPP/C has 23 years of governing experience under its belt; Ali simultaneously served as Minister of Housing as well as Tourism and Commerce in PPP/C Administrations prior to the last elections in 2015.
While its tenure in office saw major infrastructural development and particularly a boom in the housing sector, the Party was criticised on several fronts.
Dr Ali admitted that the Party made mistakes, but explained that its members would have learnt from them.
“Yes, we have learnt from our shortcomings, I have and will continue to reflect on how we can be a better government than we have been in the past,” he stated.

Transformative projects
As he elaborated on his party’s plan to the attentive and enthusiastic audience, Dr Ali reiterated that the Party would restore the “Because We Care” back-to-school cash grant, an initiative which was developed under the former PPP/C Administration whereby every schoolchild across the country benefited from $10,000 in cash.
And according to Dr Ali, there is room for that amount to be increased to as much as $50,000 per child per year.
Reflecting on the decline in economic sectors and the huge loss of jobs across all walks of life, Dr Ali assured that the PPP/C has a plan to create as much as 50,000 job opportunities for locals.
“These jobs will be across every single sector, not only oil and gas,” Dr Ali said as he cited sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, mining, forestry and tourism.
He pointed out that under the former Administration, the country recorded positive growth without the advantage of massive oil wealth.
“You know why? Because we have competent leaders as against the incompetence we have today,” he posited.
But with the millions Guyana is poised to earn from its petroleum sector, Dr Ali asserted that the funds must be used to improve people’s lives, and that the PPP/C has a plan to achieve just that.
He said the oil revenues would be used for job creation, improving social and economic infrastructure, and to facilitate tax reduction.
Dr Ali also assured that under the next PPP/C Government, he would initiate works on several transformative projects such as the Deepwater Harbour, the Linden-Lethem Road, the four-lane Highway from Georgetown to Timehri, the bridging of the Corentyne River, the high-span bridge across the Demerara River, the Parika-Rockstone Del Conte Road link with Bartica as well as a duty-free zone.
Additionally, Dr Ali said his government would work towards the provision of cheaper electricity by completing the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project.
“We will not stop until the cost of electricity comes down by as much as 70 per cent!”
In speaking about opportunities for young people, Dr Ali said he would establish a National Youth Advisory Commission to the President, where youths would have the opportunity to contribute to the country’s development.
With regard to guarantees that the Party would deliver, Dr Ali simply charged the electorate to study the PPP/C’s track record and compare it with the “scorecard” of the APNU/AFC.
“You cannot fake knowledge, you cannot fake experience, you cannot fake results, but you can regurgitate fake news, so president stranger, show us your scorecard.”
According to Ali, the Granger-led Government’s term in office is characterised by 30,000 jobs being lost, a decline in economic sectors, increase in taxes, reduced spending power, hike in non-performing loans, and increase in infant mortality among others.
“This is your scorecard! This is your record!”
“This is what we will hold you accountable for and on March 2, you will pay the price when we take you out of office!”
Many in the audience were visibly moved by the sincerity of Dr Ali’s commitment to the transformation of the country.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

D2 posted:

More bullshit from the PPP. Nice sounding phrases don't mean a damn given the history of this regime.

Same mantra every election year...nothing new.

Irfaan needs a campaign manager to advise him...but dont think it will help.


The PNC lost a no confidence vote in parliament and raped the constitution. 

PNC going down and Buckman Shoeman now hiding under Granger’s skirt. D2 was beating his chest about the coward Shuman who stripped naked infront of jackass granger ! 
Hey Hey Hey

D2 posted:

More bullshit from the PPP. Nice sounding phrases don't mean a damn given the history of this regime.

Wait, is the PNC better than the PPP ? You jumping from party to party. How you Shuman party coming along ?

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

The PNC lost a no confidence vote in parliament and raped the constitution. 

PNC going down and Buckman Shoeman now hiding under Granger’s skirt. D2 was beating his chest about the coward Shuman who stripped naked infront of jackass granger ! 
Hey Hey Hey

Shuman is virtuous if a coward given this fat fellow Ifaart was a practicing product of the PPP kleptocracy. Now we are told he is an  academic fraud.  I guess bathing with trench water was a perfect delivery system for an assortment of micro organisms that stunted your intellectual growth ( adding to the deficits of a blue baby syndrome) so being smart and moral is not your thing. 

D2 posted:
Sean posted:

The PNC lost a no confidence vote in parliament and raped the constitution. 

PNC going down and Buckman Shoeman now hiding under Granger’s skirt. D2 was beating his chest about the coward Shuman who stripped naked infront of jackass granger ! 
Hey Hey Hey

Shuman is virtuous if a coward given this fat fellow Ifaart was a practicing product of the PPP kleptocracy. Now we are told he is an  academic fraud.  I guess bathing with trench water was a perfect delivery system for an assortment of micro organisms that stunted your intellectual growth ( adding to the deficits of a blue baby syndrome) so being smart and moral is not your thing. 

LOL...dese boys living in a cocoon...far removed from the reality of what happens in Guyana.


@ buck bai D2
He is a certified doctor from the UWI. You are a useless armchair critic. Stop the jealousy. How come you are not a doctor ? 

You are GNI’s biggest clown who resort to personal attacks and cling on to a race crutch because you have zero credibility, education and carry around GNI buck boy clown title around your neck. 

You were beating your chest about Shuman, like all of your useless predictions, Shuman lost his dignity after he showed up naked infront of the constitutional rapist Granger. No doctor can fix him up after the constitutional rapist was done with him !

You are now anti PPP and jumping around like a monkey.

Hey Hey Hey.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
D2 posted:
Sean posted:

The PNC lost a no confidence vote in parliament and raped the constitution. 

PNC going down and Buckman Shoeman now hiding under Granger’s skirt. D2 was beating his chest about the coward Shuman who stripped naked infront of jackass granger ! 
Hey Hey Hey

Shuman is virtuous if a coward given this fat fellow Ifaart was a practicing product of the PPP kleptocracy. Now we are told he is an  academic fraud.  I guess bathing with trench water was a perfect delivery system for an assortment of micro organisms that stunted your intellectual growth ( adding to the deficits of a blue baby syndrome) so being smart and moral is not your thing. 

LOL...dese boys living in a cocoon...far removed from the reality of what happens in Guyana.

VishMahabir posted:
D2 posted:
Sean posted:

The PNC lost a no confidence vote in parliament and raped the constitution. 

PNC going down and Buckman Shoeman now hiding under Granger’s skirt. D2 was beating his chest about the coward Shuman who stripped naked infront of jackass granger ! 
Hey Hey Hey

Shuman is virtuous if a coward given this fat fellow Ifaart was a practicing product of the PPP kleptocracy. Now we are told he is an  academic fraud.  I guess bathing with trench water was a perfect delivery system for an assortment of micro organisms that stunted your intellectual growth ( adding to the deficits of a blue baby syndrome) so being smart and moral is not your thing. 

LOL...dese boys living in a cocoon...far removed from the reality of what happens in Guyana.

the Guyanese born and living Vish 

Sean posted:

@ buck bai D2
He is a certified doctor from the UWI. You are a useless armchair critic. Stop the jealousy. How come you are not a doctor ? 

You are GNI’s biggest clown who resort to personal attacks and cling on to a race crutch because you have zero credibility, education and carry around GNI buck boy clown title around your neck. 

You were beating your chest about Shuman, like all of your useless predictions, Shuman lost his dignity after he showed up naked infront of the constitutional rapist Granger. No doctor can fix him up after the constitutional rapist was done with him !

You are now anti PPP and jumping around like a monkey.

Hey Hey Hey.

Dude...if its dead, the coalition gon make sure its resurrected. They working on the ad as we speak.

The man faked his first degree. There are plenty of people who pay others to write a dissertation for them, complete field research for them, do statistical computations for them, etc...

Ask yourself...when did Irfaan spend time in school, and when did he do his research? 

Most young Indian professionals consider this an intellectual people also know fully well that it is...people like gon hold your nose and still vote for him...

Sean posted:

@ buck bai D2
He is a certified doctor from the UWI. You are a useless armchair critic. Stop the jealousy. How come you are not a doctor ? 

You are GNI’s biggest clown who resort to personal attacks and cling on to a race crutch because you have zero credibility, education and carry around GNI buck boy clown title around your neck. 

You were beating your chest about Shuman, like all of your useless predictions, Shuman lost his dignity after he showed up naked infront of the constitutional rapist Granger. No doctor can fix him up after the constitutional rapist was done with him !

You are now anti PPP and jumping around like a monkey.

Hey Hey Hey.

Yes dalit bai, jealousy of a fat, lazy, fraud is more in your wheel house since you measure worth on what these carpetbaggers can grab.

I would be a happy clown if you were as smarter than an earthworm. It however saddens me that the internet allow nincompoops like you into the long debate about Guyanese life. It is a drag on the system

I do not know how shuman lost his dignity given he stole from no one and his failings being he is not discerning of who is a crook or not. You clinging to jagdeo's machinations in the PPP as good for us would mean something lost if you had it. I bet you would be Jagdeo's bottom boy singing a perfect bel canto soprano part if he asks. Ignorant prick!

I have always been anti crooks so if the PPP are crooked It follows where I would be.


Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

@ buck bai D2
He is a certified doctor from the UWI. You are a useless armchair critic. Stop the jealousy. How come you are not a doctor ? 

You are GNI’s biggest clown who resort to personal attacks and cling on to a race crutch because you have zero credibility, education and carry around GNI buck boy clown title around your neck. 

You were beating your chest about Shuman, like all of your useless predictions, Shuman lost his dignity after he showed up naked infront of the constitutional rapist Granger. No doctor can fix him up after the constitutional rapist was done with him !

You are now anti PPP and jumping around like a monkey.

Hey Hey Hey.

Dude...if its dead, the coalition gon make sure its resurrected. They working on the ad as we speak.

The man faked his first degree. There are plenty of people who pay others to write a dissertation for them, complete field research for them, do statistical computations for them, etc...

Ask yourself...when did Irfaan spend time in school, and when did he do his research? 

Most young Indian professionals consider this an intellectual people also know fully well that it is...people like gon hold your nose and still vote for him...

Ali came from an educated family. Not everybody Dunce like you I know you are trying hard but education is not in your DNA. At university Sophia you can be a professional thief hope you graduate. 

kp posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

@ buck bai D2
He is a certified doctor from the UWI. You are a useless armchair critic. Stop the jealousy. How come you are not a doctor ? 

You are GNI’s biggest clown who resort to personal attacks and cling on to a race crutch because you have zero credibility, education and carry around GNI buck boy clown title around your neck. 

You were beating your chest about Shuman, like all of your useless predictions, Shuman lost his dignity after he showed up naked infront of the constitutional rapist Granger. No doctor can fix him up after the constitutional rapist was done with him !

You are now anti PPP and jumping around like a monkey.

Hey Hey Hey.

Dude...if its dead, the coalition gon make sure its resurrected. They working on the ad as we speak.

The man faked his first degree. There are plenty of people who pay others to write a dissertation for them, complete field research for them, do statistical computations for them, etc...

Ask yourself...when did Irfaan spend time in school, and when did he do his research? 

Most young Indian professionals consider this an intellectual people also know fully well that it is...people like gon hold your nose and still vote for him...

Ali came from an educated family. Not everybody Dunce like you I know you are trying hard but education is not in your DNA. At university Sophia you can be a professional thief hope you graduate. 

Yes...his family might be educated...but this does not detract from the perpetuation of intellectual fraud...

Again....when did he take time to attend class and when did he leave the country to do so???

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...we bai Vish is good. De man pretend foh be coolie when he was blackman all dis time. Hey hey hey. 

Yea, he think dat Kulie stupid. He is one of dem one love bannas.

Hey Hey Hey

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Sean posted:

@ buck bai D2
He is a certified doctor from the UWI. You are a useless armchair critic. Stop the jealousy. How come you are not a doctor ? 

You are GNI’s biggest clown who resort to personal attacks and cling on to a race crutch because you have zero credibility, education and carry around GNI buck boy clown title around your neck. 

You were beating your chest about Shuman, like all of your useless predictions, Shuman lost his dignity after he showed up naked infront of the constitutional rapist Granger. No doctor can fix him up after the constitutional rapist was done with him !

You are now anti PPP and jumping around like a monkey.

Hey Hey Hey.

Yes dalit bai, jealousy of a fat, lazy, fraud is more in your wheel house since you measure worth on what these carpetbaggers can grab.

I would be a happy clown if you were as smarter than an earthworm. It however saddens me that the internet allow nincompoops like you into the long debate about Guyanese life. It is a drag on the system

I do not know how shuman lost his dignity given he stole from no one and his failings being he is not discerning of who is a crook or not. You clinging to jagdeo's machinations in the PPP as good for us would mean something lost if you had it. I bet you would be Jagdeo's bottom boy singing a perfect bel canto soprano part if he asks. Ignorant prick!

I have always been anti crooks so if the PPP are crooked It follows where I would be.


False Teeth Buck Bai now supporting PNC. Shuman buss e balls. He wig fall out !

You prappa dunce. Let me School you. Shuman lost his dignity when he bend over naked infront of granger. You want me to post the picture ?

Is when you going to become a doctor like Dr. Ali ? You envy is PNC green.

De auditor just revealed that the PNC stole another billion. You prappa happy eh False Teeth Buck Bai ? You blind and can't see PNC thievery. Is de Piwari acting on you brain cells.

Hey Hey Hey.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

Oi man is what sorta shit you does post man?

Like you bind and can't see what he said about me ?  SMH.

I am giving him a dose of his own medicine. Take some tome to read who started the shyte. D2 is like one male menopause fella.



Even if I missed what he said about you I'm sure he's quite  Is nah like he said you only lil smarter dan a earthworm, whatever he said, tek it as a complement nuh man.

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

@ buck bai D2
He is a certified doctor from the UWI. You are a useless armchair critic. Stop the jealousy. How come you are not a doctor ? 

You are GNI’s biggest clown who resort to personal attacks and cling on to a race crutch because you have zero credibility, education and carry around GNI buck boy clown title around your neck. 

You were beating your chest about Shuman, like all of your useless predictions, Shuman lost his dignity after he showed up naked infront of the constitutional rapist Granger. No doctor can fix him up after the constitutional rapist was done with him !

You are now anti PPP and jumping around like a monkey.

Hey Hey Hey.

Dude...if its dead, the coalition gon make sure its resurrected. They working on the ad as we speak.

The man faked his first degree. There are plenty of people who pay others to write a dissertation for them, complete field research for them, do statistical computations for them, etc...

Ask yourself...when did Irfaan spend time in school, and when did he do his research? 

Most young Indian professionals consider this an intellectual people also know fully well that it is...people like gon hold your nose and still vote for him...

If you know all this about Ali’s PhD candidacy, how come the people at UWI who conferred him doesn’t. You have better resources than they do or you making shit up because you can?

ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

@ buck bai D2
He is a certified doctor from the UWI. You are a useless armchair critic. Stop the jealousy. How come you are not a doctor ? 

You are GNI’s biggest clown who resort to personal attacks and cling on to a race crutch because you have zero credibility, education and carry around GNI buck boy clown title around your neck. 

You were beating your chest about Shuman, like all of your useless predictions, Shuman lost his dignity after he showed up naked infront of the constitutional rapist Granger. No doctor can fix him up after the constitutional rapist was done with him !

You are now anti PPP and jumping around like a monkey.

Hey Hey Hey.

Dude...if its dead, the coalition gon make sure its resurrected. They working on the ad as we speak.

The man faked his first degree. There are plenty of people who pay others to write a dissertation for them, complete field research for them, do statistical computations for them, etc...

Ask yourself...when did Irfaan spend time in school, and when did he do his research? 

Most young Indian professionals consider this an intellectual people also know fully well that it is...people like gon hold your nose and still vote for him...

If you know all this about Ali’s PhD candidacy, how come the people at UWI who conferred him doesn’t. You have better resources than they do or you making shit up because you can?


ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

@ buck bai D2
He is a certified doctor from the UWI. You are a useless armchair critic. Stop the jealousy. How come you are not a doctor ? 

You are GNI’s biggest clown who resort to personal attacks and cling on to a race crutch because you have zero credibility, education and carry around GNI buck boy clown title around your neck. 

You were beating your chest about Shuman, like all of your useless predictions, Shuman lost his dignity after he showed up naked infront of the constitutional rapist Granger. No doctor can fix him up after the constitutional rapist was done with him !

You are now anti PPP and jumping around like a monkey.

Hey Hey Hey.

Dude...if its dead, the coalition gon make sure its resurrected. They working on the ad as we speak.

The man faked his first degree. There are plenty of people who pay others to write a dissertation for them, complete field research for them, do statistical computations for them, etc...

Ask yourself...when did Irfaan spend time in school, and when did he do his research? 

Most young Indian professionals consider this an intellectual people also know fully well that it is...people like gon hold your nose and still vote for him...

If you know all this about Ali’s PhD candidacy, how come the people at UWI who conferred him doesn’t. You have better resources than they do or you making shit up because you can?

Would you be surprised if there is an investigation and UWI retracts the PhD?  Several of those PNC guys are professors at UWI.

Bibi Haniffa
Sean posted:

Yes dalit bai, jealousy of a fat, lazy, fraud is more in your wheel house since you measure worth on what these carpetbaggers can grab.

I would be a happy clown if you were as smarter than an earthworm. It however saddens me that the internet allow nincompoops like you into the long debate about Guyanese life. It is a drag on the system

I do not know how shuman lost his dignity given he stole from no one and his failings being he is not discerning of who is a crook or not. You clinging to jagdeo's machinations in the PPP as good for us would mean something lost if you had it. I bet you would be Jagdeo's bottom boy singing a perfect bel canto soprano part if he asks. Ignorant prick!

I have always been anti crooks so if the PPP are crooked It follows where I would be.


False Teeth Buck Bai now supporting PNC. Shuman buss e balls. He wig fall out !

You prappa dunce. Let me School you. Shuman lost his dignity when he bend over naked infront of granger. You want me to post the picture ?

Is when you going to become a doctor like Dr. Ali ? You envy is PNC green.

De auditor just revealed that the PNC stole another billion. You prappa happy eh False Teeth Buck Bai ? You blind and can't see PNC thievery. Is de Piwari acting on you brain cells.

Hey Hey Hey.

Damn you are dumb as a stump if these imaginings are all it takes make your day and solidify your self confidence. Have a thick head of curly hair and it just start graying around the edges and sort of makes me look distinguished! As for the teeth part that is you on a wild walk into the land of stupid people.

Shuman, is not my kin, not my mentor, not my protegee. He is just a hope one had that could possibly save our nation from the plague of crooks. And maybe he still can. As an educated man ( something you would not know about) he certainly has space to redeem himself. 

So the PNC stole a billion...the PPP stole a few.  The point is they are of the same pedigree...crooks after a kind. That you slavishly follow they like a rat after the piper does not speak much for any analytic or moral  reservoir to rely on for insight. Instead you are about false teeh and wigs and lambasting shuman as leverage to counter what I say. How stupid can you be?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

If you know all this about Ali’s PhD candidacy, how come the people at UWI who conferred him doesn’t. You have better resources than they do or you making shit up because you can?

Would you be surprised if there is an investigation and UWI retracts the PhD?  Several of those PNC guys are professors at UWI.

Did you express those sentiments to BJ in NY recently?

And nah, PNC bais ain't gon ride to the rescue.  They will not risk the credibility of the institution which they are part of.  People will question the overall credibility of their programs!

Poor Dr_Irfaan Ali_PhD, he deh pon yuh wrang side!

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

@ buck bai D2
He is a certified doctor from the UWI. You are a useless armchair critic. Stop the jealousy. How come you are not a doctor ? 

You are GNI’s biggest clown who resort to personal attacks and cling on to a race crutch because you have zero credibility, education and carry around GNI buck boy clown title around your neck. 

You were beating your chest about Shuman, like all of your useless predictions, Shuman lost his dignity after he showed up naked infront of the constitutional rapist Granger. No doctor can fix him up after the constitutional rapist was done with him !

You are now anti PPP and jumping around like a monkey.

Hey Hey Hey.

Dude...if its dead, the coalition gon make sure its resurrected. They working on the ad as we speak.

The man faked his first degree. There are plenty of people who pay others to write a dissertation for them, complete field research for them, do statistical computations for them, etc...

Ask yourself...when did Irfaan spend time in school, and when did he do his research? 

Most young Indian professionals consider this an intellectual people also know fully well that it is...people like gon hold your nose and still vote for him...

If you know all this about Ali’s PhD candidacy, how come the people at UWI who conferred him doesn’t. You have better resources than they do or you making shit up because you can?

Would you be surprised if there is an investigation and UWI retracts the PhD?  Several of those PNC guys are professors at UWI.

The only burden Ali has is to demonstrate to sufficient Guyanese voters that he would be the kind of president they want. His PhD burden is on the university that conferred him. If his PhD is a compromised product, then even Labba buddy, TK has to be thinking that the validity of his PhD is in jeopardy. I don’t have those problems since I never made it out of lil ABC.

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

If you know all this about Ali’s PhD candidacy, how come the people at UWI who conferred him doesn’t. You have better resources than they do or you making shit up because you can?

Would you be surprised if there is an investigation and UWI retracts the PhD?  Several of those PNC guys are professors at UWI.

The only burden Ali has is to demonstrate to sufficient Guyanese voters that he would be the kind of president they want. His PhD burden is on the university that conferred him. If his PhD is a compromised product, then even Labba buddy, TK has to be thinking that the validity of his PhD is in jeopardy. I don’t have those problems since I never made it out of lil ABC.

Hey Ksazma, could you count from 1-10 without using yuh finguz?

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

If you know all this about Ali’s PhD candidacy, how come the people at UWI who conferred him doesn’t. You have better resources than they do or you making shit up because you can?

Would you be surprised if there is an investigation and UWI retracts the PhD?  Several of those PNC guys are professors at UWI.

The only burden Ali has is to demonstrate to sufficient Guyanese voters that he would be the kind of president they want. His PhD burden is on the university that conferred him. If his PhD is a compromised product, then even Labba buddy, TK has to be thinking that the validity of his PhD is in jeopardy. I don’t have those problems since I never made it out of lil ABC.

Hey Ksazma, could you count from 1-10 without using yuh finguz?


Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

If you know all this about Ali’s PhD candidacy, how come the people at UWI who conferred him doesn’t. You have better resources than they do or you making shit up because you can?

Would you be surprised if there is an investigation and UWI retracts the PhD?  Several of those PNC guys are professors at UWI.

The only burden Ali has is to demonstrate to sufficient Guyanese voters that he would be the kind of president they want. His PhD burden is on the university that conferred him. If his PhD is a compromised product, then even Labba buddy, TK has to be thinking that the validity of his PhD is in jeopardy. I don’t have those problems since I never made it out of lil ABC.

Hey Ksazma, could you count from 1-10 without using yuh finguz?

including his thumb.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

If you know all this about Ali’s PhD candidacy, how come the people at UWI who conferred him doesn’t. You have better resources than they do or you making shit up because you can?

Would you be surprised if there is an investigation and UWI retracts the PhD?  Several of those PNC guys are professors at UWI.

The only burden Ali has is to demonstrate to sufficient Guyanese voters that he would be the kind of president they want. His PhD burden is on the university that conferred him. If his PhD is a compromised product, then even Labba buddy, TK has to be thinking that the validity of his PhD is in jeopardy. I don’t have those problems since I never made it out of lil ABC.

Hey Ksazma, could you count from 1-10 without using yuh finguz?


If you not wearing yachting boots an socks you can count past ten.

cain posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

If you know all this about Ali’s PhD candidacy, how come the people at UWI who conferred him doesn’t. You have better resources than they do or you making shit up because you can?

Would you be surprised if there is an investigation and UWI retracts the PhD?  Several of those PNC guys are professors at UWI.

The only burden Ali has is to demonstrate to sufficient Guyanese voters that he would be the kind of president they want. His PhD burden is on the university that conferred him. If his PhD is a compromised product, then even Labba buddy, TK has to be thinking that the validity of his PhD is in jeopardy. I don’t have those problems since I never made it out of lil ABC.

Hey Ksazma, could you count from 1-10 without using yuh finguz?


If you not wearing yachting boots an socks you can count past ten.

Bai, I cyant count at all. 😀


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