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Albion Estate Senior Staff Club destroyed by fire

4 hours ago

A fire suspected to be of electrical origin this morning ripped through the Senior Staff Club and Guest House located in the Albion Estate Compound in Berbice.
According to a source at the estate, around 5 am, a security guard was patrolling the compound, when he noticed smoke coming from the building. The guard immediately alerted the fire tender attached to the estate.
The Rose Hall Estate fire service along with the New Amsterdam fire service were both summoned to the scene as well.
The fire fighters were able to put out the fire and save a part of the building which is the guest house.
However, the kitchen, dining area, club and storage room were all destroyed in the inferno. The school bus, attached to the estate that was underneath the building at the time of the fire was also scorched.

What was left after the fire


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This is indeed  very sad,  because that historical building was there for a very long time.
The problem with many buildings in manager's compound, they were made of wood and painted often with oil base paint. So when a fire occurs, its difficult to control.
A family near our house bought a building  from the manager's compound.  A fire started and it burnt down in minutes.
The old senior staff club was located near the road going into Albion estate. It became the local accounts office and in 1962 a new LO office was built  where a large hospital existed, near the logies.
I first visited this club in the 1960’s  at a social event  and about 2010 when we used the pool.  We used  a dart board in the 1960’s,  that was still there in 2010.
Utube title β€˜Albion Estate’ has a 2013 video of Albion manager’s compound, showing the club with a silver car parked in front.  It also has a news report regarding the fire.
KP, you are correct to say 'Instead of burning cane fields', because many were good at burning cane fields, during a strike.

Karma is a bytch with the burning of this building.

A number of years ago,  I lent a colour logie photograph to an Albion writer in New York City, for the sole publication of a book about C F  Andrews  trip and refection's of British Guiana,  to check on the indenture labourers for Ghandi. Very appropriately, no front cover credit for the photo was given.

Without my permission,  the photograph  was given to the writer's friend  who made a painting  of it that hang at the Albion  Senior staff club. I was told the painting was destroyed in the fire.

Why are some Guyanese  so crooked and untrustworthy ? Including  Guyanese  of so-called higher learning.

It must be why the country is in its situation today, after over 50 years of independence.     

Last edited by Tola
Tola posted:

Why are some Guyanese  so crooked and untrustworthy ? Including  Guyanese  of so-called higher learning.

It must be why the country is in its situation today, after over 50 years of independence.     

It's far too late to reform Yuji, Nehru, Skelly, etc. 25 years of sustained thieving has transformed their mentality.


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