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Instead of GuySuCo being turned around, it will be buried underground

Dear Editor,

GuySuCo is turning out to be a failure. It was inevitable that GuySuCo would fail from the get go in August. There is no innovation and transformational leadership to turn around GuySuCo. Government erred in its appointees to manage GuySuCo. Since September, there is a lot of ‘abu’ (abundance and excesses in expenditure in management) and ‘dhabu’ (eating) and merry go round (fun, enjoyment and going in circles) with little skill and competence to transform the industry. Instead of GuySuCo being turned around, it will be buried underground. Resources are not concentrated on preparing the fields or rehabilitating the closed estates or raising the salary of those involved on field work but on management. GuySuCo has more consultants, bookkeepers, and accountants than larger agencies and corporations. The then opposition PPP blamed APNU for financial waste, but more money is wasted now than previously. The Irfaan/Jagdeo team is silent on financial abuses and the neglect of sugar workers.
Two ‘turn around’ consultants were hired in September in excess of US$15K monthly (over G$3M) plus other perks. One was hyped as transforming Scotia Bank (it is closing out) and the other was introduced as the man who turned around the bauxite industry (it is being shuttered). They were the experts hired to turn around GuySuCo – we know what turn around under them meant. They seem to lack agricultural and agronomy background – one supposedly a banker and the other a fast food manager. They are integrally involved in GuySuCo’s turnaround plan. These consultants were supposed to prepare a GuySuCo turnaround document. To date, seven months later, a document is not available for perusal, much less evaluation. Is there a draft of the intended consultancy? Some $21M spent, but no document. Dr. N.K Gopaul led a small team of experts to prepare a GuySuCo turn around document within days of the government swearing in and it cost virtually no money. Why couldn’t that document be used as a basis for a turnaround plan instead of hiring new consultants who are not familiar with the industry to prepare a plan? Or why couldn’t Mr. Vishnu Panday, an expert in sugar production and GuySuCo, be approached to prepare or evaluate a turnaround document? Mr. Panday served as a consultant from 2012-2014. The effects of his expertise were felt in 2015, when sugar production increased to 230K tons, a credit to the work of President Donald Ramotar and Panday.
We learn that the CEO supposedly turned around sixteen companies in America. But we are not given any of their names to confirm the claim. It would be great if we can at least have one company’s name to verify if it was indeed turned around or if it went the way of the Scotia Bank and the bauxite company. Besides the two noted above, several other consultants have been taken on at GuySuCo to assist the in-house staff. Are so many consultants needed? We have only three active estates. The other three are not actively being prepared for production and have limited staff. There is enough skilled expertise within GuySuCo without a need for these many consultants.
GuySuCo management seems to be eating well. Some months ago, an Indian rights activist from New York railed that the APNU appointed board was eating out GuySuCo money. Why is he silent now on this board eating out GuySuCo workers money? He should examine how much is spent on entertainment by GuySuCo’s management.
Less than 100K tons sugar is produced, but there are more consultants than when there were eight grinding estates, a few years. Big money is spent on consultancy, management and entertainment. Is it some $6M being spent monthly to upkeep the CEO with cooks, gardeners, servants, drivers, security, but field workers can’t get a salary raise to make $100K a month. Money is not available to fast track Skeldon, Enmore and Rose Hall. The promised creation of 10K jobs at GuySuCo has not materialised –only a few hundred have been hired and their jobs are not secure because two estates are being prepared to be handed over to foreigners.
Yours truly,
Boysie Mangru

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why couldn’t Mr. Vishnu Panday, an expert in sugar production and GuySuCo, be approached to prepare or evaluate a turnaround document? Mr. Panday served as a consultant from 2012-2014. The effects of his expertise were felt in 2015, when sugar production increased to 230K tons, a credit to the work of President Donald Ramotar and Panday.

Some months ago, an Indian rights activist from New York railed that the APNU appointed board was eating out GuySuCo money.

The then opposition PPP blamed APNU for financial waste.

The sugar industry was destroyed between 2015 and 2020 when the coalition had the power to continue the work of Donald Ramoutar and Pandey, but out of spite the two token coolies, Moses and Khemraj, set out to destroy Indian People, Just as Totaram and MitWah are doing.

@Totaram posted:

Chupidee Kakakant, for a change, can't you think before you write.  Laad you chupid.

If you are going to post. Post something positive but instead, you resort to writing things of little value. You are a dirty person and should go back to the village that you were dragged up in. You are a disgrace to this GNI.

@Ramakant-P posted:

If you are going to post. Post something positive but instead, you resort to writing things of little value. You are a dirty person and should go back to the village that you were dragged up in. You are a disgrace to this GNI.

Chupidee Kakakant, You are disgrace to humanity.  I posted the man's letter about GUYSUCO.  You copied a good chunk of it and then added a bit of you usual chupidity at the end.  Do you call that positive Chupidee?

@Totaram posted:

Chupidee Kakakant, You are disgrace to humanity.  I posted the man's letter about GUYSUCO.  You copied a good chunk of it and then added a bit of you usual chupidity at the end.  Do you call that positive Chupidee?

That's all you can do. Plagiarize someone's writing. You have no brains. You have no content. You are a dirty pig. Is it you or your whole generation?

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

That's all you can do. Plagiarize someone's writing. You have no brains. You have no content. You are a dirty pig. Is it you or your whole generation?

Look who's talking.  You are so chupid that you don't even know your limitations. Gwan daside chupidee person.  What's the name of the man who lived near the silk cotton tree? What's the name of the man who lived under the silk cotton tree?  You chupid imposter....

@Django posted:

We learn that the CEO supposedly turned around sixteen companies in America. But we are not given any of their names to confirm the claim.

Any one can shed some light on the companies ?

That's what KN reported in their own sarcastic ways. They asked questions about things that supposedly happened. Someone should ask the CEO if it was really true.   That wasn't why he got the job.  He was the best candidate available. 

I can tell you that I do not believe anything that KN printed. The CEO never claimed that he turned around 16 companies in America but learned about it anyway. How come?

@Totaram posted:

Look who's talking.  You are so chupid that you don't even know your limitations. Gwan daside chupidee person.  What's the name of the man who lived near the silk cotton tree? What's the name of the man who lived under the silk cotton tree?  You chupid imposter....

Describe the silk cotton tree. You have never seen one.  Nobody lived under the silk cotton tree.

@Ramakant-P posted:

That's what KN reported in their own sarcastic ways. They asked questions about things that supposedly happened. Someone should ask the CEO if it was really true.   That wasn't why he got the job.  He was the best candidate available.

I can tell you that I do not believe anything that KN printed. The CEO never claimed that he turned around 16 companies in America but learned about it anyway. How come?

BS.Which Ramakant are you?   You don't even know the difference between a letter and an editorial.  It appears as if all the Ramakants are chupid.

@Totaram posted:

BS.Which Ramakant are you?   You don't even know the difference between a letter and an editorial.  It appears as if all the Ramakants are chupid.

So are all the Totarams. They are pigs.  Ask your mother which Ramakant am I.

@Ramakant-P posted:

So are all the Totarams. They are pigs.  Ask your mother which Ramakant am I.

Chupidee Kakakant, whichever one you are , your attempts at insults are a lame as your empty brain.  Chupidness na gat cure.

@Ramakant-P posted:

That's what KN reported in their own sarcastic ways. They asked questions about things that supposedly happened. Someone should ask the CEO if it was really true.   That wasn't why he got the job.  He was the best candidate available.

I can tell you that I do not believe anything that KN printed. The CEO never claimed that he turned around 16 companies in America but learned about it anyway. How come?

So if not 16 ,can you name one of the company he turn around.

@Totaram posted:

Chupidee Kakakant, whichever one you are , your attempts at insults are a lame as your empty brain.  Chupidness na gat cure.

End of discussion. I thought that you were less stupid that your posts indicate. Your wife would never call me names.

@Ramakant-P posted:

So are all the Totarams. They are pigs.  Ask your mother which Ramakant am I.

@Ramakant-P posted:

So are all the Totarams. They are pigs.  Ask your mother which Ramakant am I.

@Ramakant-P posted:

End of discussion. I thought that you were less stupid that your posts indicate. Your wife would never call me names.

Rama why are you referring to his wife and mother? Is this not against the forum rules? Come on now. You don't make posts like these. It's obvious you are renting out your handle.

@Mitwah posted:

Rama why are you referring to his wife and mother? Is this not against the forum rules? Come on now. You don't make posts like these. It's obvious you are renting out your handle.

He is being true to the politics of the PPP.  Of course, "they" are hiding behind a keyboard because cowardice is their trademark.  Significantly, it means they are losing the argument.

@Mitwah posted:

Rama why are you referring to his wife and mother? Is this not against the forum rules? Come on now. You don't make posts like these. It's obvious you are renting out your handle.

Is Dah why RamaCan't P, someone is hanging onto his handle?

Last edited by cain

Rama, look how dem crowding up 63 beach during the PPP pandemic.

Uncle Johnny seh he na tink the Skeldon factory will be ready for the upcoming crop.

Dem still using manual labor to unload punts and dem young fellas don't want to  work in the cane fields.

@Totaram posted:

He is being true to the politics of the PPP.  Of course, "they" are hiding behind a keyboard because cowardice is their trademark.  Significantly, it means they are losing the argument.

I thought that you were less stupid that your posts indicate. Your wife would never call me names.


Mitwah poste

Dem still using manual labor to unload punts and dem young fellas don't want to  work in the cane fields.

Aren't you the C.U.N.T who was bytching about people don't get jobs?
I wish if I can call you a S.O.B. but I won't. I am too decent a guy.
Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

Watch, watch de jackass kakakant gaan bassidy.  de chupid man brookin up forum rules,  why is he allowed to continue?   If I have to take action I will cut off his goadee and stuff it in e mouth.  e only gat one leff. e already chupid an chupidness na gat cure.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Mitwah poste

Dem still using manual labor to unload punts and dem young fellas don't want to  work in the cane fields.

Aren't you the C.U.N.T who was bytching about people don't get jobs?
I wish if I can call you a S.O.B. but I won't. I am too decent a guy.

Rama you are the kunt. It seems that you lack comprehension. Other than cutting canes, fetching them to the punts and discharging the punts at the factory, where are the jobs for the young people in the sugar belts?

Sugar is dead business. Sugar is being sold for less than half the cost of production. That's like as if you are passing twice as much blood than your body can produce.


The only way to control people  don't provide better means for upliftment ,that's what is done in Region 6 and part of Region 5.  One Sugar Estate remain in Region 3 , which is having problems with labor , the reason cane cutting is hard work ,children get educated and seek other work for employment ,the Capital is nearby. None in Region 4 ,all shuttered ,no miracle can bring back the Sugar Industry in Guyana ,through out the Caribbean Sugar is no longer king. There are other agriculture products can be produced on the lands ,the government is vision less in implementing such plans.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

We learn that the CEO supposedly turned around sixteen companies in America. But we are not given any of their names to confirm the claim.

Any one can shed some light on the companies ?

Ask the kAnt! He noze!

@Django posted:

The only way to control people  don't provide better means for upliftment ,that's what is done in Region 6 and part of Region 5.  One Sugar Estate remain in Region 3 , which is having problems with labor , the reason cane cutting is hard work ,children get educatedP and seek other work for employment ,the Capital is nearby. None in Region 4 ,all shutterede ,ngo!  miracle can bring bacoune thmises  Sugar Industry in Guyana ,through out the Caribbean Sugar is no longer king. There are other agriculture products can produ ing new.f the lands ,th government is vision less in implementing such plans.

I've.suggested this eons ago! But there are PPP be kept! They are counting on oil as an unguent when reality sets in and the workers lose their jobs.again! Meanwhile, those at the public fed, contented and fields of illicit gains!

@Former Member posted:

I've.suggested this eons ago! But there are PPP be kept! They are counting on oil as an unguent when reality sets in and the workers lose their jobs.again! Meanwhile, those at the public fed, contented and fields of illicit gains!

The PPP is keeping its promises. Why shouldn't the PPP count on oil and gas money to pay for the infrastructure? Agriculture products such as Rice, sugar, citrus fruits, coconuts, Poultry, and dairy farms will be developed to the fullest. The Fishing Industry will boom again because the PPP is running the country.

The PPP will use the oil money to pay the black-dominated army, Police Force, civil service, and teaching profession. Fifty thousand families will get their own homes in 5 years.  All because of oil and gas money.

You claim that the PPP will fail and jobs will be lost. Again, you know nothing about what is going on.

The PNC, AFC, and all the anti_coolies cannot stop this government from making progress.

I do not give a rat's ass what you accuse them of, because it's vindictive and stupid.

God bless the Supreme Leader of Guyana. 


Your idiocy is apparent! Where have. I said the PPP will fail, fool?

Pay the black-dominated Army etc! You really mean bribe, don't you?!!

Please, rave no more! Your 'mouth' has now reached the foaming.stage!

@Former Member posted:

Your idiocy is apparent! Where have. I said the PPP will fail, fool?

Pay the black-dominated Army etc! You really mean bribe, don't you?!!

Please, rave no more! Your 'mouth' has now reached the foaming.stage!

Mouth? Every orifice of his.

@Former Member posted:

Your idiocy is apparent! Where have. I said the PPP will fail, fool?

Pay the black-dominated Army etc! You really mean bribe, don't you?!!

Please, rave no more! Your 'mouth' has now reached the foaming.stage!

We are carrying the PNC on our backs. We feed them. we clothe them, and we housed them.

God bless the PPP.

Last edited by Ramakant-P

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