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Originally Posted by Jalil:

Guys we cannot be upset if Ewe-gee and Knee-cap vote fuh Lamumba & Qwa-mee in de snap election.

Thats their right as guaranteed by De Burnham/PNC Constitution.

Let me tell you this. Moses was a champion for the working class when he was with the PPP. He made a valuable contribution in fighting against PNC dictatorship.


He was rejected by the PNC as speaker of the House since the PNC kept tabs. Today, he is side by side with the PNC. Go figure....


Moses lost his way... His impatience in not getting the nod as the presidential candidate of the PPP got the better of him. Will he get the nod for AFC ? That remains to be seen as the AFC internal squabble continues. Deny it or not.


The AFC lost a golden opportunity by not being constructive in parliament. In reality, they are now seen as a party in bed with the PNC. This is an image that will be hard to shrug off.  Moses perhaps want to end the squabble in parliament but Ramjattam and Nigel will not allow that to happen. Moses must decide if he wants to be his own man or be led by others in the AFC.


Moses is not getting any younger and Gerhard might be the right leader for the AFC. Nigel is a liability for the AFC. Will they can him ?


Let us be constructive and have a civilized debate.


BTW, President Carter was instrumental in brokering a constitutional change.


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