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Thoughtful, unified action is the only way forward


Posted By Staff Writer On June 26, 2014 @ 5:02 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


Guyanese are on Facebook and Twitter and many read letters in the newspapers. Some of them, particularly in the diaspora far from where the bullets and pellets will fly, make frequent calls for mass action against the government. The unjust actions of the PPP/C regime are getting worse. Here, it is hard to stay calm amid increasing poverty and hunger while seeing the obscene lifestyles of the elite. It is hard to be quiet when we see wealthy, powerful people, getting away with wongdoing; when our freedom of speech is strangled; and when we can’t even vote for our local political representatives. It is human nature to want to fight to take back our country.

I agree that we need mass action to reclaim our rights. We must act to get a decent life, political and legal equality, government transparency, accountability, and real democracy. How we mobilise though, and what actions we take, will determine the future of our country. Our actions will either result in a prosperous and united Guyana, or mass bloodshed in a divided, ruined land. No patriotic Guyanese would wish a repeat of the riots of the 1960s. Editor, citizens must instead mobilise to bridge the politically-created racial divide, and work towards an undivided Guyanese national identity with regular democratic elections. Patriotic citizens must realise that Guyanese of all races are suffering under this regime. We must educate ourselves, follow the news, share information, put ourselves in our neighbours’ shoes, and realise that we all suffer or succeed together.

Confronting our neighbours in the streets is not the answer; our fellow citizens are not our enemies. Such misguided action will not remove our oppressors nor build a better future. The results of the Arab Spring stand clearly for themselves. Let us mobilise, but do so intelligently. Because, Editor, thoughtful, strategic, unified, peaceful action is the only way forward.

Yours faithfully,

Mark DaCosta

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Originally Posted by seignet:

Guyanese r not that conscious. Only a few really care or aware of the state the country is in.


It is politics that will bring in a change. What the politicians seys will influence the ballots.

Siggy, politicians have a responsibility to raise people's consciousness on a sustained and ongoing way. They can do this by holding public meetings and bottom-house meetings and even workplace encounters in all three counties. Every month, not only when election time comes.

The PPP was in opposition for 28 years. During all that time PPP leaders and activists were speaking to the masses in towns, villages and workplaces. Public meetings and bottom-house meetings were regular features of PPP work.

At those gatherings activists sold and distributed party literature --- newspapers, pamphlets, handbills, etc.

Sophisticated political and ideological subjects were broken down for the benefit of people with low consciousness.

APNU and the AFC must copy that page from the PPP history book if they seriously want to win supporters/voters.

Having a website on the Internet is a great tool but it cannot compensate for face-to-face contact with the people on their home turf.




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