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Interim Management Committee replaces Matarkai NDC
… based on recommendation by Commission of Enquiry


Georgetown, GINA, March 26, 2012

Source - GINA


The Port Kaituma, Arakaka, Matthews Ridge Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) was dissolved and an Interim Management Committee (IMC) comprising 13 members took the oath of Office before Region One Chairman Paul Pierre on March 25, at the Port Kaituma Neighbourhood Democratic Council Office.


IMC member Shondell St. Just takes the oath before Region One Chairman Paul Pierre


The IMC emanated from a recommendation by a Commission of Enquiry requested by the residents of the Port Kaituma, Matthews Ridge and Arakaka NDCs. The enquiry was conducted and completed on March 15 and was submitted to the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development with the recommendation for an IMC to be installed in that sub district.

Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud, Permanent Secretary Collin Croal along with other Regional Officials who visited that sub-district on March 23 to 26 were present at the swearing in.

One of the reasons outlined in the request for the commission of Enquiry was the irregularity with which meetings were held and the lack of accountability at the NDC level.

Minister Persaud expressed gratitude on behalf of the Government, the Ministry and the NDC to the remaining members of the Matarkai NDC.


Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud , Chairman Paul Pierre and Vice Chairman Fermin Singh in discussion with members of the newly sworn in IMC at Port Kaituma, Region One


He explained that in 1997 Local Government elections were postponed since the general and regional elections took precedence. However after 1997, the leading parties in Guyana signed onto the CARICOM Act which stipulated that when next local government elections are held it should be under a different electoral system and not according to the previous pattern of every three years.

He noted that with the dissolution of the NDC there are now vacancies at the level of Chair, Vice-Chair and Councillors but not for overseer or other staff since those are not affected. Therefore, all assets and liabilities of the NDC are now owned by the Ministry, the Minister said.


The Local Government Minister in keeping with local government regulations and the recommendation of the Commission of Enquiry has identified  the members which constitute the IMC which are as follows:
Wesley Alberts
Norman Robinson
Jennifer Calistro
Celestine Joseph
John James – Vice Chairman
Shondel St.Just
Kishore Etwaroo – Chairman
Esperio Hardoner
Emmanuel Henry
Ignatius Charles
Wayne Holder
Wilma Dass
Simone Benjamin

Minister Persaud said that another discussion will be held for an explanation of the roles of the IMC membership and formal training will be conducted shortly.


He advised of the need to plan ahead for unforeseen circumstances and to be punctual and regular in service to the people.

He encouraged the members to listen to people's problems and difficulties and to share solutions as to how they can overcome the challenges.

The Minister also disclosed that a $3M subvention is available but there must be a programme to show how the money will be spent before it is released.

Other issues such as garbage collection and revenue collection and deposits were discussed.

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