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Demerara_Guy posted:

Interview by Opposition Leader following meeting with President on GECOM Chairman July 4th 2019

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo was interviewed by the media following his meeting with President David Granger on the selection of the GECOM Chairman on July 4th 2019.

For the life of me, I cannot fathom why Jagdeo keep talking about β€œ the President can submit names” for the GECOM Chair. Why did he not go to the meeting and hand Granger a list with six names. Instead he would resubmit the 18 names previously rejected by Granger as not fit and proper. Was the purpose of the meeting to submit a list or discuss process. As I have said before this idiot talks too much. Many on GNI believe that Jagdeo is smart. Not me. I think that he is a fool and a total sell out. My take is that he will give Granger what he wants. He knows that Granger is two faced saying one thing face to face and telling Harmon to do the exact opposite in his name. Remember what I said Rigidity vs Flexibility.

Last edited by Former Member

Bai Don, Jagdeo is just demonstrating that he is a reasonable person. Nothing wrong with him seeing what Granger has to offer to solving the problem he created in 2017 with his arrogant appointment of ole man Patterson. If Jagdeo doesn't indulge Granger, then he would be behaving just as ignorant and arrogant as Granger. But the final list still has to come from Jagdeo. If Granger wants to provide the list, then he would be in effect telling Jagdeo that Jagdeo is the president and not him. Actually, he is in effect not the president as the president and his cabinet fell on December 21, 2018 but if you want to be generous, it fell effectively June 18, 2019.


Granger avoided a reporter’s question regarding the selection of GECOM chair by July 12 when the CCJ meets to hand down decisions. Jagdeo claims that it was agreed that the decision on a GECOM Chair will be done in days. Granger was silent on the H2H issue as if this wasn’t discussed as Jagdeo claims. Question is: Would the parties update to the CCJ be that  they are  still hammering out the selection? Why did Jagdeo not demand that the selection be completed before July 12. I am sure that Granger is roping in Jagdeo to be a party in delaying the election by avoiding the selection of the GECOM Chair before JUly 12.


Jagdeo is a JACKASS to agree for Granger to supply names for GECOM also... more ammunition for APNU to use against PPP.... it’s a can of worms Jagdeo open. 

Jagdeo give away his constitutional right as the opposition leader to provide this list. 

I don’t see the point of yesterday meeting, this discussion could have been done via phone and Jagdeo should have show up with his list. 

Guyana politics is like Kali Yoga.. the dark age. 

Dave posted:

Jagdeo is a JACKASS to agree for Granger to supply names for GECOM also... more ammunition for APNU to use against PPP.... it’s a can of worms Jagdeo open. 

Jagdeo give away his constitutional right as the opposition leader to provide this list. 

I don’t see the point of yesterday meeting, this discussion could have been done via phone and Jagdeo should have show up with his list. 

Guyana politics is like Kali Yoga.. the dark age. 

Maybe Jagdeo wants to see how many condemned, senile negroes Granger will submit. I bet there will be no coolies on his "suggestion" list.


I don’t see where Granger is outsmarting Jagdeo. So far, everything Jagdeo has done regarding the NCM has gone exactly as Jagdeo has expected it. He probably even planned for Granger’s wickedness since December 21, 2018. Plus Granger was pretty much the one the CCJ chastised over this whole debacle. They only asked the two leaders (not that Granger behaves like one) to cooperate because they think Jagdeo’s reasonableness could overpower Granger wickedness if Granger is able to acknowledge how much the CCJ is pissed at him.

ksazma posted:

I don’t see where Granger is outsmarting Jagdeo. So far, everything Jagdeo has done regarding the NCM has gone exactly as Jagdeo has expected it.

He probably even planned for Granger’s wickedness since December 21, 2018.

Plus Granger was pretty much the one the CCJ chastised over this whole debacle.

They only asked the two leaders (not that Granger behaves like one) to cooperate because they think Jagdeo’s reasonableness could overpower Granger wickedness if Granger is able to acknowledge how much the CCJ is pissed at him.

Sometimes you doan make sense,just talking for talk sake, some of your statements are extremely biased.

Firstly, Patterson  GECOM Chairman,unilateral appointment, challenged in Courts by a member of the PPP, then came the CM , which was also challenged in Courts. Now put the pieces together and tell us your findings.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I don’t see where Granger is outsmarting Jagdeo. So far, everything Jagdeo has done regarding the NCM has gone exactly as Jagdeo has expected it.

He probably even planned for Granger’s wickedness since December 21, 2018.

Plus Granger was pretty much the one the CCJ chastised over this whole debacle.

They only asked the two leaders (not that Granger behaves like one) to cooperate because they think Jagdeo’s reasonableness could overpower Granger wickedness if Granger is able to acknowledge how much the CCJ is pissed at him.

Sometimes you doan make sense,just talking for talk sake, some of your statements are extremely biased.

Firstly, Patterson  GECOM Chairman,unilateral appointment, challenged in Courts by a member of the PPP, then came the CM , which was also challenged in Courts. Now put the pieces together and tell us your findings.

Bai, they were only challenged in court because the PNC is not capable of willingly doing the right thing. But just because the PNC will not willingly do the right thing does not mean that one should not attempt to get them to do so or at the very least create a record of their wickedness.

And don’t be so harsh on me bai. We are all biased. I choose to broadcast mine because I answer to no one nor do I apologize to anyone. πŸ˜€


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